Fixing Human kingdoms

That was after MOP’s ending. It has been almost 4 expansions since then and idk how many years IRL. I doubt it’s coming back any time soon and frankly I’m personally hoping it doesn’t.

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And I’m hoping it does. So yeah, lets see if Blizzard ever even bothers to remake/return to Kalimdor/EK.

What alliance hardliners want is basically back to the status quo from vanilla where they controlled the most land. Having more characters and screentime is not enough for them they want full control over everything else too.

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That’d be sooo great. Also nowhere near unlikely since Exploring Kalimdor said the Stonemaul were doing good post-Fourth War. I kinda want the differences between MU and AU Stonemaul to remain though : both clans have had vastly different recent histories. The MU clan experienced the complete collapse of both their civilization/culture and their home world ; they also have long years of common history with the Horde (both Old Horde and New Horde) and by now they should have developed a culture and way of life that reflect living in a swamp. Meanwhile, the AU clan have remained closer to their Gorian roots, while having gone through many things the MU clan haven’t : the Iron Horde, being subjugated by the Mag’har, the Lightbound crusade, etc

Also, I insist on the need to give some focus and screentime not only to the AU Ogres, but also to the Gronn, Ogron and Goren that made it through the portal and were pledged to the Horde courtesy of the Mag’har. If only to show us what they’ve been up to and how Thrall’s Horde deals with having what are essentially slaves among its ranks lol

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I’d love to also learn about what the AU saberon have been to. Be cool to see if they developed any sort of society on Azeroth yet. And I’m also curious about what the botani have been up to on Azeroth


Is Baine dead yet?

…No, what’s canon is that they were attacking the Horde 6 years ago


You say the night elves have stopped. Except you don’t have proof of this. The best we have is Tyrande/maybe a good chunk of them have stopped. Having said that, those in Ashenvale/those in Azshara are most likely still taking pot shots at the Horde.

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No I say the Night Elves have MOST LIKELY stopped since the conclusion of Tyrande’s SL arc was “renewal rather than vengeance” + the Orcs and Kaldorei are literally part of the same cross-faction expedition right now and they never ever mentioned ongoing faction skirmishes on Azeroth

I don’t have proof of this since it hasn’t been addressed yet but that’s besides the point : you said “its canon that the night elves are still attacking the Horde” which is wrong because what’s canon is that they were doing so 6 years ago


Plus you have to factor in that none of the Warsong at the Korsh’arg mention being attacked by the Kaldorei. I can only presume that there was a brief period where hostilities kicked up again and the kaldorei were stopped again.

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Because we are trying to put our best faces to the races of the Dragon Isles. Toddy and that blood elf was very hesitant when the faction conflict was brought up by Sendrax so it stands to reason people avoid talking about it As well as any hot spots that are still active to this day.

Again, Tyrande may have decided to stop. That does not mean everyone has.

Or it is not something that particular storyline cares to discuss. Dragonflight in general is avoiding any mention of conflict(even though the devs have confirmed the pvp quests are canon, most likely meaning while we are not in open conflict, elements of both factions are still attacking each other but in no official capacity/approval)

Look absolutely everything hints at the Kaldorei having stopped to actively attack the Horde outposts in Ashenvale, now this hasn’t been addressed yet and you obviously have no interest in considering very sound arguments in the absence of official confirmation so let’s leave it at that because this won’t get us anywhere lol


The last confirmation we have of events in Ashenvale/Aszhara is the Exploring Kalimdor book. Unless you have proof that those are no longer accurate then I am taking that as the current state of those place until proven otherwise. Because as I mention, Tyrande’s official position does not neccesarily mean the position of all the night elves.

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The book also says “the husk of Teldrassil is still smoldering”. Does it mean it’s canon that Teldrassil is still smoldering to this day, 6 years later ? Do you need an official confirmation ? Or maybe a modicum of common sense would bring you to the conclusion that the tree is probably done smoldering by now ?


Honestly, that wouldn’t surprise me at all. Or did you forget Stratholme is still burning to this day? Magical tree+fire=a magical fire that will likely smoulder for who knows how long. I would also point out considering the EK book was after the BFA, it would mean Teldrassil was smouldering for what, almost a year? Why can’t it do so for 6 years?

Yeah nvm


Because that’s not how trees work?


Didn’t a few other threads establish that if Teldrassil was a regular tree it would no have burned or at least not as easily? Also, wasn’t it mentioned the Horde shaman asked both wind/fire elements to make their catapults more deadly?

Most likely, if there was ever a return to Teldrassil scenario we will probably end up seeing some fire elements up and about.


The arcane-touched payloads crashed into the branches of Teldrassil, each bough the size of an ordinary tree itself. The fire caught quickly. Shaman in Darkshore conjured winds to amplify the flames.

So yeah, what was used in Teldrassil was not regular fire, but arcane one, so who knows how long that will affect a magical tree.

They asked the fire elementals to make the fire burn stronger so it would consume the tree faster.

Other than that, there’s nothing left of Teldrassil except a charred stump.

A charred stump that is likely being affected by an arcane payload, thus still causing it to “Smoulder” to this day.