Flagging is NOT a downvote button!

I agree with these especially the harrassment and Incorrect forum. I see some people being harrassed and some threads that come in GD have nothing to do with the game at all. GD has more of a audience for some reason than other places in the forums. I think language and code violation are one of the same.

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Having to read a post that takes less than one minute to do, less than 30s in most cases is not as strenuous as you might think.

False equivalence.

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I meant there is nothing you can do with the way people think.

Fake outrage doesn’t further your poor argument.

The report function is not a downvote and shouldn’t be used as such to hide posts. It doesn’t matter if you can click on “show hidden,” because it’s now assumed to be a troll post the moment someone sees it hidden. And threads consistently get deraioed with “why was this flagged” comments. Like the poor guy who tried to as a simple question about the game and someone wanted their thread flagged but couldn’t do it themselves. The entire thread devolved over it. And it happens often that the function is abused.

Moderators don’t spend 24/7 on these forums. Nothing gets taken care of until the next morning. And nothing is done over the weekend for the most part. False flagging is a waste of their time and is a poor experience for the forum.

But there is something Blizz can do with the way their report system functions.

Like this thread?

“OMGosh, someone flagged my post and now for others to read it they have to click the button at the bottom or they wont see it right away.”

First world freakin problems…

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So you have no real argument and just want to be condescending. Mkay. :+1:

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I made the arguments in a previous post…you breezed by them because it makes you look ridiculous.

So what do we do at this point as you just keep spamming nonsense to keep your thread on the front page.

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The downvote button is cancel culture practice.

Oh I don’t like it, cancel it.

Until they start public flogging people for misusing it that’s what it is and to a certain extent what it’s designed to be. If they can keep us fighting each other we’ll have less energy for them.

Ah, so now we’ve resorted to belittling and making stuff up, as well.

I addressed your points previously. You ignored those to be condescending and insulting.

To which I will not longer address you, because I don’t need this thread devolving over your fake outrage.

Absolutely nothing.

I really no longer care what happens here on the forums or in WoW.

Why am i here? Because i can be.

Sheesh… you’re not a forum moderator. If your aiming to be one or a MVP just apply for the job on the website. No need to simp or be a tool for free. No one cares about your attempts at trying to educate about the use of the failed flag feature. The forums are all about fake outrage and trolling anyways…

Please dont then. I find people that get bent out of shape over the tiniest little things such as:

"if my post is flagged people have to click the button at the bottom to read it"

To be disgusting and I will call them out on that behavior every time.

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Yes, Blizz doesn’t want to offend snowflakes; that is apparent in many things they do on the forums - most notably removing the dislike button. Snowflakes can’t stand it when people disagree with them.

And SARCASM is key to the sentence you quoted there, but alas, it is lost on some people.

Good thing I never said I was. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

Doesn’t change the fact that we constantly see the report function get abused and know from past experience that some rewording will actually help some with that. Feedback is feedback. If you dislike the thread, mute it and put me on ignore instead of tossing insults. It’s pretty easy.

In the end, we watch stuff like this happen and it’s pretty nonsensical:

personally, i’d rather see threads like this being bumped regularly, over the alt-army who bump stuff like “worst expansion ever” every 23 hours. :roll_eyes:

/checks watch… yep, should be due for its daily bump any minute now.

if that’s the case, you should be joining the chorus of people who would like to see “i’m offended” removed from the list of flagging options.

I just came back from a 3-Day Forum Vacation, for having opinions that go against those who have been asking for more, “Inclusion.” in this game. What’s worse is, the system currently in place, is an automated one, so even if your response went against none of the community rules, you’re still going to get punished, and that mark on your account is going no where.

I feel that, the, “Flagging.” option should be reserved to those with a certain trust level, because things are being flagged, just because they don’t agree with you.

They cannot even handle their threads being flagged for being blatant troll posts (see above)

If and when they take action to change the forums again they will probably omit any kind of downvote/upvote/flagging feature altogether.