Flight: why are we waiting longer than we did in Legion?

So the solution is enable flying outside of WM. Works for me.


What happens in WarMode stays in WarMode. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I’m against mounting up and flying on a mount! Then again I’m a druid! :smiley:

That’s fair.

My biggest theory on why they’re waiting is that there’s going to be some large world event and the developers don’t want flying in it. Just an idea.

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My biggest theory on why they’re waiting is that there’s going to be some large world event and the developers don’t want flying in it. Just an idea.

Heres mine.

Remove the one year timegate and release flight with 8.1.5. I was happy to wait a reasonable amount of time…but a year isnt what Id call “reasonable”

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I didn’t say my idea was right or wrong. It was just an idea. lol

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There is a 3rd camp though. I can see the logic behind staving off flight and I don’t mind pathfinder. I do think they could rethink the timetable next expansion, but I also know that there are consequences to moving flight up.

I know.

I wish they would have that actually…I wish theyd kept the Pre Legion invasions…I wish these incursions were Azeroth wide…


I can see the logic behind staving off flight

There is no “logic” in making us wait AN ENTIRE YEAR to fly.


People have already brought up logical points, but you brush them off so there’s no point in trying to discuss it with you.

“I don’t care about PvP therefore it’s not a point”

“I don’t care what it does to professions therefore that’s not an argument”.

Maybe you don’t care and blizz does. Maybe there is a reason neither one of us considered. Either way, you’re just continuing your tantrum instead of discussing so I am done replying to you every time you snip something I put in a reply to someone else.

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may which is the most likely month 8.2 will come out is not a year after launch


Last night I picked up the phone and made a call to a games customer service to ask some basic questions. I called them.

I CALLED THEM. Let that sink in a moment.

Oh and FF14 will have flight in Stormblood, Shadowbringers and Heavewnsward. No timegate. None of the issues you claim flight creates. So it strikes me as funny that if flight creates the issues you dsay it does…why is FF14 embracing what WOW says is a detriment to MMO gameplay?


8.1.5 is mid March, 8.2 drop wont be six or seven weeks later.

It will be on PTR AT LEAST two months.

Thats June and July. Add the time to do whatever content and grind reps and thats August. Thats a year.


I haven’t played FF enough to get into all of the details and know how everything works (like PvP if it even exists), but overall I would say maybe they will regret it down the road like blizz did. Maybe their systems are different enough that flying won’t affect anything. I don’t know what it has to do with WoW though.

Oh don’t try GW2 though. They only have gliding similar to how goblin gliders work which says to me they don’t want flying anytime soon.

but overall I would say maybe they will regret it down the road like blizz did.


Dont tell Yoshi P that.

. Maybe their systems are different enough that flying won’t affect anything. I don’t know what it has to do with WoW though.

Its still player directed flight so it is the same…only they dont have the issues you claim flight creates.

Oh don’t try GW2 though. They only have gliding similar to how goblin gliders work which says to me they don’t want flying anytime soon.

I wont be.

Y’see, Kirela, and this is what you dont get. Flight and no timegate is ONE thing they can offer me…FF14 actually has several things they can offer me that “cant be done” in WOW.

Told you.

It isnt just flight. This one year wait was the proverbial last straw.

I like WOW, I like the people…but to me, it gets kinda wearing to keep hearing “we cant do this”…when others can AND HAVE done what Blizzard says “cant be done”.



Had you noticed that for the most of this this thread, you have been dismissing the viewpoints of others as “inconsequential” or a "tantrum"and stating repeatedly that the wishes of others arent of any real worth because you dont think it is something they shouid have?

According to what YOU think is right and wrong? What YOU think is a priority and what isnt?

Know what the difference is between me and others? I at least have posted my concerns. The others dont do any of that…they just quietly cancel and walk out the door…and trust me, those are the ones you will notice by their absence.

I had this same discussion in WOD, I was dismissed and laughed at back then too.

No one is laughing now.


There are no consequences to giving us flying at max level. It worked PERFECTLY for 8 years in wow’s history. The only thing it will do is make people happier. I know for a fact if they keep this time gated flying after this long I will NOT buy the next expansion until flying is available. Yes it’s that important to me.


It DIDN’T work for them anymore if they decided to get rid of it or change it to pathfinder.

It DIDN’T work for them anymore if they decided to get rid of it or change it to pathfinder.

Pathfinder is a direct evolution from their catastrophic misstep. Had Blizzard NOT implemented pathfinder, that sub loss would not have stopped.

It is entirely possible that WOD would have been the last expac.


It was the most successful time in wow’s history. No the only reason we don’t have flying right at max level is petty spite from the devs because the players wouldn’t allow them to completely remove flying going forward. Pathfinder is the player’s punishment.