Fixing Human kingdoms

Why is it when someone posts anything from the WoWpedia wiki that refutes your claims, it’s clearly biased, but when you post something off the same wiki, it’s undeniable word of god?

Azshara was ceded to the goblins after Mists, which is when the first Ogrimaar siege happened

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Because what I posted was literally from the end of SoO(an actual ingame source). And there has been nothing about what you said aside from a fan run page from wowpedia(which can be wrong/can be edited by anyone).

And unlike a good chunk of the other entries in that page, did not cite ANY source(ingame or from book or any official tweet or whatever) regarding Tyrande giving Azhara to the goblins.

Yeah that’s why I said it was probably not a good idea strategy-wise lol but Kezan is just rad


We keep Azshara AND we retake Kezan


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That’d be really cool in all honesty. Horde gains without causing the Alliance to lose anything.

Plus, I agree, Kezan was great.


Zerde will only be happy if the alliance controls both continents fully.

The Deal Azshara was only on the condition that the horde leave ashenvale…so if the horde has control about parts of ashenvale, the deal is nonexistent and the night elfs retake their outpust in Azshara , as we know…really happened the second the horde broke their part of the deal.

Is it really non-existant though? The Kaldorei, Tyrande in particular, doesn’t really seem to care about retaking Azshara.

And besides, why cede territory to the horde, when the kaldorei knew the Warsong weren’t going to just up and abandon their section of Ashenvale?

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I’m glad you mentioned the Warsong because as of Kosh’harg, the Warsong alone have stopped the night elves from routing orcs out of Ashenvale.

The nelf power hour is officially over and I am here for it.


Exploring Kalimdor made clear that the outposts are reestablished and the last two remaining horde outposts are sieged in ashenvale and will in time be gone, because no possibility to get support there from outside, because the horde lost all entrys into ashenvale

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After the Fourth War, Zekhan reported that night elf defenders from Talrendis Point continue to challenge the Horde for control of Valormok.[2]

Although this important staging ground has a lot of goblin explosives present, Zekhan plans to ask the Horde Council to send help, as night elf defenders from Talrendis Point challenge the Horde for control. He fears they might succeed.[8]

So yeah, the night elves are challenging the Horde for Aszhara.

We are back to vanilla situation where the alliance controls the entire world. The Horde had the biggest loss of land since Draenor went boom. Now We only have Mulgore unter full control and alliance bias is to blame.

That will not happen. This is a fair story and not some alliance wishing concert. Leave Azshara or we start another war to kill all of you.

In a “fair” story, could something like a genozid happen??

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numbers of nameless NPCs don’t matter. What matters is lore characters. And all night elf leaders are alive which gives them a huge advantage over the rest of the Horde. Bfa was the nail in our coffin and we will never matter again in the plot. And don’t even start with Baine now. He failed to save Bovan because he is a pathetic loser.

You can’t even answer a simple question, grazrug…

A genocide is just numbers. Draenei got genocided too didn’t stop Blizzard from giving them tons of lore in WoD and Legion. As long as you have strong leaders everything will be fine.

And no I wouldn’t mind if we lose Orgrimmar or Thunderbluff. These places are ugly and won’t be missed.

Answer my question, in a “fair” story, could something like a genozid happen???

Yes or no?

a genocide is not fairness. A genocide is shock value writing. There will always be enough people of any race no matter how many of them will be killed. You should check your priorities in a good story.

So you admittet that warcraft is no fair story, got it.

So we can move on by simply aggreeing that it could happen that ashenvale will be cleansed of any horde pressence and the azshara’s outpost will be reestablished.

I will not say it will happen, but it can happen

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We need lumber from Ashenvale for as long as Thrall is not capable of giving the Orcs a good land where they are not devoid of resources even basic things like food and water. And Azshara was ceded to the Horde because post Cataclysm the Goblins owned it anyways by that time. Tyrande never had the authority to decide the fate of any zone that wasn’t part of their sacred forests(Ashenvale, Darkshore and Teldrassil).

And it is funny that you dare to talk about fairness even. Last time I checked the alliance has strong forces in all Horde core zones minus Mulgore. I think that is the point we should start with.

The blue team has no business being in the barrens, Tirisfal, Durotar, Ghostlands, Silveprine or Hillsbrad. They need to leave if they take the peace treaty seriously.