Flying feels terrible now

Pick one, why are you switching between both types?


dragon riding is technically flying.
normal flying is just swimming in air.


And you were answered but you never like nor accept the answer.
You are not here to debate. You are here to try to show that your idea and your path is the correct.

I’m trying to show you what could possibly led for this situation, which you are reluctant to even concede it can be correct.

Myself, on the other hand, I am here debating with you, who is expressing your concerns but you can’t make an argument for, other than accusing Blizzard for purposefully adding 5 seconds cast just to spite players, and that is a stretch.

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Where was I answered?

I must’ve missed it.

I’m willing to concede it’s a convivence if you can explain to me how it fits under the definition of convenience. And not just say “it is for some people” explain how it is for those people.

I find your mind reading powers fascinating. The fact that they work across the internet too is impressive.

You gave a possibility. But there is no evidence for that possibility and until there is, I’ll dismiss it. And continue to request that they remove the 5 seconds cast time until A: They removeit. Or B: They actually tell us of a technical issue.

They have not told us there is a technical reason for this as such there is no reason to assume there is one versus it being a design decision. I read your hypothetical but I’m not going to act as if that’s fact when there is currently nothing to suggest it other than it makes sense to you.

I have no idea what their motivation for it was. It could’ve been spite but that’s also making an assumption. I have no idea what the intent or reason behind it is. All I know is that they increased the cast time by 433.33~%. I only know the impact of their actions. So until they give a reason then I assume no reason. Therefor I give feedback that I’d like it to be changed. They’re free to change it, or explain why it has to be this way, or the most likely option is ignore feedback.

I have no idea why they slowed DF down. Have they said? It would be nice if they removed the switch. I can see the advantage of having more mounts with skyriding. So that leads me to the idea of being able to set each flying mount to steady or skyriding. I don’t know how complicated it would be to make that work.

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Then you gotta stop saying this:

I was doing it all the time on my druid for a few days, now I am too pissed off to play my druid much.


You can just say you don’t like that flying and feel that dragon flying would be better for the game going forward, no argument there. Saying that flying, how it was from TBC till DF had any major effects on the game beyond neutral at worst is just a weird attempt to validate your dislike of the old flying system which you don’t have to do. It is okay to just say " I don’t like static flying"

WoW was, is and most likely will remain the best MMORPG in MMO history as the genre and video games have evolved so much that the idea of a huge world is accomplished in other games now and the want/need for such games has diminished. Flying has been there since TBC. It isn’t anywhere a subject to point at that WoW started to go bad. Especially since after TBC came Wrath which is often stated as the best point in WoW and it had that type flying.


Pretty much already said that. And I’m happy that all new players will go forward with Skyriding as their first flying experience. They will never get to see TBC flying now that dragonflight is the default leveling experience.

It is a fact. Not only that but all the devs already stated that if they could they wouldn’t have introduce flying again, not like that. I’m just in line with majority of players who have voiced their opinions on how flying mounts trivialized the game way too much and created this nonsensical feeling that the skies are a safe place for everyone just mount up and fly up higher.

Yes, because it made it so that they couldn’t make really simple quests and had to think about how the player could now navigate the world. Dragon flying changes this little.

Yeah, that is fine. Blizzard could have done so much to make this not a thing but they decided to be lazy for years except for a few times in certain zones. Your issue is with blizzard not other players who used the tools given to them.

Flying can be on the talking points about people having a falling out of wow but again laughable that it is any of the major talking points on why wow started to slip. There is just so much more to discuss than flying.

The current interaction of skyriding does that a lot.

I mean there should be really any discussion around flying?
People initiating discussions are the ones complaining:

  • There is a pathfinder for TBC flying (which has been happening consistently since WoD), but this time it just require the completion of the campaign and exploring the existing zones, totally doable with ground mounts. Nevertheless, an improvement from the previous interactions.
  • People do not accept that Skyriding is available from the Get-go and say it is the same as TBC flying, with the exception of what I’ve already said: TBC flying trivializes the campaign and requires no effort. Skyriding does not do that and most of the time you’ll find yourself using ground mounts during the campaign, since you don’t have the Dragonriding skill that refreshes your vigor on killing mobs, so, cannot be used for questing.
  • People having trouble to cope with the 5 seconds to switch between flying modes and throwing mud and accusations everywhere.

If there weren’t for these 3 groups, that keep making more and more threads once their threads become older and get refuted with logical reasoning and common sense.

In the end they don’t want a discussion, they want everyone in thread agreeing with them and never conceding to the other possibility.

Communication would be nice but the TWW maps are small like the old world maps.

So that is what we have surmised.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Bro all I know is instant flight form skyriding Anu’relos is pretty sweet.

Flying is not fun.

I can no longer chill, fly around and check things out.

Every time I fly all I do is feel frustrated and annoyed and dealing with RANGE ANXIETY on my stupid mount.

Besides that: “Switch Flying Styles” is the dumbest name for an RPG ability ever.

“Dynamic Flight”, “Steady Flight” what engineer did that? It’s like this never made it out of development and it never made it into the world of warcraft. It just died in the engineering programming phase and shoved down out throats as raw uncooked white page text book.

Also mounts in Dynamic and Steady look exactly the same. So people like me who play with the entire GUI hidden have no idea what mode the mount is in.

I hate dragon riding and I wish it never happened. This entire expansion just ended with a huge dump and I wish I didn’t have 6 months subscription left.


Oh and when dragon riding power runs low I have to save up 1 or 2 and then fly around in circles recharging. That’s the dumbest most boring thing ever.

I have to fly to recharge flying? Dumbest thing ever.

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There’s an icon that shows which mode flight is in.

What is the point of comments like this? I used to be able to choose in a way that didn’t feel bad. That’s it. No mystery or deep debate. Your stance is just against people having opinions it seems. You don’t even seem to have an opinion on this topic other than to tell people to suck it up.

Total waste of time.


It wouldn’t be harder than setting a favorites list. You would just split the favorites into two categories, add a second tick box and everything would default to it’s default flight type unless one is set. Pretty sure you could even just use one boolean to do it by taking advantage of NULL. No extra data would have to be stored, just reworked from the current favorites into dynamic fav, and steady fav.


I assume no motivation. I only know the impact. Therefor I am giving feedback that it should be changed. If there is a reason it can’t be changed they can say that But I don’t know that and it’s silly to just assume there was a technical limitation.

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You literally said that there is no reason to believe that there is a technical or need for those 5 seconds unless Blizzard says.

With that, you’re saying their motivation is to piss off players.

Either take back what you said or stand proud by what you said.