Flying feels terrible now

I like that. Or, let us have a toggle to go back to the way flying was working BEFORE they messed it up - some mounts automatically fly like normal, and some mounts automatically fly like dragons. What was wrong with the way it was?

Thanks, so many original ideas here. Iā€™m confident you will adapt to whatever this game throws your way.

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we didnā€™t just have it? because some people are asking for the option to hand pick which mounts to have dragon flying and which to be steady flightā€¦ thatā€™s something we did not haveā€¦you had the dragon flying mounts then 400 whatever other mounts had dynamic flight added to themā€¦

I do NOT want my flying mounts to go back to that slow boring steady flight crap. I enjoy them with dynamic flight.

I didnā€™t see this as an issue whatsoever.

All speculation. I can, with a 100% assurity, say that you donā€™t actually have any data supporting this. The opposite, in fact seems true. As yes, a small portion of players use the forums(enough, atleast for a sampled consensus.) It is still indicative that a large amount of players do not like the nerf/change.

We did just have both options The dev time to change the 7.5 seconds back to 1.5 seconds would require very minimal development time compared to say hero talents. The mounts have already been ported to the new flight system, so the work to change this would be astronomically small.

What I believe he means is that we had normal flying mounts, and dragon riding only. Thus, yes, you have the option to pick either at only the cost of a 1.5 second cast.

The addition of the new flight to many other mounts is an absolutely awesome change. But the nerf comes from the 1.5 seconds to swap, to now 7.5 seconds.

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Before the patch, some mounts were steady, some dragonriding. Allow us to toggle a specific mount to steady only.

A mount is a mount. The graphic is different is all.

The option to change flying style toggles it for all mounts. It canā€™t be difficult to be able to toggle an individual mount.

So the infrastructure is essentially there.

Not sure how this is even relevant to the discussion, but OK. Donā€™t check the box for steady flying, if you donā€™t want to quickly switch mounts to hover AFK.

You can gain/flap infinite times if you dragonride correctly.

It would be cool if we can do both. Manually select mounts to choose their flight type, AND provide a way to swap with less time and no dismount.


Now this I really like.

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It just feels weird.

My broom shouldnā€™t be acting like a dragon in the air. Some mounts just work better with traditional flying.

Iā€™m ok with a 5 second cooldown to change flight styles, and having to land before switching mounts (would be odd to flip mid flight).

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The cloud serpents also feel like this. The camera is too high and the movements of the mounts body make it harder to determine small directional adjustments.

A CD would be fine, as long as it remains as that, it would fix any potential gameplay issues of spam swapping fast.

Iā€™d be fine with having to land to swap, but at the time it takes to summon a mount. Although, I am still a big fan of instant swapping.

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You have both options just use whatever float your boat. Go in the mount section you can have your old flying bag is a spell and guess what they even increase the speed of it

Ngl the broom is one of my fav mounts with skyriding.

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Skill issue

The problem is a lot of players like to swap between the two modes, and they essentially just increased the time to do so

crapā€¦I just logged off, lolā€¦I wanted to check the broom with SRing out .

Yes, blizz considers it a problem that people like to swap so much and addressed it by increasing the time it takes.

Not saying I agree, just pointing out that blizzā€™s problem and our problem isnā€™t the same.


It feels like a manufactured issue though. We already had the precident of being able to quickly swap between the modes, it wasnā€™t overpowered or gamebreaking whatsoever. There was no issue that was caused by it. Those who swap a lot did, and those who didnā€™t, didnt.

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Same reason they keep sticking normal flight behind pathfinder, itā€™s not how they want us to engage with the content.

Iā€™m surprised (and glad) they kept old flying at all TBH.

It is terrible way it is now just give us a third option that keeps both ways of flying available as it was before this prepatch. Problem solved for everyone that likes Skyriding, Old Flying, or both lol.