I have no problem with it at all. If you learn how to use dragon flying or sky riding…whatever it called. There is no reason to ever switch. The problem is that its takes a little skill and you have to pay attention.
There is no reason to assume it.
I never said that.
Not assuming a specific reason for something doesn’t mean I’m magically assuming some other specific reason.
I stand by what I said.
I do not assume the intent maybe it was spite, maybe it was a technical issue. But we have no way of knowing because we cannot magically divine said information. So unless they tell us. I make no assumptions on the intent of why this was done. Only that it was done and that I’d like it changed. If it cannot be changed then they can communicate that.
A toggle switch of 5 second is not about skill. It is your tolerance for a penalty.
I have higher standards thank you very much.
Kinda wild that you keep doing that.
Doing what?
I have stated that I am making no assumption about the intent.
I’m not saying “I assume there was no motivation” I’m syaing that I assume no motivation. As in I am not assuming the motivation.
You are doing by stating that there is no reason to assume that there is a REASON for them to add the 5 second timer.
Or are you so dense that you can’t see that?
There is no reason to assume there is, or isn’t a reason. Assuming here is a fool’s errand and doesn’t help anyone.
I think you are seeing what I want to see. You see me make statement A: and somehow extrapolate that I also mean statement B: even though I never said that.
Saying there is no reason to assume there is a reason is not the same as I assume there is no reason. I’m saying assuming here is pointless and that until they say something hypotheticals about the intent is irrelevent and we should focus on the impact with our feedback.
The timer is there. You’re just stating that everything is done without a reason.
You can’t even be honest with what you’re saying, right?
If you are not saying that, I’ll say it for you:
You’re blaming devs for adding the 5s and that they’re doing it out to spite players, because, as per your words, there is no reason for a timer to be added there, because you assume there is no reason.
Have a good day, sir.
I have literally never said this.
Like I said
Quote where I said “I assume there is no reason” Go ahead.
You’re putting words in my mouth. I never said any of that. And if you got that from what I’ve said anywhere in this thread then you are creating a stawman of me in your mind and arguing with me on the forums based on your strawman version of me rather then wha tI am actually saying.
I have said MULTIPLE times to not make assumptions. Which INCLUDES that the devs are doing it out of spite. THAT IS AN ASSUMPTION.
For me right now their intent = unknown. And until they clarify it it’ll continue to be that way. My feedback is based on the IMPACT that there is a 433.33~% increase time to switch flight styles from before the pre-patch. I’m suggesting they reduce it or remove it. Or in the very least explain the reason why they changed it.
Not a man, and not in the military so “sir” is an incorrect honorific.
so u prefer normal to this dragon gliding
Another flying cry thread then?
Exactly. If the swap was made easier it would only have a positive effect. Those who use both modes can use them as they had for a while, and those who don’t use both would be unaffected.
This is the awful feeling myself and others continue to run in to. I find using both modes of flight on a whim to be far more engaging than either one on their own.
The fact anyone can see this math and be fine with the change is insane. Inconvenience for the sake of Inconvenience.
100% true. The difference between the dragonriding mounts and any other mount with dynamic flying is only in incomplete/broken animations that are yet to be fixed. Ergo, cosmetic
Have you conceded to the possibility that: Since you dont use static flying, both using static flying, and having swapping made easier, has absolutely zero effect whatsoever on your gameplay?
The game as a whole would improve massively if more people had high standards for it
It’s fine.
I have said it once, I will say it again, if you are switching so often within a 15 minute or so period between one type of flight to another and back n forth that you are adding a crazy amount of extra down time to your game play because of the cast time of the swap mechanic before the two flight forms. You are crazy as a fox in the desert chasing it tail.
You are even more crazy if you sit there over hours, days or weeks and keep track of said wasted time.
I think this falls under:
I really dont understand this sentiment. If you don’t swap/swap often, then a removal/reduction in the cast wouldn’t effect you.
I use old flying. It feels better to me.
My biggest issue when you compare it to the GW2 flying is the time it takes to regenerate orbs on the ground + a lack of wall grabbing.
As it stands, the orbs regenerate faster while flying as high speeds than they do while static and doing nothing. That’s mind-bogglingly stupid to me. And no Blizzard, that doesn’t mean it needs to regen slower in the air.
When you’re landed you should gain all 6 back within a few seconds.
Most people are just petty and happy to throw their limited weight behind Blizz’s decisions so they feel like they are in a bit of control for a moment.
I tend to play 8 or more hours per day across 40 or more toons 7 days per week and have now for 20 years. Now saying that I use flight a heck of a lot to get around and do things in WoW. I can tell you right now, I can get everything done just as efficiently with flight the way it is now as it was before. I sure do not dwell on just how many seconds I lose in a day on switching between flight modes and just in that amount, if I would some how would win some pretty more shiny’s in the game perhaps any faster or accomplish it with better speed. To me, personally thinking, that is way too much micro management of ones time in a game that really deep down is in the very since of all things important in life itself, just a real waste of ones times, just there for general enjoyment anyways.
My wife said I play a lot.