Fixing Human kingdoms

Maybe not. But neither will the Horde have all of Lordearon.

I would also point out none of us expect BfA. Who is to say another BFA(or similar expansion style) wont end up driving the Forsaken again from Capital city?

The Argents(or at least members of it) will probably rally around Turaylon if he tries to reform Lordearon.

Lastly, I am still waiting to see what the hell they do with the night elves. If the night elves can be forced to give up their original starting zone/capital so can the Forsaken.

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The Argents(or at least members of it) will probably rally around Turaylon if he tries to reform Lordearon

The Argent Crusade has consistently been depicted as a neutral organization, one of the most actually neutral unlike say, The Kirin Tor.

Well met, friend. I am Officer Purehearrt, and I am a proud member of a world-wide organization known as the Argent Crusade. Our cause is simple - fight swiftly and mercilessly against any element of evil that surfaces in Azeroth. We are not a political body, nor do we ever wish to become one. To that end we call both the Alliance and the Horde both as friends - friends in the cause of stamping out evil!

For the Light, my <brother/sister>!

Well met, friend. I am officer Garush, and I am proud member of the world-wide organization known as the Argent Crusade. Our cause is to fight swiftly and mercilessly against any element of evil that surface in Azeroth. We are not a political body, nor do we ever wish to become one. Our cause is singular, and to that end we call both Horde and Alliance as friends - friends in the cause of stamping out evil!

For the Crusade, my <brother/sister>!

On top of that, it’s also been stated that they do stand by the Forsaken heroes, and there’s no reason for them not to, especially with Sylvanas gone.

What is the Argent Crusade’s relationship with the Forsaken, in light of Sylvanas’s recent actions?
Although the members of the Argent Crusade still stand by the Forsaken heroes who joined them in the battle against the Scourge, Sylvanas’s actions since the slaying of Arthas have deeply concerned the crusaders. They, along with certain members of the Ebon Blade, are now watching Sylvanas and the Forsaken very closely, as similarities between her and the Lich King are increasing in number by the day.

Lastly, I am still waiting to see what the hell they do with the night elves. If the night elves can be forced to give up their original starting zone/capital so can the Forsaken.

? We have no confirmation that they’re actually doing this, and even if they were why should the Forsaken be forced to move out of their homes? (and before/just in-case you ask yes I think if the Night Elves do move out of Kalimdor It will be a dumb decision.)

I would also point out none of us expect BfA. Who is to say another BFA(or similar expansion style) wont end up driving the Forsaken again from Capital city?

If it happens, it should be temporary. Not one of the races currently playable should be forced to move out of their current locations, and if they absolutely have to it should be as I just said - temporary -.

And yet there is a significant overlap between the Argent and Silver Hand. And last time, they were willing to work under Turaylon.

Except this is what happened to the night elves. Everything point to them finding a new home and permanently giving up Teldrassil.

Lordaeron is troll land. You want Quel’thalas too don’t even try to hide it.

Easy. Silverpine and Hillsbrad. The Worgen must be driven back to the greymane wall.

And yet there is a significant overlap between the Argent and Silver Hand. And last time, they were willing to work under Turaylon.

No there isn’t, the only overlap is that both the Silver Hand and the Argent Crusade put a strong emphasis on the Holy Light and they have a bunch of paladins, and even the Holy Light & Paladins aren’t the only thing the Argents are willing to utilize/work with. And willing to work under Turalyon? No, they haven’t. They’ve worked under Highlord Tirion Fordring, the Player Paladin Character and then Lord Maxwell Tyrosus, in that order.

Silver Hand:

*Purely Alliance with Purely Alliance Races
Was neutral ONCE (Legion) compared to before and after)
Is Alliance-biased (because they are purely Alliance)

Argent Crusade:

Was ALWAYS neutral and it has fielded both Horde and Alliance races from the very beginning with races from both factions holding positions of power or otherwise being important/figures.
Has always worked with both factions with no bias being shown.

Except this is what happened to the night elves. Everything point to them finding a new home and permanently giving up Teldrassil.

Yeah, it sucks that they’re giving up Teldrassil but Teldrassil wasn’t even their home for thousands upon thousands of years. KALIMDOR was.

Ashenvale to be precisley.

My point is we want to keep what we have and not have to deal with dishonest takes from alliance players who want to take content away from horde players because alliance players are unhappy with the garbage they been dealt with

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Erevien, please. The grownups are talking.

How about each race has their own intelligence apparatus. You know, like what all real nations do and have done.


me thinks the human masons are a little salty as to their brethrens mistreatment by the alliance and are hesitant to build anything grandiose. Has anything interesting been built by humans not religiously affiliated since stormwind?

