Flask prices

because they do.


Yeah. I have some grabs that add up to 4.9k when you add Horde plus Alliance.

It could be that the cap is 4.5k, and I just had 400ish people fluctuating during the time I was taking Census pulls.

I feel like 4.5-5k is a safe bet for current realm caps.

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That’s not what either players were saying, lol. Server caps were increased in Classic.

You got a link for me?

Didn’t think so.

Except none of them are accurate.

This is pure trolling.

Reports of current server populations aren’t from blizzard.

Neither were reports of vanilla server populations.

It’s almost like we had to invent tools to detect how many people were playing. Some of those tools are still in use today.

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There’s no need to be flasking every week with how :EZ: the content it.

If you can’t afford to flask, that’s your problem.

But don’t come crying about it.

Ok, after another look I see that I had misunderstood the information I was quoting.
It should be that classics’ medium server populations are equal to vanillas High population and that classics’ high population servers are holding up to 4x the amount of vanillas’. Due mostly to advanced server tech.

Blizzard has confirmed that each layer holds approximately the same number of players as a vanilla realm. Since we’re down to one layer per realm…

…they combined the layers on the server into one megalayer i.e. the server. Meaning if a server had 3 layers, each with the population of a Vanilla server, then when they removed layering i.e. combined all layers into one, then that server has 3x the players of a Vanilla server.

No they didn’t, they simply disabled multiple layers. Hence why servers got huge queue times right after that happened.

So no the active player count is still one layer which is roughly the same as 1 vanilla realm.

That happens to not be the case.

Ah right, I just went back to re-read the blue posts about layering, and while they don’t actually specify how big a layer is, they don’t say that layers have been combined. Where are people getting their information about how big a layer is, because none of the blue posts I’ve seen about layering state how big they are.

Blue posts.

You’ll have to look them up yourself. I’m busy social distancing.

I mean, fine. But here’s what the Blues have to say about it.

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They mentioned it in an interview somewhere that layers were tuned to be roughly the size of a vanilla realm.

Yes that was when they were using the retail metrics to determine what to show on the realm screen, while layering was on.

So yeah, no duh, a realm with multiple layers that are all the same size as a vanilla realm has more players than a vanilla did.

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Try harder.

Yeah, linking an obviously severely outdated statement is going to do wonders for any argument you make. Here’s what Bornakk said very shortly after that post you linked:

Do you believe this statement to still be true? Do you think Sul’thraze with its 50 item AH and 90 prime-time concurrent player count is equal to a Full Vanilla realm?

Things change, these statements are no longer valid.