Fixing Human kingdoms

There is nothing in Lordearon to keep the forsaken there other than the terrible legacy that sylvanas left them.

… What about the fact that they were Lordaeronians in life? Lordaeron was their home that they died to defend.


Lordaeron is Horde land now. If the original people want it back we booty call the Amani. Accept that you have Stormwind and stop making silly demands


Also, i’m gonna be real, if we really want to contest Lordaeron and say it belongs to [insert faction?] Only the Horde have a Menethil.

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We don’t need Calia to have a claim. We took it after the humans died. Conquest is a legitemate way to get new land. Otherwise most alliance kingdoms wouldn’t exist.

We don’t need Calia to have a claim

Her presence does help.

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If alliance wants land we can strike a deal. Order Ivar and his pack to abandon Shadowfang keep and retreat behind the greymane wall. THAN the forsaken forces can give Gilneas back to Genn and his people.

We don’t need Calia to have a claim, not because conquest is a legitimate way to get new lands, but because the bulk of what remains of the citizens of Lordaeron are found in the ranks of the Forsaken, so it’s their lands. Now what they decide to do with their legacy and their lands is up to them. Deciding to leave the kingdom of Lordaeron behind and build a brand new nation there doesn’t deprive them of their valid claims over the lands, just like Algeria’s current borders being a legacy of the French colonial empire doesn’t give France any sort of valid claim over Algeria. The people get to decide what to do with their lands.

(Although yes, if we want to push things further, the original owners of these lands are ultimately the Amani)

Again, Calia’s name means nothing, as it should, because the Forsaken aren’t New Lordaeron, so the ruling family of Lordaeron has no claim over the Forsaken nation


The humans do have Lordaeron: the undead humans of the Forsaken.

So all of the citizens of Lordaeron should just leave their ancestral land and go the distant, frozen wasteland of a foreign continent to live for no other reason than that it would benefit the living humans’ story? That is some serious Alliance fanboyism right there.


Lordaeron belongs to the forsaken. They are the rightful heirs to their own kingdom.

Alliance players really need to come up with original ideas to make stormwind better instead of these ridiculous ideas about stealing more stuff from the horde


Lordaeron means too much to each faction for either to drop their claims. The Forsaken own the land they died defending, and Alliance survivors continually pine after their lost kingdom (and all it represents in their minds). And I think that’s a great spot for the story to be in.

I’d love for a new Stormwind Archbishop to be named, and for him to be a Lordaeron refugee who constantly pushes for the reclamation of Lordaeron from the undead - much to Anduin’s chagrin, but the new Archbisop is well-connected and Anduin can’t do anything about him. Show off some of the Lordaeron survivors living in Stormwind, and their tragic hope that they can reclaim the glory of Lordaeron-that-was, with the dramatic irony of us players knowing that Lordaeron wasn’t quite as rosy as the dream they’ve created and is too blighted for their plans to work.

Meanwhile, whether or not the Forsaken need Calia’s claim, I’d love to see their ambassadors gleefully using that claim to try to counter Alliance claims. (Let Alexei Barov lead the legal efforts, as part of his own story about his legal battles with Weldon Barov.)


Tyr’s Hand, New Theramore or somewhere in Stormwind’s realm would be acceptable for me as a New Lordaeron capitol as i’ve said before. Just to give humanity recognition of it’s heritage and connection to Lordaeron. As well as solidify its connection to the events of WC3 which it feels severely disconnected from.

That would be a good backstory for a new Archbishop. In general it would be nice for them to finally make it someone given it has been vacant for a ridiculous amount of time.

As for the Barov brothers, that’s something i’d like to see in an update in general. If Lordaeron as a subcontinent itself is updated across various zones, we should see Weldon Barov at rebuilt Southshore given that was one of the territories their family owned. Maybe Alexei could be in Brill somewhere given it’s under Forsaken control and i think the family also owned that.


What have we already stolen? I mean im sorry the Alliance player base wants stuff back the Horde has Stolen. Sorry if that offends you that your faction is basically half made up of original alliance races, and characters. Very little has been added to the Horde recently has anything tying back to the original Horde since vanilla.

I mean the fact the Horde is holding the lands which hold 90% of the Alliance history and story is just stupid.


? The only Horde races that correspond to that definition are the Forsaken and the Sin’dorei (the Shal’dorei were never in the Alliance to begin with). That’s 2 of 13 Horde playable races.

However what is effectively true is that most Horde races were historically pushed into the Horde as a result of Alliance douchebaggery/poor diplomacy lol

  1. Lordaeron belongs to the forsaken. And has belonged to them since the end of Warcraft 3.

  2. Half the horde? Only two were former alliance, and out of those two, Quel’thalas left at the end of the Second War. With a extreme minority of high elves who remained loyal to the alliance.

  3. I’ll repeat it again, stop trying to take stuff from our faction. Come up with ideas to improve the crappy story you guys been saddled with that doesn’t invovles X horde race should move to Outland or Northrend and give up all their terrorities so I can be happy


(That’s precisely what I was trying to do with this thread btw. I genuinely think both factions deserve much better writing but one faction cannot have its lore enhanced at the expense of the other. There are millions of other ways to do it and I tried listing some)


And your ideas are good ones. I’m just tired of one factions players wanting their fun at the expense of horde players and the horde faction at large

  1. I’ll repeat it again, stop trying to take stuff from our faction. Come up with ideas to improve the crappy story you guys been saddled with that doesn’t invovles X horde race should move to Outland or Northrend and give up all their terrorities so I can be happy

Real. Any Horde race moving out of their respective starting zone/region or well, any race for that matter is a horrendously stupid idea that I don’t really have the apt words to describe how stupid it is. Not one of the playable races should move out of their capitals/current homes and if they absolutely have to it should be temporary.

The Forsaken should stay in Lordaeron, the Orcs, Night Elves, Trolls, Tauren, etcetera in Kalimdor. Belves in Quel’thalas, you name it.

The very rare exceptions I might grant to this would be for instance… If the Night Elves made Eldre’thalas their permanent capital instead of Hyjal. Because at least that’s still in Kalimdor, (and the Shen’dralar are one of my favorite aspects of nelf lore). I think that’d be it though.


And the Alliance was formed because the Horde are a genocidal menace. What are they now, 3-4th genocide attempt?

The Forsaken doesnt even own a 1/3 of it. Most of Lordearon(the Western/Eastern Plaguelands) belong to the Scourge/Argent.

The lower half of Silvepine(Pyrwood to Ambermill) is Crowley’s territory.

And now Southshore belongs to the Alliance again.

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The Forsaken doesnt even own a 1/3 of it. Most of Lordearon(the Western/Eastern Plaguelands) belong to the Scourge/Argent.

Better Scourge/Argent than Alliance.

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Since you’re dense as a pile of stones. Capital City is not going alliance. Ever. Get over it