The proper thing to do would be to allow Calia to cultivate ties with the forsaken so that a cross faction coalition can be formed in the eastern kingdoms. Does not even have to be all of the forsaken, just like not all humans are of scarlet crusade. No doubt apart of gilneans would have fault with this, but a neutral faction of dead and living humans being in opposition to the ferals hiding behind their repaired wall makes for an interesting story dynamic for even more humans to leave the alliance and populate another kingdom, one their ancestors may have actually been apart of, such as alterac. We also know the night elves have an even greater bone to pick with the forsaken, so seeing a night elf / worgen / tauren vs. human / undead / nightborne(shameless plug) could be an interesting dynamic for a zone like silverpine. There has to be some sort of ley line stuff in lordaeron given the activity of the council of tirisfal there.

Deathwing should’ve obliterated stormwind, instead he did a fly over and crashed the gates. Would’ve made for a much better development of alliance story if pre mop the major human kingdom had to spend a patch or two as nomads populating minor settlements amongst the cataclysmed lands. Fyrakk is out of the picture for this, maybe? It seems like an odd place in the story for humans to receive a lot of immediate attention. Blizzard rarely updates the world relative to the things the ‘champion’ wont directly be involved in, lordaeron at the end of shadowlands not being expanded on yet tells me blizz doesn’t care about deliverying such story updates very quickly.

I wouldn’t mind the SI:7 being like human, gnome, high elves and Bronzebeard with a few Dark Irons and Wildhammers thrown in as like your core coalition. Where then you have your Night Elf one over yonder, the Rangari for your Dreanei.

When it comes to Horde, funny enough its more in line with what you suggest yet in a sadder state. You have the Deathstalkers for the Forsaken, Blood Elf Farstriders, Orc, Troll and I guess Goblin Shattered Hand, Tauren Long Walkers, Nightborne surely have a Duskwatch sub group, Zandalari surely have something to replace the Widows Bite or the Eyes and Ears of troll Yzma but none of them get half of the attention of the SI:7, or a quarter of their success. So folks go ‘who?’


I think it depends.
If you take Southshore for example, it was a lively quest hub in Vanilla wow and Southshore vs Tarren Mill pvp was legendary and fun.
Then Cata turned it into a blighted wasteland where not even the Forsaken could live anymore…hardly an improvement.
So if Ex- Lordearon humans wanted to rebuild the town that would honestly be fine by me. Could also lead to more interesting HvA stories in the future.


There is so much potential to give the Alliance a coastal and harbor core from Kul’Tiras far out there to Gilneas, down to Southshore, back up to Stromgarde as a coastal city as depicted initially, up through Menithal Harbor. It serves as beautiful parity to the Horde having most of Lordearon, what I hope will be Alterac, Quel’thalas, and the Hinterlands, kinda the inner core of northern Lordearon who also control the coast down to the Twilight Highlands with the Dragonmaw.

Add in Thoradin’s Wall as a ‘natural’ break and you have an environment ripe for so many future narratives


This has already been dealt with. The Defias for the most are defeated/some of them were compensated/given amnesty.

This is rich. The Horde is the reason we lost those content! Anyway, lets see what November hold for the next expansion.

There is an issue of name recognition for players who don’t pay deep attention to the story - Mathias Shaw and SI:7, for all their flaws, are now quickly recognizable as ‘oh, they’re the Alliance spies’. But I think there is still plenty of room to show other Alliance race spy organizations - even if these other spies are encountered meeting with Mathias Shaw, so the inattentive player can still have that instant recognition of ‘oh, this is another Alliance spy’.

As an aside, as I read this I was thinking of how to make a rogue outfit that matched each race, and I realized that there’s no rogue tier based on a ghillie suit. Now I want one - the different recolors could be based on different natural biomes, like brighter green for EK forests, darker green for jungles/swamps, green/purple for Ashenvale, green/gold/orange for Eversong, etc.

I would be fine with that also. I meant more places like capital city/undercity should remain in horde hands :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Because Snipers (aka, hunters) are the main users of them.

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I’m late to the conversation but I’m personally dead tired of Alliance getting new things while Horde only bleeds lands/heroes and gets nothing in return.

No more humans in Lordaeron. They have Southshore and Arathi.
No more.

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Don’t forget that Ivar and his Bloodfang pack, who are allies to the alliance, own fenris isle and shadowfang keep.

You’re right, we already have too much Alliance presence there and it needs to stop there

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