Flagging abuse

There is a website that will check it that I’d have to look up, but if you go to the main forum page and see the Lounge section that’s the easy way to see if you’ve got level 3

Click your name… Click the activity button. Replace the /activity with .json

IN game? Nothing.
On forums? nothing.

I pointed out some guy admitting to abusing the flagging system and they deleted my post instead. shrugs

most of the threads that are locked due to flags have cliques that flag every anti or counter post they dont like, and personally i think mods are just sick of clearing them and leaving them locked. a position i approve of

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It can be one person switching to alts to flag a post. Some People do that with likes why wouldn’t they with flagging

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I’ve always assumed flagging kinda reports itself.

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Probably, and no one’s going to be dooting on a horn announcing whenever someone gets smacked for misbehaving on the forums

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Who are you?

Archmage Zeropointt, who are you?

just some random person

Nothing you can do sadly.

Aren’t we all?

answered my question in this.