Flying... Here's the truth

If there’s a feature that exists, that Blizzard can use to milk more subscription time out of, they’re going to do it.


…which is somewhat ironic, since timegating flying this way causes people to unsub until the next timegate restriction is removed, but they don’t have any data which indicates allowing flying earlier causes people to unsub.

Ultimately, if they would design fun things related to flying, like the races in Shadowmoon Valley > Netherwing Ledge, it would cement the idea that they no longer hate having flying in their game, even though some would still disagree.

I still believe that the best thing for them to do, is allow the achievement to unlock the current zones once you hit max level, get the loremaster for the zones, all areas explored. Then, when the new zones are introduced in a future patch, run the same achievement specific to those zones.


Which is the sad freaking truth. No matter how much the player base complains.

Holy Necro Batman

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I swear you follow me dude. And you even copied my look.

… Apart from them tusks.

Nah. I shave my chin. :wink: :rofl:

A sorry state to let my beloved wow degenerate to.

The pre washington lawyer devs and such that were the once great bliz would have never allowed things to go this direction and eat up a generations worth of good will, one little vindictive poke at a time.


The issue is not flying, its the boring content you have to grind over and over again to keep ahead of the ilvl curb, and the fact flying could get you past this boring grind quicker was locked behind the same boring grind your trying to speed up.

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The truth has been spoked…

Until some idiot answer something like:

If you don’t like to fly don’t fly.

And why is that an “idiot” answer?

It suits both parties.

Because it’s obviously that you have no choice…

Super speed and super jump in WoW? Or MMOs in general?

Whoa nelly the necro’s are real

Heaven’s sakes, we haven’t even had a “days later” bar appear! Quit trying to bury the thread before it’s dead!

I’m not trying to get anything buried. If I didn’t want to see it I’d just mute it.

The problem was the drop out of the sky, kill or take what you needed and then leaving. This could of easily been fixed by a small mount or dismount animation or a timer to get back on the mount. All of this is related to time gating of course and it allows Blizz to put out x amount of content knowing that you will be forced to play x amount of content to finish it. Again though, if Blizz had a re mount timer all of this would be moot.

It’s a City of Heroes thing. Having super speed meant you could travel faster through the city, and with super jump, you could avoid buildings vertically, instead of just zig-zagging along the streets.

Of course, that’s the motivation. But the success is only if what they present is fun. I mean if what you are suggesting was true, the creator of tic-tack-toe would have ended civilization since we all would be playing it all the time every day :wink:

So yes, take their motivation but then realize that to be successful they have to provide activity that is fun and engaging. This is where 8.3 was a bust and hopefully SL will be better.

To date, they have calculated they can take flying away from us for about a year before we revolt, so they keep doing it. It is successful because the other stuff is “fun enough” for about that long, then it’s not.

There’s 3 reasons flying is always disabled with the release of a new expansion:

  1. It paces the game.
  2. Breaks the level of immersion they want you to feel.
  3. Alot of time was put into creating the world not to have you fly over it.
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Forgot the 4th:
4. Ion hates flying

Be glad he doesn’t dislike like mounts! You’d be running everywhere :smiley: Wait… what if he doesn’t like running, best get to walking!

You know what, just be glad he doesn’t make us crawl.