[Fixed] Malefic Wrath Legendary Bug (Warlock)

Good afternoon Blizzard,

The Malefic Wrath Warlock Legendary is currently bugged. It is only stacking to one stack instead of three. Please fix.

Thank you.


I noticed the same thing. It was broken on PTR and I submitted a bug report a week ago. Also the demonic embrace 20% stamina bonus for warlocks that is supposed to be live is not. It is still 10%

Same for both the legendary and Demonic Embrace bug.

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bump this isssue.

Same issue with Malefic Wrath.

Actually looks like it’s working in PvP instances.

really needs to be fixed… affliction lock is already the lowest lock dps class and its making me suffer even more…

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Has anyone checked it on a dummy for dmg values?

I checked the dummy for damage values on retail pre 9.2.5 and on the ptr prior. It was hitting for 50k bolts on dummies when not broken, broken is like 25k

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Same here only stacks once. This was called out in a thread for the PTR… Multi dollar company.


Ongoing ptr bug (previously reported by myself and others) I am still experiencing this bug on live now after patch.

Blizzard please respond to anything related to aff please. Your playerbase is asking for it.

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We need to bring awareness. Please keep this post relevant while they try to fix all patch bugs


Agreed, another thing I noticed that’s broken on warlock is when you enter the arena and sac your pet, it magically re-appears and sac is on 30 second cool down. So you can’t sack pet, the Lego is broken, and demonic embrace is broken.


Still only getting a max stack of 1. Please fix


Confirmed happening, reported in PTR and on PTR forums several times. Doesn’t feel like there’s much reason to report bugs anymore.

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Can confirm. Please fix in a timely manner.

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Only stacks once. Lame.

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still bugged after the downtime this morning.


Confirm, STILL bugged/broken after this maintenance.

How do things like this go live? Seriously?

Broken all of PTR and still goes live broken?

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Yeah still bugged after the maintenance. Was really hoping this was one of the things that would get fixed. Basically makes the class unplayable with necro being the only viable option now.