Flagging abuse

No of course not. Why would there be in a system which allows mass flagging with no option of appeal and complete anonymity and a blank cheque for the perps because you can’t report anything?

Please tell me this is some elaborate joke.


What I mean is:

I doubt if one player flagged the post, getting it removed. It was probably several players. If people are flagging, there is often a reason.

Yeah, the reason is because they don’t fear punishment for abusing the flagging system since they know we don’t have a moderation team who will start throwing around suspensions for it.

Not good really.

For sure it’s not good. This has been a very common complaint since this new trash forum came about.

I personnaly don’t see a lot of problem with current flagging/like system except the fact you can like/flag with alts.

Sure there are mistakes, but that’s a bit like the votekick system there’s goods and bads. But that’s the best moderation we got without having direct moderation that would cost a bit more for them to do. So it happens once in a while to get flagged, ok it’s not cool but there’s not much to it. If it happens frequently/more than once, well that might be on you.

Only thing that sucks is that you can get Trust Level 3 than lose it again, sucks.

There really needs to be a way to do this, I agree. There’s a circular firing squad of 4-5 or so that controls the larger of the “MUH WATER STRIDURZ!” threads, who flag those who disagree with them.

Only thing that sucks is Blizzard won’t punish people who’re abusing the system.

I’m not trolling but what’s this trust thing? Has it been implemented yet? I don’t see anything at all against anyone’s posts about their trust level etc. I legit can’t find it anywhere, even if I click my own profile, it just goes to an armoury instead.

A forum grind. The higher your “trust” level the more likes you can post a day, also you can post memes in case you aren’t capable of holding an actual conversation.

Is it an invisible thing, behind the scenes? How do you view your own trust level? - How do you view anyone’s, I don’t see it anywhere.

No idea, I never cared enough to know exactly how but this thread will show you.

I’m hit.

You gotta enjoy a meme time to time.
Ion also enjoys some memes he call his best one titanforging.

i’ve grinded trust level 3 on 2 different toons. -.-

Good question.

Are they STILL letting the inmates run the asylum?:thinking:

Well I’m still here.

None of those suggestions work for me, maybe it’s because I hit the mandatory level 10 less than a week ago? I just can’t find mine or anyone else’s anywhere.

No idea tbh. I’ve never been interested enough to grind something on a forum. My suspensions would hold me back anyway.