Flying feels terrible now

You said RPG not MMORPG. There is nothing inherent in either that requires players to be on guard at all times either. Plenty allow for safe places and hover flying…including the one you are playing now.

You are all over the place on this logic wise but let’s say you meant to say MMORPG.

Well what’s the largest MMORPG ever? Hey isn’t it WoW? Hell I would even go so far as to say it is what defines quite a bit about the genre in the modern MMO era. So how many of the years that it has been around has it allowed hovering on a mount forever?

Rpgs are generally pausable. So bringing that into it makes no sense. If you are talking just roleplaying then maybe on an to server but for the rest of it steady flight as a way to essentially pause is accepted and has been for a long time.

Edit: oh and sorry for being so snarky but this

“If you can’t understand the difference of the genre and the act of roleplay you have problems bigger than having to find a safe place to dismount/wait”

Was totally unnecessary. Chill out and we can have a nice conversation.

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Do you know what RPG means and what MMORPG means?

I think you need to take a step back, breath and think before typing.

This now explains your problem across all the threads in which people, some who have had disabilities & actually mentioned them have been against normal flight being gated.

I am proud of the various people with problems that have donned a flame suit to come into the various threads here and there, mention they have a problem and duck out.

You on the other hand… sigh & bye


You don’t want to hear what your problem is.

Yes, something like this would be much better. Aerial halt and hover to switch to original flying.


To all the people coming in and saying how much they love the new flying style. Take a breath. I have read hundreds of comments at this point over a half dozen different posts on this subject and nobody is demanding to get rid of dragonflying.

Players, many of them, want to have an easier and more intuitive way of using the old flying style and are finding the all or none switching to be annoying. Some are druids. Some have issues with nausea. Some just really prefer the old flight. Some just want to switch more easily and intuitively. None of them want to take your kind of flying away from you.


it was what 3 seconds before when casting your mount…so in reality you’re nickel and diming 4 seconds…pick the hill you want to die on.

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Sure, defend making things worse for no reason :dracthyr_shrug:


I do. Sorry man but you are not making much of a case here. RPGs in general are not watch your back something is going to get you affair. MMORPGs are to a certain degree. This MMO has had fly up and be safe for 20 years. Acting like it isn’t a staple of MMO’s when arguably the biggest MMO…and the one we are talking about has had it for 20 years makes no sense. Swapping back and forth between MMORPG and RPG doesn’t help the discussion either.

Look you think it should be, but it hasn’t been for 20 years. Most people don’t care about role playing, they want fun games that don’t stress them out. I still have no idea what you are talking about with the RPG thing if not roleplaying. What do RPGs have to do with how long a mount should stay in the air? Or if you should constantly watch your back? Most rpgs you just pause, or stop moving and you can just wander off and nothing will happen.


If you never played on a PvP server, of course.

And that was a mistake, just like TBC flying was as it was released.

Ok so now we are talking pvp wow, not rpg or mmorpg…we are now swapping to pvp mmorpg in wow. Uhm, yeah I never played that. World pvp is a totally different thing. I do have a question though…what does that have to do with this discussion and how does flying high up not negate that? Did WoW prohibit this over the last 20 years for pvp servers?

Seems like maybe someone could fly up there, dismount and attack them slow fall or something but…yeah that’s a pretty niche thing.

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Sorry what? It was 1.5 to mount to what you wanted. So a full round trip was 3 seconds. Now it is 13 seconds by that same logic. That is about 1.5 hours of your life just waiting if you do it a grand total of…once over the year and a half this expansion will be around.

It’s punitive. It needs to be defended and reasoned out. Maybe they have a great design reason, but right now they just threw it in there after a chunk of an expansion without it, and it just feels bad. It’s less intutive than it was, takes more clicks, and seems to just be there to eat time for no real reason.

I am open to the idea that the design is good but we just don’t understand, but right now they just tossed out a big nerf for no reason. 1.5 hours of my life for one swap a day is big.

Unless your house is on fire or your spouse’s water broke, that 6.5 seconds is fine. Land somewhere safe, switch mode, fly high afk then use restroom or grab a drink or whatever.


No, we’re talking about how the skies should never be a place where you can feel safe. And I just gave you an example.

And you’re just using the hot streak fallacy. Just because something happened or has been happened it doesn’t mean it will continue to happen or should continue to happen.

You’re not entitled to anything.

I haven’t bothered switching flight forms yet and really don’t expect I’ll be doing it enough for the timer to be any sort of bother.

Once or twice sure, but the long term is just a time tax. It’s larger than you think if you check the math on it.

If there is a reason for it, fine. I just don’t see it and have seen no reasoning from Blizzard. Have you? Would love to know the reasoning behind it.


But…you said RPG’s don’t allow this so…didn’t you do that?

I mean who cares about what is right for an RPG if we don’t follow the “hot steak fallacy”?

Also fyi…the hot streak fallacy has nothing to do with this. There is no percentage of loss or well…anything to do with that particular fallacy. This is about tradition and labels…but only because you brought it into the discussion. It would be much saner to just talk about best design and making a fun game.

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That’s honestly about 70% of the game, lol.

You gotta be a little more intelligent to make a rhetoric question with sarcasm.

If that is your argument, then who cares if you can’t wait 5 seconds to change the flight mode and mount up again and fly high “to safety”.

It is your problem.