Flagging abuse

i’ve been suspended a couple of times and i still have it on two toons. the other is a dwarf warlock.

I was under the impression that once you get suspended you can’t earn it level 3?

I’m not allowed to talk about that.

Don’t be scared. Let’s get suspended together.

no, i definitely got it twice after i got my suspension on this current forum, as well as one on the old one. a friend of mine got a few days vacation as well and was ready to leave the forum but she still has trust level 3.

Ah, well that’s cool I suppose. I just can’t really see a reason to grind it out then grind to keep it. It’s cool if others want it though.

I got it from using the forums, nothing less nothing more. :slight_smile:

this is dekkar.

Nah it’ against the rules to talk about previous suspensions sorry.

At least it was on the old forum not sure about this one but I’m assuming the rulez are the same

I can’t see anyone’s trust level, let alone my own :-S.

post on the forums every day and like and read lots of things and eventually you’ll get level 3. :slight_smile:

Surely I should be able to see it though, it’s nowhere, I don’t see your level, or anyone else’s. I can only assume it’s because my account’s main only reached posting level less than a week ago, maybe it’s not updated.

Me too, but my sub is out in about 3 days and this time it’s going dead for awhile.

Hold down the fort, and remember me should I never return.

someone posted a link to how you can find it earlier in this thread. scroll up a bit and then check it out. :slight_smile:

I did but none of the methods work. I literally can’t see anything at all trust related, on my account or anyone else’s. I can’t on my EU account either. Are you trolling me lol? If so you got me. They removed the feature didn’t they? I daren’t Google it in case they did and I’ve wasted this time.

look through the weird thing for a number it’ll be 1, 2, or 3. it’ll be the only number on the page. i’m not trolling i promise. :slight_smile:

I genuinely can’t find it anywhere, on anyone’s profiles.

Here is your profile… Hit Ctrl-F and type trust_level The highest number you see is your current trust level. You’re currently at level 1.

Thank you, that worked, how did you do that? Apparently I am indeed a lowly level 1 lol. Wow, it’s a bit disconcerting that my home town is visible O_O, please tell me only I can see that part.

The answer is simple, you need 50 level 20 characters and use up every single last like and flag that each character has.