Flagging Threads: Is anything being done?

We’ve always had this ability. It was called “report,” instead of flag. The only difference is that the old system didn’t auto-lock threads upon so many reports.

Change the wording, make the reporting reasons more clear and more serious, then add the disclaimer that false reporting is punishable.

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One thread to keep posting in is better than a thousand separate ones flooding the forums that make people turn hostile and make this place a chaotic mess.

That’s one of the reasons Helf threads have so much hatred.

Which is strange. The High Elf threads began the Mega-Thread trend. The only reason there were multiple on the old forums was because at one point the thread caps just couldn’t be extended any further. For the most part, the High Elf community has been doing it’s best to keep discussion focused to a single thread.

That’s rarely stopped people new to the forums or just trolling from making their own thread, of course, but they usually get directed to the mega-thread in short order.

[Edit]: By Mega-Thread trend I mean the whole, ‘Unofficial Race Thread,’ trend. Of course there were mega-threads prior to the Allied Race system.

Unless the threads get shut down for hours at a time, every day, because new readers go and flag comments from days or weeks prior. It halts discussion and doesn’t give anyone a way to work around it.

We can’t make new threads.

Nothing new as far as overly sensitive sorts tagging crap they dont want to see…and overzealous moderators going along with it.

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They did, because so many people go so ticked off at seeing so many Helf threads clutter up the forums.

My suggestion would be stick to somewhere else, like Reddit. Blizz reads Reddit, they don’t pay attention around here at all. You’ll have a bit more freedom, too.

And most Helf threads never had much discussion in them. It was the same 40ish people yelling at those who disagreed, while insulting them and then having the same circular discussion over and over again, just to keep the thread up top somehow.

Helf threads do not have a good reputation around here.

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Sure, but it doesn’t change the fact that it silences discussion on an entire topic for the entire forum.

no…you have my vote for sure. Im a free speech sort.
Freedom of expression is SPECIFICALLY FOR that crap we DONT want to hear.
No reason whatsover to protect speech that everyone agrees with.
Its the crap we DONT like that has to be protected.
And on that point this generation has killed the first amendment with their incessant whimpering.
The next generation wont know what free speech was while their sucking down their commie stew.

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I do, but I definitely would prefer to be here. I hope Blizzard wants their own forums to be a valid place for proper discussion of their own games, but who knows?

Considering they rarely pay attention to this place… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I like your passion, but maybe that’s a bit far? lol


He made an observation. He didn’t say he, personally, had an issue.

Tone down the hostility.

look how far we’ve come in 10 years.
‘hate speech’ wasnt a thing in my day.
Now they are wanting to burn books again.
Sounds like we’re heading into communism at a pretty fast pace to me given the world I grew up in.

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At least Blizzard lets you posts your thoughts. You can say how much you hate the game etc. and you won’t get banned or warned or locked unless it is flagged a lot. But games like GW 2 will give you a warning and ban you if you ever say anything bad about their game.

Not sure when “your day” was, but hate speech sure was a thing in my day; to be precise I was an Army brat so we moved a lot and I got to go from Alaska (don’t get any more free thinking than Alaska in 1957) to Georgia when they still had Jim Crow. Mega culture shock there.

But I agree that both the “alt-right” (their own designation) and the “we hate both main stream political parties” anarchists asses of Antifa are both a threat to our democracy, assuming that’s what you actually mean. If, in fact, you support Trump or the masked vandals, then I guess we don’t agree.

Either way, is this actually the best place to debate this?

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I find this entire thread “mildly offensive”. Flagging ALL OF YOU!

/cue up Twisted Sister


Kudos if you know who the father is, and what famous movie he was in.

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“Toxic” Masculinity is the only Kind of Masculinity and should be celebrated.

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It seems to shut down every 3-4 days, about the length of an average forum ban. So it’d seem it is the same malcontents doing it, hopefully the sentences start to lengthen soon.

Most threads that are locked need to be locked.

However, one person can get a thread locked by alt hoping and that needs to be changed. The easiest way to change that is to go with modified bnet id like the other blizzard forums.

those are thought of as spam at this point in time - surely everything that can be said has been said.