Flagging is NOT a downvote button!

And in the first thread when I did use that one to try to talk about more ideas later on, I got flamed for it. Made a new one a year later, got flamed for it. But it’s NOT against CoC, as it’s been so long ago and this thread has already been restored by moderators.

Please don’t derail this thread with worthless banter about old threads. We’ve already been down this road. Talk about the topic at hand: the issues with the report system. I will not let this thread spiral downward again.

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The irony is key here.

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Maybe they just disagree with you?

Okay. I don’t know why you bring this up to me. I’m against threads of every sort being flagged. Spirit of free speech and all that.

How am i derailing this thread? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’ve just noticed that this is the same thread you made 3 times now and i linked the old threads for citation. If i didn’t do that, then somebody would be bound to call me out for not providing a source.

Okay. I think Upvotes needed to be removed (and replaced with private favorite comments) as well and there needs to be more severe punishments with misusing the reporting system, as well removing “upsetting” from the troll definition, because that can mean a number of things and way to subjective or can be easily applied to a number of things.

i havent so much as click on the flag button to see the options i tend to think everyone should be able to have there say. but i see upsetting someone at any level is flag worthy?

well that explains why i once got banned for talking about burning crusade fondly

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Pretty much. Someone disagreed and decided that was upsetting and flagged you.

Those choices really do need changed.

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Wait how? I post memes and gifs here and there and i’ve never got into any trouble. I just don’t see how Warcraft memes be any different.

They shouldn’t be. None of them were offensive. All were funny. It was a thread to lighten the mood and have fun yesterday. But apparently that’s not allowed either.

I thought about petitioning it, but it’s not worth the time to fight with them anymore.

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Too many pearl clutchers in the world today that’s for sure.

This post is pretty offensive to people that can’t afford pearls.


Well funny is subjective but i understand why you posted them to lighten the mood and have fun.

You said yesterday and i’ve noticed you used the same drinking meme gif for a year now. Maybe that could be it on why you can’t post memes (assuming you can’t now)? And no, i’m saying it’s vandalism or advertising, i always noticed that the gif is a little… Risque. But i digress.

Not honestly sure why their apparently Vandalism or advertisement.

That was kind of democracy in action though. If your post got buried, it probably deserved to be.

Well except in this case a single person using alts could shut down the conversation. So unless they fix that, it’s not really like “democracy”.

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How dare you mock people who can afford pearls. Flagging.

Bring back the downvote button - so people can voice their displeasure at a topic or post - without having to report a person.

Eh. If the mods are going to be as bad at telling what’s against the CoC, I don’t really care.

I got actioned for telling people to not take the bait from the troll once, because I “Made the forum an unsafe environment for the poster”

Meanwhile, yesterday people were making threads insulting people who use Blizzard Balance to pay for the game, making threads just telling Blizzard how the change was great, etc. when A. The first type of thread is insulting people, and B. The second type of thread is considered spam by the CoC. It’s a duplicate thread, and the first thread IS STICKIED so they cant even say they didn’t see it.

But Blizzard was routinely unflagging threads that got flagged as spam.


It wasn’t that. It was an entire thread I made. I’ve never been sanctioned over a gif before or had one deleted in ages. And yeah, I’ve been using the drinking gif for a very long time. lol

And I can still post. I wasn’t sanctioned. They just deleted the thread. Maybe they figured it would devolve. I’m not sure.

Nothing worse than some random schmo acting like they are a moderator or have any authority.

If its an issue, a real moderator will address it.

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Theres a meme thread in the Lounge, for the record.

No where in the post does Rhielle even remotely imply she has any power.

She’s literally asking for suggestions because shockingly, Blizzard does read the forums.

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