The plan is this and for me it’s worked out beautifully each expansion!
Step one: obtain pathfinder part 1 and unsubscribe until pathfinder part 2 is available
Step two: re-subscribe and enjoy the game
The plan is this and for me it’s worked out beautifully each expansion!
Step one: obtain pathfinder part 1 and unsubscribe until pathfinder part 2 is available
Step two: re-subscribe and enjoy the game
easy compromise- flying auto unlocked when you hit cap for that xpac. done.
are you me?
Exactly how certain are you of this? There exist unknowns beyond the grasp of ordinary people.
It seems that you enjoy WoW Classic according to your character information. Don’t allow your fear of change and progress to cause you to easily dismiss the hopes and dreams of the masses. Unlike those who favor Classic, we are not masochists and welcome any added convenience that saves us time.
In case my name wasn’t enough of an indicator, my motivation for playing this game is solely monetary. Though it does have its highlights from time to time, I enjoy the fact that it is boring enough to keep me focused on growing my network.
I remember when I first started playing just before Firelands was released. Playing this amazing game and being a late bloomer, I was in awe. I still remember my very first flying mount and I still remember the first time my character left the ground. It was an achievement. It was a total and completely satisfying moment to reach. Once Pandaria hit, getting the ability to fly has become an intense grind. Flying is no longer a part of the game, it has become a privilege; an addon that one must jump through several laborious hoops to obtain. More often than not, players, especially casual players, will go an entire expansion without flying just because of how time-intensive it is just to have it. While I completely respect, and somewhat support, the reason behind unlocking flying now, I’d rather have the ability to fly be a lot less of a monumental occasion and moreso a thing that one can get through reduced means to enjoy the world from a different perspective.
How dare you tell me there’s no such thing as magic and monsters. You’re probably going to tell me there’s no Santa Claus and no Easter bunny. Away with you, you dream-eater!
You know the weird part, blizzard does not need to make us do the rep. Flying is unlocked around a certain time frame determined by them anyway. All they have to do is just say it won’t be unlocked until this time. No requirements are really needed. I always found this to be rather odd since pathfinder takes as long as blizzard wants it too.
Unsubscribe is not an option. It’s like surrendering.
Aye, unless this xpac does back flips and heals the blind I think I’m out after the first month. My dumb azz preordered so…
this thread has so much necromancy in it I thought I was back in icecrown.
Someone keeps finding it! Lol
Same, haha. I’m still anxious to get back into raiding, but I legit changed my mind after pre-ordering SL. So I’m just gonna run with it, lol!
Not really. It was only a 2 month lull. This thread now has more posts than the number of years A.D. lol
I mean c’mon if it’s a good thread it’s a good thread lol
I realize in the sl beta there is no pathfinder part 1 at all…
Not surprised.
Agree 100%. Just thinking about logging in makes me sad now. I don’t recognize this game at all anymore.
I would love to just see it either stay or go; this half implementation is what drives me batty.
Flying generally makes the experience for the individual player better but it causes all sorts of other issues; Warmode becomes this annoying game of duck hunt and overworld content just ends up with 10 folks air-dropping like marines to quickly jump a kill and fly to the next target.
I would be “okay” with flying if they really designed ground travel super well into the game, leaving roads fairly wide open from NPC’s, shortcuts / bridges all over the place for rivers and such and making ground travel generally less hostile.
Allow folks to mount up in caves, buildings, etc. also.
For me, that was when i first got to Shat during BC. I was slightly underleveled, and definitely undergeared, and i saw someone fly into the city, and i was stunned. Then i remembered you could fly out there, and i knew what my goal was.
Pandaria, are you sure? I bought flying once I reached level 90 during Pandaria. Warlords of Draenor was when they advertised flying and then let slip that they were going to never put flying in any future expansions.