Flight: why are we waiting longer than we did in Legion?

Flying was a major part of the game back then. They created an honest world to explore and not this on rails nothing but rolling mountains that contain one correct path anywhere.

Spite? Yes spite. The devs wanted to remove flying going forward but the player push back was too strong so they had to keep it in. The “middle ground” isn’t a middle ground. There were no players asking for no flying. It’s the devs spiteful punishment.

Yes no players were asking for flying to be removed. It was only after the whole WoD “will we fly will we not fly” debacle happened then players came out claiming they also wanted flying removed.


Yes, which means you are literally skipping everything between point A and point B.

Travel is not gameplay. Those useless mobs that drop grey garbage and are there to only slow us down are not gameplay.

When those mobs start dropping:

Craft mats
usable items.

let me know.

We had flight at seven months in Legion

Max level flight in


…and no one was “skipping content” then either.

Flight is not an issue in FF14 and never will be, because they DESIGN ENGAGING CONTENT around flight and create massive vistas and scenery. They design content that requires or incorporates flight.

So I very much doubt they will regret adding flight in at any time in the next ten years.

New expac due in June, Shadowbringers. You will be able to fly there as well, after unlocking it. And no, there is no mandatory 12 month wait period after you have done it all to be able to fly.

They have their own Pathfinder, I grant you…but no one year timegate attached.

So if they can do it…why cant Blizzard?

Pathfinder 1 should have allowed us to fly once completed.

Or add flight in 8.1.5.

My issue isnt with Pathfinder…its with me sitting for TWELVE SOLID MONTHS waiting for part 2 content which will, I am certain, include at least three new rep grinds which will take a minimum of four weeks to do.

8.1.5 isnt off PTR.

Best guess for drop is either start or end March. Maybe mid March.

8.2, unless there is a huge change in patch content timing, will be a minimum of three months away, including at least four weeks on PTR.

End March - April - May - June with 8.2 probs launch end June *(unless delayed) or start July, add the time to take for the content and rep grinds and we STILL end up in August 2019.

Even at a conservative estimate, thats still eleven months since launch until we fly.

For me, thats excessive. I wouid have had no issue with P2 had it been according to the Legion timetable. Or 8.1.5 after a six month wait. Tharts reasonable.

But it isnt.

So thats why I am leaving, Kirela. Thats not a “tantrum”, this is an adult stating exactly WHY he is dissatisfied with the way flight has been handled. Thats my prerogative.

You do as you wish.


Oh and now theres this as well.

We’re not just losing most of the portals in Legion Dalaran either. They’re also deleting the Caverns of Time portal in Northrend Dalaran too.

When 8.1.5 hits live, there won’t be any portals to Caverns of Time anymore AFAIK, and there also won’t be portals to Karazhan anymore either, which is a big deal since Mages can’t even cast portals to Caverns of Time and Karazhan IIRC.

Also, all of the portals in Boralus except Stormwind’s and Silithus’ are being removed as well, in stark contrast to Dazar’alor where all the portals are still available.

Furthermore, it looks like Horde players will no longer have a quick way to get to the Dark Portal either, while the Alliance will still be able to be teleported there by talking to an NPC.


I just…don’t understand why the devs just want to make things so tedious for us…


Can you link the info for this please. If its true I am unhappy about this.


Can you link the info for this please. If its true I am unhappy about this.

Of course.

OK, but Im still trying to find any official or semi-official indication that the Northrend Caverns of Time portal is gone. I haven’t been able to access the PTR so I’m not able to check it out there myself.


as someone who jumped on the WoW train late, and is still farming lots of old content for mounts/achievements/pets/rep, here are the portals I include in my weekly schedule

  • Caverns of Time
  • Karazhan
  • Wyrmrest Temple

These save me a LOT of time. Please put them back.

I’m a mage so I wasn’t using the Darnassus/Ironforge portals, but I’m sure my alts will suffer.




This is very distressing news. Portals make the game playable. Seriously. I have lots of things I’m working on in the game and they’re all over the WOW world(s). The portals make me able to get to the places I need to be so I can do the things I want to do. If I feel like all I’m doing in game is traveling, I’m going to seriously be rethinking whether playing WoW is a good use of my leisure time.


Did you see the part where the portals in Boralus are being removed?

Exodar and IF portals gone.

I predict the removal of portals could very well be as much a blow-up as the removal of flight in WoD. I know that right now I’m as angry about the idea as I was about their announcement regarding flight. However, I’m saving my real fury for when/if such a fiasco goes live.


Its on the PTR…whether or not it goes live, I dont know.

Let me know when you intend to explode will you? Not even a warlock is crazy enough to get in the way of a raging bull…:scream:

I’d love to see the logic or reason behind the removal of things like the Caverns of Time portal. I started playing in 2009 in early Wrath and it was there then - why would they remove something so useful, that gets players to go to different areas of the game they might not normally visit, to make use of them?

I dunno, I can’t figure them out, really.


“Skipping content that devs worked so hard on” is an old, tired argument. So is the "You can still fly in all the expansions before Legion (if you don’t have Legion Pathfinder). Flying should be made available once you have completed all the storylines in every zone. That will ensure you see all the content. By the time you have finished doing what you wanted/needed to do on your main, having flying for your alts is a valuable use of your time. It isn’t necessary so travel on the same ground terrain alt after alt after alt.

Doing the storylines should suffice. It’s all about time played metrics; it has nothing to do with people “burning through the content”. The laundry list of things, including the completely unnecessary Pathfinder - Part 2 is basically a big “Eff You” to the player base.

Grinding out rep for all factions is NOT content.

And speaking of the Allied Races, and the paltry 75 rep per WQ, again is only to increase the time played metric. Thank Elune for Emissary! For me, my time played will increase once the Allied Races become available.

But they don’t see that, apparently.


WHAT? It’s not bad enough that they’re removing portals from “obsolete” content - which I consider to be pretty bad, personally, and also pointless - now they’re also stripping portals from CURRENT content?

You know, I joke about the game really being “Current Zone of Warcraft”, but it’s supposed to be a JOKE, Blizz. Not a freaking suggestion!


I’d take anything on the PTR vanishing from one build to the next with a hefty grain of salt. That being said, they need to remove all but SW & Org from the “capital cities” category, since everything is centered or has to be done, in those 2 cities, and not any of the others.

I agree about the portals gripe in the context that nobody asked for this, and nobody but the Vision of the devs seems to enjoy making travel among their abundantly sized world more tedious.

On the flipside, I could see them intentionally stripping these things away, with the intention of bringing them back after consideration from listening to the playerbase for some much-needed goodwill and pats on the back.

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There’s a difference between “easier” and “faster”. Trust me… as players complete their 10,000th world quest, they’re not concerned with juking mobs or which path leads up the mountain this time (oh, what exciting and engaging gameplay).

No, they want it done faster.

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I like plenty of the content in BFA and flying would help me get to said content faster. Instanced content is not affected either way, so bring on the flying.

Once my 3 month subscription is up, I’ll likely unsub until flying returns. Plenty of others feel the same way and I haven’t seen much (if any) comments saying people will quit the game if flying returns.


Huh. I was pretty sure you were mocking something they had said on a stream about the development of Legion or BfA, which is why I said they weren’t wrong. I think it rings true enough that it stands fine on its own-- when you’re able to fly, you’re going to miss things.

“We’ll piss off the players now so we can generate goodwill by reversing the decision later” does, sadly, sound like the kind of logic these devs might use.