Flagging is NOT a downvote button!

Hahahahaha, oh man. :clown_face:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:


Well, if you’re concerned about things being reposted and spammed, I can bring out the “Wall of No” for old times sake.

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I’m offended by the fact you think I’m concerned…this calls for a flag!

/end sarcasm

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Lol came to see OP flagged.
Left satisfied. Lol too funny


it’s the best we got. you can click a button to view what was hidden, anyways.

after 29000 posts here, aren’t you ready for a break? sure looks like it. damn.


My posts DESERVE to be flagged. I take it like a champion. But man, for someone’s posts to be flagged with no real reason, it’s a personal attack.

And I chortle all the same. Ehoehoehoe.

Flogging is for disobedient crew members!

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I agree with this. The entire description for Trolling needs to be reworked. I can understand that ‘inflammatory’ would be considered trolling but ‘extraneous’? When you create a topic, how is it extraneous? (meaning: “irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with.”) I mean, if you are making the post yourself, how is it irrelevant to the subject you are making? A comment perhaps, but a post? That one needs to go and be replaced by something a bit stronger. And as for ‘upsetting’, that’s just ridiculous.

Under that criteria, someone could flag a comment saying you like pineapple on pizza because they are upset at the idea of fruit on a pizza.

The whole Trolling selection needs reworking. And as for “Spam”…vandalism? Whaaat? Did someone paint grafitti on a post?

I dunno, some of their decisions are just too weird.


Saying you like pineapple on pizza cannot be trolling because pizza is a surface upon which pineapple belongs.


I would like a downvote button


It’s fine anywhere EXCEPT a forum about WoW gameplay.

In that one place, it is considered bad. Obviously.

Do you go to gardening forums, and make posts about dolphins?

only… that’s not blizzards choice of wording.
it’s the default wording which came with the software.

Which is why mods are the ones who delete/lock/suspend/ban and not players.

It’s pretty obvious when someone is making a thread purely to upset others most of the time, which is what trolling is.

What they should change is the other stuff: like how the forums are supposed to be a respectful and friendly place and specifically for talking about the game.

Downvoting was also introduced after the removal of the downvote button and does the same thing downvote did (hide post when downvote ratio increased).

What Blizz intended, and what is reality, are two different things. Unintended purposes arise all the time to take over the intended use of things (like the oven drawer :slight_smile: ). For all intents and purposes flagging is a downvote button.

I disliked the downvote then because of crowding out opinions, and I dislike flagging now for purpose Rhielle points out. Truth be told, I don’t see what flagging adds since moderators are the only ones who take action anyways


It’s pretty convenient to swap to a blank account huh?

The same can be said about every thread you’ve created so far.

Ah remember when you were so confused as to why anyone would flag your thread? You’ve clearly mastered the forums in just a matter of a few days!

Pot and kettle.


Flagging because you don’t like something is trolling in and of itself. This wouldn’t be the situation, though, had Blizzard not decided to remove a reaction option that was intended for what people use flagging for nowadays - The dislike button.

There’s no way they didn’t realize that if they removed the dislike button, something of this nature would happen. It’s terrible for the people that get their posts wrongfully flagged because of it, but it’s a situation of Blizzard’s own making.

It’s funny tho. More activity in your post = good.

They removed dislikes before this new version of the forums, which means the only other button when they removed it was the report button, which has been around since before likes/dislikes. Then they moved to this forum option, and instead of report, we have the flag button and they’re the same thing. The only difference is that a certain threshold of flags will bury a post, which we can see.

I dunno if there were as many reports as there are flags now, but now we can actually see a result of hitting a certain number of reports.

Kind of. The way they presented likes and dislikes and what they were intended for is what tripped them up. According to the blues back when, likes weren’t just for showing support and dislikes weren’t just for showing that you didn’t support something, but they did a terrible job of describing them.