Flight switching as it's implemented is ridiculous

Maybe the evidence for your claim has just been scrubbed from Google. :roll_eyes:


If Blizzard had fully acknowledged that it is indeed a full up accessibility reasoning, why would they lock it behind requiring things in game to unlock said accessibility?

That’d be like saying you have to climb up the stairs the first time, to be able to utilize the accessibility ramp for your wheelchair.


BlizZard painted themselves in a corner on this one. That is why it is a bad move.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


how is it superior? Skyriding is way faster and saves so much time once you get it down.

“Trouble reading quest text? Unlock larger fonts when you reach exalted with the Dark Cavern Shadow Lords!”


I am doing the same as well. Sticking with TBC normal flying.

Just my two copper pennies.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I have gold in all races, I know how Skyriding works, maybe better than most.
Steady Flight has the fine tuning control you simply don’t get with SR, which is only really useful for long hauls.

With the buffed SF speeds, it’s much more tolerable to go a little slower to get more control.

I wouldn’t mind it nearly as much if getting off ground didn’t cost Vigor though.


It’s fine. Just unsub like the other joker.


36:10 if you want the more exact timestamp.

Ion said this during Blizzcon. No it hasn’t been “scrubbed” it is just such an easily understandable point that very few people wrote a lot about it. I KNOW that in Wowhead’s writeup, where blue posts were included, of Blizzcon they included a written statement of what Ion said as well.

… no?

All of TWW’s campaign quests are ground accessible, with plenty of flightpoints and vehicles to automate these things for you if you need to get to specific places not accessible via the ground.

If you want a more apt comparison it would be like asking a person who can walk but not run to simply walk to the car rather than run to it. Whereas the people who literally cannot walk or move at all … well, they wouldn’t be able to drive to begin with. So that accessibility feature doesn’t even matter to begin with.

I already provided you with an example of this:
There are blind people who play WoW, but don’t do things like quest or run around in the world on their own. For them flying, no matter whether skyriding or TBC flying, doesn’t matter. They cannot use it, or rather they can but nothing can really help them to be able to maneuver it.


You have proven your credentials and we thank you for your feedback.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

The way it is implemented is the worse possible outcome.

I would frequently use the old flying and hop around doing dailies (otherwise vigor is empty after a few hops) and then use a dragon to fly back to the daily hub.

When I heard about all mounts will be usable for skyriding I thought it would be cool and per mount but this is awful especially since it has a 5 second cast AND then a mount cast.

This is “Smedley” NGE level.


It is a disappointment. They had originally stated only certain mounts would be available for skyriding and now it is either an all or nothing.

I would have a mount for skyriding and then for regular, switching between them as I needed. Precision and speed.

And the extra time does matter, how many people hate the 20 seconds to log out of their characters? And before the “that is how the game has always worked” crew jump on, times are changing, their player base is changing. They made a lot of these changes for that reason and yet they add in things like this.

Also it is not intuitive for some older players, I had my dad switching between both and now this toggle thing just completely annoyed him and he is having issues with it. He’s 84.

It just seems that the dev team does not think out the repercussions of their actions sometimes.


Yup, brought up & discussed in testing, no responses (none expected) or explanation (none expected).


That would be too confusing. Leave it be as it is now. It’s either Skyriding or not for all mounts. Simple enough.

Why are you assuming that everyone is so trash at the game they dont think DR is a manageable speed in cities. I personally will never, ever turn slow flight on again.


Only after you get the Pathfinder achieve.

It’s a pretty significant nerf to Flight Form in that case. While in Flight Form with Skyriding enabled, you can’t interact with nodes in midair like you can with TBC flying nor are you able to quickly Shadowmeld and liftoff like you could before either.

I would like to be able to choose which of my mounts (including Flight Form) are Skyriding and which are legacy flying on a mount-by-mount basis. Skyriding is my default mode of travel and I use it most of the time, but there’s still lots of use cases for Legacy Flying and the system we have now is a strict downgrade to what it was just yesterday.


Yeah, agreed.

This playstyle was rather degenerate and were awful for the game that folks could abuse it in this fashion. Agreed.

Oh nevermind, what you were actually saying is that you want access to the degenerative playstyle.

No you cannot have TBC flying with 800%+ movement speed at will.
Especially not as a druid with an instant ability to “mount up.”

Your post is literally the definition as to why this change was necessary. Amongst other reasons, but your entire post is in full part of why this change was made.

… It wasn’t abuse. Flight form allowing you to interact with nodes while in midair is literally intended functionality of Flight Form and has been for over a decade. It’s still possible if you enable Legacy Flying today. So if you’re worried about Druids running around in Flight Form harvesting nodes, they’ll still be doing that. They just have to channel for 5 seconds before traveling again. If Blizzard wanted to disable that function of Flight Form then they could have done so at any point in the last 13 years, including yesterday’s prepatch. They have the tools to do so.

We already have that with the current switch style. I just want the choice to be mount-by-mount instead of global. Heck we already have that since not every mount is skyriding-enabled. Only most of them. I can still do exactly what I want to do so long as I do it with specific mounts. But I’d like my mount to be a cosmetic choice rather than a functional one.


Please link where Blizzard said this.

I don’t recall anyone at Blizzard saying the game is intended to be played only with Skyriding and if someone uses TBC flying they’re doing it wrong.

Where did you read this from Blizzard.

Or is it possible this is just your personal opinion and isn’t actually Blizzard’s official stance and you tell yourself this to make yourself feel like one of the cool kids or something?

I can’t find a single post from Blizzard that says what you state… please provide the link.