Flagging Threads: Is anything being done?

no…thats not true at all, sorry to say.
Just catch the wrong mod in a bad mood and yeah…you will be staring down a suspension for simply saying something negative about the game.

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Yeah that’s not how forums work.

Odd. I’m in my later 20s and I grew up knowing what hate speech and hate crimes were.

So which is better? Go back to 50 topics a day or keep it in two large threads that people can mute and never ever see again?

For those people who report the threads, the mute button does wonders.

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It actually is how the forum works. People can and do get suspended for making duplicate posts, duplicate threads, etc.

I’m going to have to wonder a bit on how the negative viewpoint is being expressed. Simply because a serious percentage of threads on the forums at any given moment are negative threads about the game.

If a mod went through and whacked all the threads that were negative? We’d be empty.

I’m not seeing a great number of threads locked due to flags. I am seeing a few here and there. I don’t think it’s bad to express some frustration with the system. But I’m not seeing a witch hunt mentality in what’s being posted at the moment.

I’d disagree with Leviathan on the idea that people would avoid posting if they were actioned over flagging posts. We don’t seem to have a lot of self-control over that particular activity.

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We’re not talking about repeat threads.

We’re talking about megathreads, created to allow people to talk about popular topics. They are, obviously, popular threads with hundreds or thousands of replies.

Once those get flagged and shut down when there’s no discussion that would warrant a shut-down, we are unable to continue discussing that topic because we would, as you’ve surmised, be creating spam threads.

The real thing that needs to happen will never happen,these forums need to be shut down,nothing game changing or intelectual will be found in these forums ever,been in and out of them for 11 years and can remember 1 and only 1 post that was a good 1 and like it or not that is what this sht show is (salutes Tally) .

Let’s not derail this topic please. Thanks.

I would like the option back of being able to Explain why you are reporting the thread

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I am starting to wonder how it works to get a thread locked more than once. If you flag something you only have so long to undo the flag, right? I guess maybe they just cycle through alts if they want to keep flagging.

Actually when a thread is shut down for 24 hours it’s not the moderators it’s actually automated the thread is just shut down for a large number of flags.
Flags bury the post as well. At least back when we had the dislike button on the old forums they didn’t shut down the thread, but it was removed due to the large number of complaints against it, Ironically what we have now is actually worse than the dislike button

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Yeah, it’s pretty irritating. Trying to continue a discussion in a thread and being interrupted because it’s been locked for 24 hours is not fun.

When I flag someone it’s because I want something to be done about that specific player. Not because I want the whole thread closed.

I just had this happen. This is like the third or fourth one (excluding high elf threads) I’ve seen locked today temporarily. One was warranted, but the other two were a head scratcher.

I literally just saw 17+ flagged threads in the first 30-50 threads. Something is wrong with this system. It’s not good. Look at the High Elf thread. Four times today??_?


At this point, it’s clearly just people trolling, as every other thread is being locked. Not just ones people would disagree with.

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Its fast enough im calling it intentional botting.


This topic is temporarily closed for 24 hours due to a large number of community flags.

Thanks for reopening these, but uh.

Yeah, that’s pretty much the issue here.


I mean even when you started facts got downvoted. I got mass downvotes by sheep in wod because I said they started making pvp hot fixes only affect pvp and the pvers couldn’t handle that.