Fixing Human kingdoms

I’ve been saying the Forsaken should take Shadowfang back, use that as the Forsaken’s fortification between the Forsaken-Gilnaes DMZ between there and the Greymane Wall. Hell, as you level through Silverpine that could be the final dungeon to conclude the story - kicking out the Bloodfang Pack. Ivar doesn’t have to go, but some underlings you’ve rooted out throughout the rest of the story would be good. Similar to how Crowley and crew were included in the narrative and then end up as dungeon bosses.


My demands can’t be changed.

I’m late to the conversation but I’m personally dead tired of Alliance getting new things while Horde only bleeds lands/heroes and gets nothing in return.

No more humans in Lordaeron. They have Southshore and Arathi.
No more.

Honestly, agreed. If the humans want to live in Lordaeron so badly, they can abandon their Alliance allegiances and join the Argent Crusade.


The various schemes to take stuff from the Horde are never going to happen. Blizzard is not going to leave the Horde short of leveling zones. They aren’t to take the home of one of the major playable races (they even are in the middle of a plot arc about then getting it back).

Nor should they. The Alliance needs a plot other than revanchism. (Look it up on Wikipedia, revanchism is not pretty).


Screw that. I hope the Alliance gets their long due revenge on the Forsaken and finally eliminate any Horde that would try to retake Shadowfang keep.

As mentioned the Alliance can already go to Southshore and presumably all of Crowley’s land as well(especially considering Calia was planning on giving back all Gilnean land).

What??? The Horde took Azshara from the night elves! They tried to take all of Ashenvale from them as well. I say payback is in order.

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Please go stub your toe instead and leave these forums alone.


You leave if you want. I don’t have to do anything you say as long as I follow the rules of this place.


What??? The Horde took Azshara from the night elves! They tried to take all of Ashenvale from them as well. I say payback is in order.

Considering how poorly-received BFA was, I don’t see this happening anytime soon.


Me judging zerde and his alliance fanaticism very harshly


I’d love if there were ships you could have sailing around from the various towns/cities harbors up in that region. Similar to how ships sail around in Kul Tiras’ interior. Have some like Merchant or even battleships sailing between all of the ports. Gilneas/Southshore/Stromgarde/Menethil Harbor. If the Alliance had Tyr’s Hand as a port as well, they should widen the gap under the Thandol Span so ships can pass through there. The waters off the coast of the Hinterlands could be a hot spot for occasional naval skirmishes between Alliance and Horde vessels heading to and from Tyr’s Hand and Raventusk Village.


the defias are the only masons? Why would anyone want to build anything for humans after how the defias workmanship was handled. I guess its settled that they’ll just be slain… even more reason for them to want to rebuild the human kingdoms.

If you never took the time to explore the south and east side of Arathi, there is that entire mountainous region and fairly flat coast that is simply abandoned and vacant. I think there is an empty homestead, maybe a troll ruin, but thats it. Whole sections of the zone underutilized and could definitely be used, especially since Stromgarde was described as ‘a mountain kingdom, [where] its people grew up learning to climb the rock faces and scale the peaks.’

Making the Thandol Span a real contentious area though would be good. While I do think it makes more sense for it to be Alliance controlled given how critical it is to their logistical nature - I did have it a bit more contested in a rework I’ve been playing around with and that I’ve lifted all my suggestions here from.

A little key:
:red_circle: Horde
:orange_circle: Red DF
:yellow_circle: Ravenholt (in this case)
:green_circle: Green DF/Cenarian Circle
:large_blue_circle: Alliance
:white_circle: Argents
:purple_circle: Kirin’Tor
:green_square: Independent Trolls


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If Ivar and his pack aren’t leaving on their own we fill force them.

She has no authority to act on their own. Silverpine and Hillsbrad are not up for debate. Just move to Stratholme together with Tyrosus.

Tyrande abandoned it willingly. It is the payback because Goblins lost Kezan.

  1. because most people can collectively blame Onyxia for the Defias events 2) because Anduin/Varian/Turalyon have generally been just leaders not interest in Vanity projects and focused on improving the lives of Stormwind’s citizens.

Following the Siege of Orgrimmar, Tyrande Whisperwind claimed the night elves will allow the goblins to keep Azshara as part of the tentative peace between the Horde

Just thought I would post this since zerde likes to twist the lore. Sure the goblins moved in unannounced, but the kaldorei, tyrande specifically, decided to cede the land to the goblins under the peace treaty at the time

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I actually agree with you that areas of former human kingdoms that aren’t controlled by either side are up for grabs (though one hopes Bliz could do something more interesting than using them for some faction fist-pump moment).

It hard to agree with you when I come upon things like…

By the same reasoning, getting Azshara was payback for the Alliance trying the murder those same Goblins. (And killing a few in the process.)

I dont think that peace treaty is in effect anymore considering the HORDE ATTACKED THEM again.

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Irrelevant. Tyrande herself ceded Azshara to the goblins

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