Fixing Human kingdoms

i think so aswell, yeah

I mean, we have two canon sources, one that dates back to the post-Fourth War period, one that takes place 6 years later. Mechanically, the most recent canon source is the one we must go with. The factions cannot possibly be in conflict right now anyway so there’s no reason to doubt it.

Now Ashenvale will probably always remain a contested area though (if only “passively contested”)

You say nothing when the alliance has serveral outposts in all Horde zones except Mulgore but you put a fuzz over the lumber camp. Peak hypocrisy.

The thing is, the orc questline was made from one guy, who was highly invested in this and no longer works for blizz as far as i know, he said something like that on twitter, and he was a known orcfanboy…i´m pretty sure they will change what they will fit the best the second they decide how they want it to be.

The difference is, in sadness, they think not a second about a logical conclusion, not a single second, its allways what they want it to be.

You will survive a single Orc settlement in ashenvale when Horde players are forced to accept having them from the blue team in all our core zones.

The alliance is there that you beat them up, they do not even really challenge this area…this is the difference between ashenvale …and the startcorezones…the alliance troops here have a single purpose…to kill them during your questprogress.

Again, this is all… completely irrelevant. Almost the entirety of the canon lore was written by people who no longer work for Blizzard—doesn’t make it less canon (until specifically contradicted by more recent canon lore). The entire Sylvanas character assassination arc was a direct consequence of Afrasiabi’s personal vendetta—doesn’t make it less canon (until specifically contradicted by more recent canon lore).

Exploring Kalimdor was written by one guy and was unprecedently badly received + full of inconsistencies and lore mistakes. The Orc questline was written by one guy but 1) it was of particular lore significance, being a Heritage questline, 2) it was universally praised and so it definitely sets the standards for future Orc development, 3) it takes place 6 years after Exploring Kalimdor, which means it’s the one source we must go with now. There is literally not a single valid reason of doubting the Orc Heritage questline’s canonicity and reliability.

Now feel free to go with your headcanon that the Kaldorei retook Ashenvale. But that’s what it is : a headcanon


Fort triumph, honors stand and northwatch in the barrens. Talrendis point in Azshara. Tiragde keep in Durotar. Fenris isle and Shadowfang keep in Silverpine. Southshore in Hillsbrad. And the night elf camp in the ghostlands. But sure the lumber camp is somehow a problem.

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its not a headcanon that i say i will highyl doubt that this will be the longterm solution, that the horde retook their lands in ashenvale and it is as it would be nothing happened, thats not a headcanon at all.

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As far as we know while officially the faction conflict is over, small scale skirmishes are likely still on going. The night elves are not actually part of the peace treaty so as of Exploring Kalimdor we know they are still night elves attacking Horde forces(likely will no involvement from the Alliance, or at best only unofficial ones)

Ashenvale being neutral is a game mechanice so both sides have a questing zone to play through. Blizz isn’t likely going to change that anytime soon. And as per the most recent lore, the orc heritage armor, the Warsong are doing just fine there apparently.

Sure, blizz COULD change it, but I wouldn’t expect Ashenvale to go full blue anytime soon

Don’t know. A heritage questline sound like it would be the perfect time to end one of the biggest problems the night elves have had.

Sooner or later Blizzard will get to the night elves.

Blizz has been Getting to the Night elves since BfA and some people are rightfully sick of them taking the spotlight lately

But honestly, I don’t expect from a game mechanic point of view, for Ashenvale to go full blue. It could via lore, sure. But I don’t expect to be shown in game

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Well tough on them. Maybe they will have their favored race experience an ingame genocide.

But honestly, I don’t expect from a game mechanic point of view, for Ashenvale to go full blue. It could via lore, sure. But I don’t expect to be shown in game

I’d expect that if they do show and not tell with a faction-change for Ashenvale as a zone to go pure blue, they’d likely put more quests in other regions to compensate which I don’t see happening.


How about we avoid that? We witnessed how incompetent blizz is writing such events. They got it right exactly ONCE and that was almost 20 yrs ago


That was true 6 years ago. Then in Shadowlands Tyrande committed to Holy Renewal, and after the timeskip the Dragonscale Expedition has Kaldorei and Orcs working together like nothing ever happened. It stands to reason there isn’t any active faction conflict on Azeroth rn. The Kaldorei couldn’t have possibly remained in the Alliance while still refusing the armistice for 6 years straight anyway.


Yeah. I don’t see them doing that either. Plus they had 15+ yrs to change ashenvale, and they haven’t. Which is why I’m doubtful they’ll ever change the current status quo concerning the zone

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Yeah, there are Night Elves in the Dragonscale Expedition, the claims of there not being any is headcanon.

The Dragonscale Expedition isn’t even the only place where nelves and Orcs cooperate. The Argent Crusade and now the Kirin Tor are also places where Kaldorei and Orcs get along.


Honestly, I wouldn’t wholly mind if Ashenvale as a zone went blue speaking as someone who does enjoy Night Elf Lore such as the Wardens, Sisterhood of Elune and the Shen’dralar Highborne to name three examples (and my favorite ones at that, idc much about the Sentinel Army and Cenarion Circle kinda mid - Cenarion Circle ain’t fully night elf and is a neutral organization but I just wish there were more themes from the other races representing their own druidic values such as the Loa from the Trolls standing prominent with the Night Elven ones -

The only problems are from a lore standpoint anyway, while it does hold significant cultural value to the Night Elves and for good logical reason at that; despite popular opinion it does hold some value to the Orcs as well - specifically/only Demon Fall Canyon - for good reason as that was the spot where Grommash killed Mannoroth. While it’s unlikely the Orcs view the rest of Ashenvale with that same reverence, I highly doubt the Warsong Clan are gonna be too thrilled with up and abandoning the region they’ve fought over for so long.

On another note, Ashenvale is a stone’s throw away from Orgrimmar’s side entrance next to the river. Unless the Horde Council decide to leave that gate completely exposed and at potential risk of Alliance besiegement, they’d logically need to keep some troops and resources in Ashenvale if only to secure that region.