Flagging is NOT a downvote button!

Just want to throw this out there real quick before getting to the real point of the thread, which is ways to fix the reporting system:

We all have a voice here and we all have an opinion. But false reporting is only going to get the people doing it in trouble-- not the people that are being wrongly accused. We don’t want that! Getting trust levels taken away sucks! :slightly_frowning_face:

So let’s talk about how we can help each other through fixing the report system!

These are some of the things that were discussed a while ago in a very constructive discussion about how we could change the options to make sure they cover all of the CoC, but sound more serious and not as nonchalant so that people will hopefully not abuse the system:

I think the icon needs changed to a little :warning: symbol called “report.” And the options should be as follows:

  • Language - extremely offensive language
  • Harassment - bullying
  • Code Violation - against CoC
  • Incorrect forum - needs moved to correct one

And at the bottom of that in bold, it should say:

Reporting is for code violations only and should not be used to disagree. Any misuse will result in disciplinary action.

That may help to clarify what we should be using it for and maybe more clearly define the reasons. It also still covers everything, but encourages people to read the CoC. These options are a bit closer to the old ones we had. Maybe it’ll help!

What would you like to see changed about the report system?


inb4 this thread is inevitably flagged.


I give it two minutes. If that. :upside_down_face:


Gonna have to flag this post for spamming if you keep posting this on a regular(365 day) basis.

/end sarcasm


lol this. But hey, think about it like this: People don’t flag because you’re being a troll or saying something stupid. They flag because you’re saying something correct and it offends them.

Super Straight.


Is it even possible to create a thread without getting flagged? Any decently sized thread is flagged these days lol.


Flagging is not for disagreement!


Blanchy should be able to fly!


Apparently not. My funny Warcraft memes thread was flagged as spam.


Somehow, it’s an advertisement or vandalism. :rofl::woman_facepalming:t4:

Well, yeah!



Let’s look at Blizz’s choice of wording

Note “upsetting” in trolling, now let’s look at our dictionary

It would seem to me that anything that you guys post that makes me unhappy I can flag as trolling

Tell Blizz to change their wording.


Worgen should not have tails!


Yup, that’s one of the biggest issues with those flagging reasons. No clue who thought those were a good idea.


Yay 2021 where where everything is offensive and therefor upsetting and therefor trolling. It’s all flaggable!


I guess anything not WoW related is considered bad also. I made a post about pizza during the Tuesday downtime. It got flagged, hidden, then I got a notice it was against the CoC and it was removed by the mods.




Well… to be fair… the welcome message does say Warcraft talk only. But flagging a pizza thread, when we’ve had so many others like it just seems a waste of time and fun.


Flagged for spam.

1 Like

I’d never put spam on a pizza


Sticking strictly to the rules yes it is against the rules to talk about non wow topics

The World of Warcraft forums are for discussion of topics directly related to World of Warcraft.
The forums here are specifically to discuss the game and related topics. Any topics not related to World of Warcraft, Battle.net, or Blizzard Entertainment are subject to deletion.

but there’s a bunch of threads that have nothing to do with wow that popup. There was a thread on Biden falling up the stairs a few days ago, that should be deleted as well.

If no one flags it though it’s unlikely to be removed unless it is a inappropriate topic or it gets people speaking inappropriately.

Which is another tool of dislike people use. If you consistently upset people here then make a “fun” post it’ll get flagged, if you’re liked it won’t be

Yup. People hate me. :blush:

And off to bed for me. Let’s see how many times this gets flagged by the time morning roll around. lol

Nighty night, my lovelies. :kissing_heart:


Night Rhielle.