Fixing Human kingdoms

I just don’t see the Warsong leaving. 15+ yrs the kaldorei have been trying to drive them from Ashenvale and the harder they try, the more the warsong just dig themselves in and fight that much harder

The Warsong are a warrior clan, fighting is the one thing they are really good at. Especially hit and run tactics. They mastered that against the Gorian Empire

Not to mention that the Warsong see dying in combat as the most honorable way a Warsong can die. That was a mantra Grommash taught his people and it stuck with most of them

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The Warsong are a warrior clan, fighting is the one thing they are really good at. Especially hit and run tactics. They mastered that against the Gorian Empire

“bu-but the ten thousand year old elves with their millenias worth of knowledge and experience and power and and nd nad nd ndnd-----”

Yeah the Warsong aren’t weak by any stretch and are among the best fighters the Orcs have to offer alongside the Blademasters, Farseers (they’re not strictly fighters but powerful shaman nonetheless), the Blackrock Clan, etcetera. These aren’t any rank and file rando grunts that’ve been standing up to the Sentinels. Hell, during the initial conflict in WC3 the Warsong fought them off. They had to go get Cenarius’s help to actually drive them out, and the Warsong responded… by drinking demon blood to even the odds and killing them and their demigod.

(now drinking demon blood wasn’t the smartest thing to do but it did let them survive)


While drinking the demons blood was a bad idea, but if I was in Groms position and it was drink the blood and give my people a fighting chance or let a demi god and his forces wipe out my people? I’d probably drink the blood to.

Note, I am not condoning what Grom did, but I completely understand why he did what he did in that moment


Warsong are the best warriors of the Horde. It was no surprise they could kill Cenarius the first time. If a Hellscream would lead them again we could take the entire zone maybe.

Note, I am not condoning what Grom did, but I completely understand why he did what he did in that moment

Yeah, same. I understand why he did it because it was either he drank or he and his clan died, but I don’t condone it at all especially considering Grom knew what he was getting into and just… didn’t care.

onSmall Troll Male.gif Witch Doctor: That be it, mon! The dark energies that I sense come from the pool!
IconSmall Satyr.gif Satyr: Foul orcs! The burning masters charged us with protecting this well. You are unworthy of drinking from these dark waters!
IconSmall Grom.gif Grom Hellscream: I don’t know what you are or who you serve, but no one bars my way!
IconSmall Troll Male.gif Witch Doctor: The pool emanates great power, but I smell the stench of a demon curse about it!
IconSmall Grom.gif Grom Hellscream: I am cursed already! If I must drink from these waters to defeat Cenarius, then I will.
Grom steps up to the edge of the tainted pool. A Grunt runs up to him.
IconSmall Orc Male.gif Warsong Orc: No! That goes against everything the warchief teaches us! We can’t let rage overcome us again!
IconSmall Grom.gif Grom Hellscream: No, warrior. We must embrace it as never before! We must become the vessels of destruction that we were meant to be!
Grom drinks from the pool, causing him to grow in size and turn red…
IconSmall GromRed.gif Grom Hellscream: Yes! I feel the power once again! Come, my warriors! Drink from the dark waters and you will be reborn!

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That already happened. Multiple times. First second war then the invasion of Draenor. Just like most Horde races the Orcs are close to extinction. Humans will never suffer that cuz they got them sweet plot armor.

Tear down the fortresses in all Horde zones then you can get your ashenvale back. Not any minute sooner.

Not gonna lie though. Grommash still is one of my all time favorite orcs. He’s up there with Doomhammer as one of my favorites. Both did terrible things for reasons that they THOUGHT were right at the time. The fact that Grom got duped into drinking the blood twice is sad.

But yeah, anyway, Ashenvale is a lot more interesting being a zone that’s contested between the Kaldorei and the orcs vs it going completely blue. But I do get why people want it to. It is kaldorei holy land according to the lore after all

the thing is, we reach a point at which is it hillarious that the horde have still outposts theres, i mean…a litteral avatar of the night elf god was there, we know a god avatar powerfull enough to force an entire planet to its knees, kill an old god and his minion and many many more mirracle things and tyrande archieved with this power even on azeroth…nothing. Nothing she did on azeroth was worthy this supposed “powerup”.

i mean…a thing that according to its introduction brought down the trollempires, how unbeliefable it is that nothing was solved there through the night warrior apperance.

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Not gonna lie though. Grommash still is one of my all time favorite orcs. He’s up there with Doomhammer as one of my favorites. Both did terrible things for reasons that they THOUGHT were right at the time. The fact that Grom got duped into drinking the blood twice is sad.

Same. Grommash, Doomhammer, Kilrogg Deadeye, Ner’zhul, Durotan are among my favorite orcs. MU grom though. AU Grom? :skull:

And yeah I can understand why people want it solely blue but at the same time I really don’t see it going to. I suppose a decent compromise could be Ashenvale being Alliance-dominated? As in, Splintertree Post, Zoram’gar Strand and all the satyr locations are Alliance-controlled with the orcs controlling Mor’shan Ramparts + The Warsong Lumber Camp and Demon Fall Canyon as exceptionally fortified locations with it being stated that the Warsong Outriders + Silverwing Sentinels are still going at it in Warsong Gulch.

That way, the Nelves do have -very- strong presence in Ashenvale with on-screen destruction of Horde outposts but the Orcs still have presence within Ashenvale?

Edit: Forgot to add Blackfathom Deep as an Alliance-controlled area too.

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The night warrior fought in Darkshore, not Ashenvale. Sure, both zones are connected, but no major fighting took place in Ashenvale during BfA

the sad thing…the night warrior don´t even fought in darkshore, she got her powerup and went missing…we didn´t know anything what happened…later on we got the one cinema that “celebrate” the victory…

and i repeat myself but …what possible must happen, which steps of Escalation are left. If blizzard bring such a powerfull being into existent, a mortal powerfull enough to singlehandedly destroy old gods, troll empire on its peaks with all their loa and many more enemys, why archieved our nightwarrior…nothing of worthy?

Dark shore was retaken by the player and was the warfront…okay, and we got help there from malfurion. So tyrande could have go to ashenvale…and she archieved…nothing of worth, if you ask me, neither in shadowlands, nor on azeroth.

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No. After witnessing the aftermath of Bfa no more Horde humilation. I am sick and tired of being the punching back for angry Night elf players all the time. They got enough attention to the lore since Legion. Give the Horde races some well deserved victories for once instead of having Baine crying over a dead Bovan which was his fault to begin with.

according to yourself…loosing land is not so bad, because loosing charakter is what matters, so you should have - to your own standard - not have any issue there.

Honestly? I think that’s why they didn’t do anything with whole Night Warrior arc. You can’t really have the avatar of a literal god running around one shotting the opposite faction. They had to reign it in somehow.

I agree it was terrible that Tyrande never really achieved anything with the powerup, but I’m just not sure what exactly people expected to happen.


atleast retake all their lost Territory?

i mean, this is the minimal goal…to archive^^

Which is why I mentioned Bovan. Whenever Blizzard wants to raise the stakes they kill some Hore characters. The Alliance leaders however are untouchable and that will never change for as long as Danuser and Golden are in charge of the writing.

so you have no issue at all if they retake their lands in ashenvale if they kill not a bigger named charakter? right? its easy to solve that without killing one…the named one could flee.

They technically did retake Darkshore. It was just poorly shown ingame as usual

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you can be happy that danuser is in charge. he´s atleast someone who likes the wc3 horde more then the wc2 horde.