Flying feels terrible now

It is indeed a desperate attempt of a failing regime at BlizZ HQ.

This is their last attempt because once PF is removed it will be the end for their crusade against TBC normal flying. That is why people like using both DR and TBC normal flying and BlizZard falsely assumed that people would dump TBC normal flying and be happy with the scraps of DR. Big miscalculation.

Yeah it seems to be a power struggle now and with different teams communicating different intent on class and game design in general. You have some devs saying that TBC normal flying is an accessibility feature but other devs say that it is locked behind another PF.

Another example is with DR speed. The DR speed in Dragon Isles is faster than old world speed because the maps are larger. But then you have another dev team go design TWW maps which are smaller which requires the reduction of DR speeds to be the same as old world maps. One dev team said they want to use DR in new content but then the other dev team designs maps that counters the original team’s intent of making larger maps. Go figure?

You have one team doing A while the other team is doing B and there is no consistency of message or action.

Same issue with class design and everything else right now.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Yes - I think of the “Takes one generation to build it, and two to ruin it” except it’s more like “It takes one team to design something really cool, and two to ruin it before it goes live for the general userbase.”

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I don’t know… choose one or the other as a preference and you never have to use a 5s cast? It is a sad day when having options is the actual problem, sign of the times I guess.


I am not as bothered by these changes as most people… but I do think it would have been better to let us chose the setting for individual mounts… the same way we have mount equipment now. Somewhere in that menu should have been the toggle. :upside_down_face:

they certainly made it clunkier to
switch back and forth.
i had 2 mounts hot keyed
one standard/one glider.
the gliders are great for distances/
but clunky for punctuated precision


I agree with this. I bet the button is required because the mount is probably a different mount_ID in their database and the button is there to tell the game to check the separate table, but the cast shouldn’t be 5 seconds long.

yeah this is the setup that i had as well.

i finally got used to it and started to actually enjoy dragon riding when i had previously loathed it.

now they go ahead and make this change to make flying feel worse again.


Bingo. If they felt they could get away with removing old flight, they would have. The outcry about accessibility is probably the only thing keeping it around.


What if there was a talent in the skyriding tree? —> Fast Swap

Then another, Remount with no cast needed. What is this? Your mount stays hovering next to you and you can just hop back on and keep going.

For Druids: Instaswap, swap back and forth between each flight type seemlessly and quickly at will.

Also: Gunship: You turn into a deadly aresnal in the air and can lay down heavy supressive fire for X seconds on a long cd. 3 new options appear on your action buttons. Only for outdoor content!


I can only agree partly with this. Dragons are still a bit to fast to investigate rough terrain at close range. Like when you’re trying to find the cave with the treasure in a hillside.

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I can’t agree more. As a Druid, having an instant cast stable mount makes life incredible for all the reasons the OP mentioned. And, I totally agree that having many more mounts able to use the dynamic/dragonriding flying method is great as well. I see zero reason to have to use a toggle that affects ALL flying. At the very least, I would like to designate some mounts to NOT use the new flight type so I can use these mounts for more precise flying and when I want to hover. This change really needs to be removed and or/re-engineered to let us keep the best aspects of both types of flying.

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Cast time needs to be instant and performed while on mounts! This is trash @blizzard. Wake up.


In the many years of my life I never heard so many people complain about a “wait time” of 10 seconds. Wait until you are an old person and spend hours waiting in any medical facility - far more often than when you were younger - for your 20 minutes with a health care provider.

Then come cry to me about 10 seconds.

My Gawd !!!


It feels like a punishment because it is meant to be one. IMO it’s just another part of Daddy Blizz’s spite campaign against real flying. Just like the Pathfinder spitegate. All I can say is once Pathfinder is over I doubt I’ll hit the toggle into gliding more than once a week. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:


It really feels like they don’t even know where they want to go with it. I can see them combining both together some way in the near future and this i just a bandaid situation we’re in :expressionless:

When you can gain altitude at will and indefinitely it’s not called gliding. Obviously you don’t like it but try not to be intentionally dishonest because you think it make your opinion more valid

yes but you can gain and flap up to 6 timers then only glide or fall

It needs to be a no dismount spell and take the same amount of time a dismount and remount took.

Also, I would love to just be able to set favorites to two options. New or old flying. It wouldn’t take up too much more data than 1 byte per mount and would only be there if you add it to a favorite.

The current time is just silly. No clue who thought this made the game better than it was.

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does it feel more course or smooth???

I’m personally fine with it the way it is, but if Blizz did decide to change it I think the most intuitive way to do it would be for the change to be instant, usable while mounted, and have a vigor cost.

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