Flagging is NOT a downvote button!

Partially. When your post gets flagged two or three times, it’s automatically hidden and you receive a system message telling you as such.

But after that, a moderator has to review it before any action is taken.


You don’t. Many people do. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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the notifications are automated.

flagged posts are reviewed by a human.

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Well, since you dont even seem to know why it was removed, I cant expect you to have any sort of accurate insight on the subject, but clearly you want to go on about it anyway.

When you examine the sarcasm in light of the whole topic, the irony will become clear.

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As others have already pointed out, a post that simply upsets you is enough to be flagged. That should probably be changed, but until it is actually changed…

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Fish are friends…not food…


I guess my trust level was removed for a flagging as well. Being honest, I think trust levels are too rough, Blizz asks too much time spent here just to allow you to put pictures and videos. It’s really not worth it in the end if it needs so much time only to be removed that easily. Blizz should tone that down, really. They think too highly of the privileges here when in reality it’s nothing special and there are websites with as much participation that let’s you do it even without subs, if I am not mistaken.

However, I do agree that people flag for no reason and for nothing or what they consider to be trolling. But after some years here I am not surprised in the slightest.

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Tell that to the salmon in my freezer. :yum:


Now that’s just cold…

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And remember, up is not jump.

I mean . . . they’re frozen so yeah.

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The changes suggested in the OP make perfect sense to me. Probably the least invasive way to try to tamp down on the issue.

Ugh that thing was just embarrassing. I still have a hard time believing anybody could get as wound up about a request as the “wall of no” posters did.

I’m curious what you’d think, Rhielle, of a balancing mode for flagging. For example, imagine if a post has twice has some number more likes than flags, it becomes unhidden.

I don’t know how many reports it takes to hide a post, but let’s pretend it’s 5. Then let’s suggest that at it’s simplest, you need 20 upvotes to overcome that. So perhaps 4x as many? If you had 20 flags, you’d need 100 “counter flags.”

This is just made up numbers, but I feel like the level of “I agree with this” should have some effect. It’s weird to see posts with 30, 50, or even 100, upvotes that are “hidden.” At the very least perhaps once you hit a certain ratio it triggers a mandatory immediate review, not a “we’ll get to it later.”

I’ll be honest: it’s not exactly saved on my computer for old time’s sake. At one point, I actually WAS one of the people posting it on the regular because the request popped up so often and was generally posted in a manner like they were the first person in the world to have such an amazing idea.

With that said, I can admit when I’m wrong. I honestly thought the price to rebuild the code, implement the servers, and the upkeep of such would outweigh the profits (a fair assessment IMO considering Blizzard themselves resisted for so long). I figured Classic would crash after interest died down. Didn’t expect it to be still going strong, or even be moving on to Burning Crusade after 18 months.

I would like those who constantly false flag report eat the punishment they wished to inflict on others.

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I’d like to see them add the dislike button back.



So much this.

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Rhielle is taking a break, so I’m going to respond on her behalf :stuck_out_tongue:(i’m sure she wouldn’t mind!)

the point of the flagging system, is to alert mods that a post is against the CoC.
eg: it contains profanity, or is otherwise unsuitable to remain on the forum.

having a system which would permit people to unflag it, would defeat the entire purpose of it existing… especially when people can just log their alts to :blue_heart: the post.

Great going not understanding Rhielle’s point here.

Her point is that they shouldn’t be hidden to begin with because the reporting button isn’t a downvote. There is nothing about effort like you pulled up here out of nowhere.

You consider posts being flagged tiny things? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I honestly wonder if you would be consistent if it ever happens to you.

This attitude you have here, isn’t helping your case here. If anything, it kind of makes you look like your in support of people using the report button as a downvote here.

Nothing screams dis-ingeniousness like trying to use the “it’s just a short amount of time” excuse and trying to make it sound like were making it a strenuous task when that isn’t even the issue to deliberately miss the point.

There’s woosh, and there’s jet planes breaking the sound barrier.

Well i’m part time janitor and i’l tell you right now that there’s a difference between accidental messiness, intentional messiness and just straight up laziness. And i would imagine it would annoy other janitor’s just the same. Especially there is other important things to clean like toilets and doorknobs and such, because you know, the virus made it a magical time for that. :crazy_face:

Same here, except without the hiding posts part.

Edit: i moved this comment into here.

81 users here says otherwise. Also if you don’t care, then why are you here?

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I didn’t say unflag as in “remove from being on the list at whatever rank it was” but rather “not being hidden because 3 people didn’t like it despite 150 people liking it.”

It’s not like they couldn’t broaden this system. It doesn’t have to be as simple as it is now.