Flagging Threads: Is anything being done?

I’m pretty dismayed to see threads that’re fielding respectful and thought provoking debates being shut down. It’s clearly a case of someone not wanting discussion to continue, so they’re flagging it until the system allows them to essentially shut down the thread for a day.

Is there something actually being done about this?

Edit: Amazing. Every thread on the front page has been locked.


Probably not.

Welcome to the new dystopian future on the “new” WoW forums haha.


I guess it’s safer for Blizzard to err on the side of censorship.

Pity. Not that the forums have ever been a place of serious discussion on just about any topic, it’s blanket policy like this that’ll make sure it never is.


They should just give us back “down votes” and remove the flagging. People are using it incorrectly as a down vote.


Could you give an example? At least with subject matter anyway. I know a few threads I posted in later vanished - but they were neither respectful or thought provoking.



I told you I’d reply to you today, but both threads are shut down and I’m gonna focus on the upcoming exam. So I’ll be back tuesday.


The High Elf megathreads are continuously bombarded by flags. Last night I was having a great discussion with a few players and it was shut down. There was zero animosity on anyone’s part.


The trick is to make your point without giving in to your frustrations :rofl::rofl:


Good luck studying!

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Yeah. I was confused reading up, everything seemed fine then I get to the bottom to post and it’s locked out.

There is alot of animosity towards any elf threads on the forum though.


Yeah. I feel like threads that’re being constantly locked and unlocked should be flagged as special circumstance threads where a 24h lock requires moderator approval.


(post deleted by author)


Replacing an abused system with another abused system is not a good idea. The only difference between the flagging abuse and the downvoting abuse is with downvoting, threads wouldn’t autolock. However, with downvoting, don’t forget it began to be used against anything a person disagreed with which, to a logical person, was definitely not how it was intended to be used.

Downvoting was ideal for lazy forum lurkers who didn’t like posting and viewed everything from wow news to positive feedback negatively. It ruined any kind of dialogue, much like this autolocking nonsense.


Elf threads seem to be a prime target of toxic masculinity if I’m honest.

To be honest, you’re not wrong. There isn’t much need for a dislike button.

Blizzard is trying to make use of the community to moderate itself, but why not just recruit more MVPs and give them the power to unlock threads?


I don’t know about that lol.

I think there’s issues on both sides. Some people just like being contrary, others are there to stir the pot. I do think the people who want High Elves are easy targets for trolls for various reasons, and that just devolves into bad things.


I’m not sure more MVPs are necessary, but as long as they only have the ability to unlock threads and not lock them, I would be fine with that.

Is this thread about one thread in particular I’m currently thinking of being locked for a day?


Pretty much my thought. Give them the power to unlock threads. They don’t need anything else.

Maybe? There’s a couple. :confused:

From the myriad of technical issues they have admitted they dont have sorted out about the new forums I am surprised it even got released. They have had this up for a long while on Overwatch but moved it over here knowing the issues persisted.

Feels lazy and rushed.

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Yeah I guess at this point that’s too vague. I was thinking of the HE one. I have no interest or support in the subject so I don’t check or post in it but for it to be locked is dumb.