Fixing Human kingdoms

so, they retook 1/3 …got it.

If the nightwarrior is such an impactfull being on the mortals mind, full of rage and wrath, i would go the “start the cleansing” way, by driving tyrande too far…starting with ashenvale…hyjal…no one would be save that is not a night elf there. To show that this powerup not only was powerfull but really changed her state of mind, she would do things that usual tyrande would not do.

blinded by the hatred and rage, this would make shandris motives better why she fears about her mother …and want to heal her, because she´s lost to the power of the night warrior…and has only one thing in mind…punishment and revenge. And sylvanas and tyrande would have fought in bfa in turn 1…and end even… because sylvanas got the jailor powerup aswelll…to show why tyrande didn´t take orgrimmar alone.

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Hyjal has always been in Kaldorei hands. Just because they let horde help with Deathwing/Ragnaros doesn’t mean they don’t own the zone. And we do know as per Shadows Rising, the Kaldorei made it their home for a time.

Ashenvale is still largely night elf dominated, with a few horde outposts.

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Afrasiabi did the most damage in his anti Sylvanas vendetta but Golden is no better because thanks to her the Forsaken had to deal with Calia. If we want to be free and cool again we need Metzen and Kosak.

as i said before, i add a few things here and there^^

blinded by the hatred and rage, this would make shandris motives better why she fears about her mother …and want to heal her, because she´s lost to the power of the night warrior…and has only one thing in mind…punishment and revenge. And sylvanas and tyrande would have fought in bfa in turn 1…and end even… because sylvanas got the jailor powerup aswelll…to show why tyrande didn´t take orgrimmar alone.

the one thing that could atleast hold against elunes wrath would be the jailor power up of sylvanas…

Sylvanas was sent to superhell and Nathanos is dead. Shadowlands and Bfa were the final nails in the coffin of the Horde story. Only alliance leaders matter now. And will never die because Golden holds her hand over them.

Metzen? Metzen atleast is now a story consultant for blizz, maybe this will improve the next expansion.

We see how Metzen envisioned Sylvans in the bfa cinematic trailer. That should have been her. And not this hate torture monstrosity created by Afrasiabi.

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this was his last job for blizz…after this he retired. he thesmelve was suprised of what sylvanas did.

Going by Dragonflight the story is set for new allied races now. Tuskarr for the alliance and centaurs for the Horde.

i still think the shot themselve in the foot with the way they use and introduced the allied races.

i think the tuskarr and the centaurs fit both more the horde with their tribe system thematically…the furbolgs could be more of a alliance party, but as far as i know, they have currently no plans to introduce more races.

Taliesin would lose his crap if that happened. As no 1 Tuskarr fanboy.

and? i think neither will join any faction to be honest…and the tuskhar do not fit the alliance …atleast not more then the nordend thuskar…

I rather have the Kalimdor centaurs tbh. They are cool and have Mauradon.

Zerde is a liar and knows this so I’m mostly posting this to show readers why he is wrong:

Kosh’harg is the newest content on the topic. It’s newer than BFA. It’s newer than roux’s book. It’s newer than exploring kalimdor.

And the Warsong are home.


And its canon that the night elves are still attacking the Horde. The warsong might “feel at home” right now. But we know how easily homes burn in Azeroth.

And as I mentioned. A night elf style heritage questline where they finally get to kick out the Horde from Ashenvale would probably be awesome/does not ruin the normal flow of leveling.

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Again. You don’t get to complain about a single Orc settlement in Ashenvale when you currently occupy more then half of our starting zones. Get in line.


I’m gonna be real, yeah the fact that the Alliance has presence in Durotar of all places is absolute bull$hit. Tiragarde Keep should be an Orc Settlement and the Northwatch camp near Sen’jin should be a Troll one.

As much as I want Northwatch Keep, Fort Triumph and Honor’s Stand to be Horde as well idrc that much.

Compare this with Elwynn where it is purely Alliance.


I didn’t mind having invading groups of Alliance in Durotar or in the Barrens at the time. It gave me the chance to punch Alliance without being made to feel bad about it. Something I would love if the game gave again.

That being said, it’s high time we get an update and get all those Alliance forces out of Durotar, Barrens, and even Brackenwall. With Theramore gone it makes little sense for them to still be lingering around.


Yeah, back when Theramore was still around their presence wasn’t much of a bother as It made sense that with Theramore’s proximity, Tiragarde Keep could be reinforced and Alliance movement could be made onto Durotar and the Barrens.

… Theramore is now gone and I highly doubt it’s ever coming back in any form.

It’d be cool to see an ogre civilization emerge in Dustwallow Marsh now that the Alliance is gone. Rebuilding Stonemaul Village to resemble WOD architecture. Perhaps have the AU ogres move in with their MU counterparts and work on fixing the stereotype of “dumb ogres”, reintroducing them to Draenic ogre culture; their sorcerous advances, imperial/disciplined military, etcetera.

Stonemaul Village could even be one of the strongest Ogre Capitals on Azeroth. Brackenwall could remain, repurposed into like a Stonemaul/Ogre military fortification.


If anything I expect it will be back. Varian did say he wanted to turn it into an Alliance Garrison. Hell, all Blizzard needs to do is plot down the assets from the WoD Garrison and boom, we have new Theramore.