Fixing Human kingdoms

See. the Horde council are pathetic weaklings who betray their own people. They allow the alliance to bully us. Basically. The mere existence of these settlements is already an aggression on itself. Turalyon and Genn would foam their mouths if a Horde city was build in Elwynn or Dun Morgh.

difference between a cityā€¦and a fortress is known to you, right?

Northwatch alone is larger then Razor Hill. Blizzard had never bothered to give Orcs the same world building like humans got with Stormwind and Kul Tiras.

Because again that has been their home for a decade plus. Not to mention most of the Theramore civilians were Lordearon citizens and unless they wanted to live in Southshore or join the Argent have limit prospects in Lordearon.

I think it would cool if the Stonemaul orges built a settlement/fortress around theramores crater and the residual arcane energies improved their intelligence and they proceed to take over the rest of the marsh

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Iā€™ll go get the human remover real quick


Targ said they want to take back their old village now that the dragonspawn is gone and Onyxia is dead.


Exploring Kalimdor absolutely SHOULD HAVE confirmed that Stonemaul Village was retaken by the Ogres, but alas for some reason Copeland was obviously much more interested in guilt-tripping and humiliating Horde players than he was in giving us cool things to look forward to lol

The only good thing about this book was the small chapter on the Shatterspear

In my first post, I proposed Sky Admiral Rogers :

Scientifically proven to effectively dispose of anyone who doesnā€™t have a deep spiritual connection with Plague Eaters


I donā€™t really see this is a valid explaination to avoid a rebuilding of Theramore. If the Plaguelands can be healed and if the Forsaken are able to clear the blight from Undercity, thereā€™s no reason the Alliance canā€™t find a way clean up the mess in Theramore.

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arcane radiation is different then a cloud of smoke.

the maelstrom, nexus, all places that got changed by arcane magic, or the land in which karazhan stays, all of them are turned into arcane wastelands and never was one fully healedā€¦

i think that wild arcane magic change a place in its structure permamently, the plague simply corrupt a place. corruption can be healed, but transforming a place into other things?

Letā€™s be honest though, if the writers wanted to revive Theramore, theyā€™d have it cleansed in a single questline, arcane corruption or not


This is where iā€™m at with this.

It would just essentially be continuing the already established precedent of Alliance incompetence. Being unable to rebuild or cleanse their destroyed settlements for seemingly no reason at all.

I guess the more important question would be, is there any narrative importance to rebuilding Theramore? The gameā€™s since shifted Jainaā€™s spot in the story to being the current leader of Kulā€™tiras, and itā€™s not like it was previously home to a playable race like Teldrassil and Undercity were.


But you wonā€™t be nathanos through.

Iā€™m so confessed now in this thread are we talking about Human Kingdoms or something else on here?

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This is Blizzard we talking about. Positive changes for the Alliance takes years/if not decades.

I mean, how long did people wait to see say Stromgarde get revived?

At least the alliance gets positive changes. Itā€™s been years since the horde faction got anything resembling positive changes

Didnt the orcs recently get an entire heritage quest re establishing the clan system? Baine got an entire questline(with a nice trasmog bonus). The darkfallen questline was the Forsaken retaking upper Capital City.

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It would be nice if they got to do something later on in the story instead of just being forgotten.

Sadly, Blizzardā€™s likely focused on Tyrandeā€™s and Baineā€™s next big cinematic appearances.