Flying feels terrible now

You are correct.

This is why we must strive for better QoL from BlizZard.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Whenever a post starts with “ive been playing since X” I immediately zone out

1.5 second cast that doesn’t dismount you, be requires landing and standing still for the cast. Same as how we could just land on a dragonriding mount and click a static flight mount and be flying on that 1.5 seconds later.

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i’ll say one thing…if they’re going to jettison
slow flight…they better make some bigger maps
or the game is going to feel VERYVERY small.


The obvious answer is a short CD to prevent that. Besides, the sheer volume of different mechanics, abilities, interacting systems and math equations running in the background at all times had probobly done more damage to the stability of the game than most anything else. The game always runs like crap when you get any serious number of people in the same area doing something.

This isn’t a hardcore game. The barriers to taking a moment from the game should be minimal at best.

It sounds like your issue is unrelated to the problem. If the 5 sec cast was removed/nerfed/etc, you’d be completely unaffected as you sound like you don’t use static flight at all.

I don’t understand the obsession some players have over wanting others to be unhappy with the game

This would be a perfectly fine alternative.

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I think flight performance should be based on the mount you use. Every mount should have it’s own flight patterns depending whether it makes sense for them to be able to hover like a hummingbird, soar for days like an albatross, or jet across the sky like a peregrine falcon. Also all flight restrictions should be backed up with in-game consequences rather than bans. Intelligent foes will have air defenses. Wilderness may have wicked airborne predators. New zones may have extreme atmospheric storms. Fly all you want, but until these are countered (through campaign quests) you may die a lot. You should probably all be happy I don’t run the game. :smiley: Although my old D&D campaigns were pretty popular… (jus sayin)

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Too late the TWW maps are TINY. And this makes it apparently clear that world content in the second expansion in a row is going down hill AGAIN.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Something that always confuses me about posts like these (asking for QoL changes) is all the naysayers coming in to whine about it, like the requested solution or feature wouldn’t also benefit them.


Do you people process these thoughts as they come into your head? If you think a feature is fine the way it is, fine! Good for you. How is someone asking for it to be better a bad thing?

Instead of popping into each thread to fight against change ask yourself “If OP’s request was implemented, would I care? Would I benefit?” Answering those questions before you start commenting would probably save you a lot of time and stress fighting against things that you apparently don’t care about.

Anyway, nice post OP. It doesn’t bother me the way it is but if Blizzard removed the 5 second cast that’d be cool too.


The only way I now of gaining speed with goblin glider is with use of rocket boots to give you some inertia while gliding.

I know right? A very simple solution to a problem that wasn’t a problem before…

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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I bet this, combined with the amount of verticality, will make swapping feel even worse. Verticality will only make swapping based on being out of vigor more prominent.

I already swap several times per quest area. DF from the hub land to clear some mobs
Static over several packs of enemies I don’t need, to land and kill more mobs.
DF over to a kill single target quest.
Then DF over to a collect quest.
Static around the area for the collect quest before DFing to another another hub.
Static around the hub so it’s easier to fly around the quest givers.
DF to the next quest, then Static around the kill more mobs.

I hope this won’t feel even worse in TWW as I feel it will.

Enjoy your 5 second cast time in that case. Because that’s very likely to stick around. As Blizzard has made it very clear that they are fine if you want to choose one or the other, but not both.

It’s not really something you choose one or the other, or they would have made you go back to a city to swap like in war mode. We already were able to swap between dynamic and static much faster than now. It didn’t negatively impact gameplay until the prepatch. Those who didn’t swap often before, still don’t now

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Man, I was just about to buy the new expansion but first dropped 300k gold for a token to come back and see how things are right now and immediately was disgusted by how horrible this new swap system is. This thing seriously messed up Druid Flight Form. I’ve just been angrily jerking my bird around all night.

If this is how flying is going to be from now on, I’m out. I’ve played for 20 years and you can screw over the classes and nerf fun wherever you see it, but the moment you screw with the “control” of this game, that’s where I just can’t play.

It’s like adding a stamina bar to the game in order to jump, preventing you from spam jumping while walking. Do the Devs just not play the game and think, “Yeah, this feels like crap”?


THIS. I know it’s selfish but I’m sad we lost the instant switch


Yes it is. It is an universal setting that you change via a 5 second cast.

I have no problem with this suggestion. Might be something they could add as well.

Which is why they made this change, because they don’t want folks to do that.

It very much so did. And it has been explained a near endless number of times for the past two weeks.

Which is clearly Blizzard’s goal. Something which they implicitly stated during Blizzcon.

I use normal riding, the 420% is the only good thing about the changes.

Oh dear lord, of all the things to cry about

Terrible idea. Let’s further inconvenience players.

When did the Blizzard Is Always Right mantra become so prevalent? Not every change is a good one and we don’t have to be happy with them. Honestly, forcing players to play their way isn’t fun, and neither is worsening QoL

Many of the explanations I’ve seen boiled down to:
They already dislike flying/static.
Want the game to be harder .
Don’t swap often, so others shouldn’t need to.
Blizzard said so.
It’s degenerate gameplay (???).
Don’t want Blizzard to cater to “crybabies.”
Makes the game traversal more involved.

I’m not on my phone constantly so I may have missed some others, but none of these explain how gameplay was effected negatively with being able to swap between both types quickly.

Deflating the issue doesn’t help anyone

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Neither does crying about it, because it’s not an issue. You can also change it back to the old flight, and the being able to dragon ride with all mounts feels just like it did in Dragon Flight