Flagging is NOT a downvote button!

Hers the thing. You have absolutely no idea why someone flags a post. You have no proof that it is being used as a downvote or if it is not.

You have nothing but your projected feelings…

The system in place does not silence or make anyone’s post not able to be read and it does, in every instance, involve a moderator to make the final decision. So the current system works as is.

if people want to read a hidden post, they can just un-hide it to view it.

well… back to the original point, people shouldn’t be flagging posts just because they don’t like them.

check out this example.

you’ll notice it goes straight from the first post, to post number 4.
the other posts in between were removed.
the very first post in the thread, was someone complaining that they were unable to flag the post. (which becomes evident due to quotes which remained in situ)
…followed by people asking them why they were trying to flag it.

and after a little back and forth, they decided to claim it was a mistake??

the original post has not been edited in any way.

…and yet, it’s still hidden.

For what possible reason?

The post doesn’t break any rules, there’s nothing about it which can be deemed even mildly offensive or upsetting.


actions like this, aren’t conducive to a healthy community.


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It doesnt need to be explained to you. Its the moderators job to make the determination on a post.

Anything that makes someone uncomfortable is a viable post to be flagged as per the rules regarding it.

if the post was breaking any rules, it would have been removed.

it wasn’t.

regardless, there was absolutely zero reason for it to be flagged to begin with.

someone just asked a benign question.

this is clearly an abuse of the system… which we were told would be dealt with.

i highly doubt that someone is “uncomfortable” because a totally outrageous person decided to ask about the super sensitive topic of heirlooms.

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I repeat, any post that makes someone feel uncomfortable is a post they are well within their right to flag as outlined in the forum rules that pertain to such.

The moderator will have the final decision as to whether the post will be removed or not.

As such, there is no post that cannot be flagged as there is no post that you can prove doesnt offend someone.

Its that freaking simple.


What is ‘serious’ to you though might not be to someone else. These are all vague terms and they can change the wording any way you want, things aren’t going to change because these things for the most are subjective.

Posts get removed just because of the fact people flag them, not because they was anything wrong with them in the context of the discussion taking place. Things taken out of context can have a different meaning that things taken with consideration to the entire story.

Posts get removed when they aren’t breaking any rules either. If enough people flag something you get the ‘community’ has decided type of message.

Read that thread - there is something going on there that isn’t obvious. Someone stated in there that the exact same thread was created by someone posting on a druid - so that ends up under the creating duplicate thread rules and was correctly flagged. Just because YOU don’t know the reason, doesn’t mean it wasn’t correctly flagged.

i read the thread as it was unfolding… there was no duplicate thread.
the reference to someone saying the same thing was happening in another thread, was aimed at the person who was saying they couldn’t flag it.

regardless, it’s not the point.

there is absolutely nothing about that thread which could be considered even mildly offensive to anyone.

it was just an example of how people are abusing the system.

that thread, is the type of thing this forum is designed for… people flagging things just “because they can”, is not healthy for the community.

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Being offensive isn’t the only reason to flag things though. There are a whole lot of rules under CoC that is designed to keep the forum functioning.

I don’t agree with your assessment of the situation. People just don’t do that for no reason at all.

which part of the coc is being broken in the op?


I already discussed that in this thread. I believe OP could be consider to be trolling and they also could be considered to be spamming. Just because YOU and OP don’t agree with that assessment doesn’t mean others are false flagging.

by asking a legit question?

it was their first ever forum post.

What really needs to be put into the report system is what the old one had: a text field requiring you to explain why the post was flagged by you. The flags already result in a moderator looking into the flagged post, but the requirement of a text field to provide an explanation of why you are flagging a post also puts some responsibility into the hands of the flagging person as well. Right now the report system is a one way street and is continuously used as a downvote function, which is not what it was designed for. Forcing some responsibility onto the players doling out those flags seems like a logical and in light of the recent influx of flagged threads purely based on “I don’t like this, therefor it should not be”, necessary addition.

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Do you mean that hunter thread or this thread.

and really - you know how the forum works.

that is just as bad as the OP in this thread telling me I haven’t been around long enough to be claiming anything.


(and hi, i feel like i haven’t seen you around for ages!)

the hunter.
the thread i linked in post #226

I would love to see the ability to comment brought back because a lot of these posts being restored by moderators wouldn’t be if they knew the reason the post was flagged.


Creating Duplicate Threads

This category includes:

  • Creating threads about existing topics

If there was another thread of the exact same wording written by a druid like that one person indicated.

not all of the “restored” posts are actually restored.

the way the Discourse software works, flags will automatically fall off after a pre-determined amount of time if they’re not seen to by a moderator.

while some are restored manually, others are restored automatically because a mod didn’t have a chance to get around to looking at it… which leaves it there to be flagged again if needed.

it had nothing to do with the druid. (well it did… they were the one doing the flagging)
the druid was the one also posting in a different thread that they were unable to flag it.
…it probably gets a bit confusing, due to some posts having been removed from the thread.

(anyhoo, i’m off to do some crafting)