Fix your lag already

God flipping grief.
Now Im getting logged out just standing in Stormwind.
yeah…why am I paying for two accounts on an online game again?

I cannot even play on my main server (Aerie Peak) because the lag is so horrible, and I have my graphic setting set to 2. However, if I go to a much less populated server and play with old content (Azeroth) my lag is much much less. I will say thou, on the less populated server I have not seen another payer anywhere except in the city. Its been a nice change :slight_smile:

My experience has made me wonder that maybe they need to beef up their servers?

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I haven’t lagged a bit… Playing on DT and ED.

i was in tiraguard sound in the Freehold quest area i died came to life couldnt use my action bars reload ui fixed couldnt turn in quest reload ui not fixed clicked on flight guy got dropped into a mess of mobs… This POS game is lagging Bugging and going downhill ON BLIZZARDS SIDE…

Good for you. I don’t know what DT and ED are?

I was just fine all thought Legion but as soon as they doubled the system requirements for BfA, and forced us to use “windowed” full screen mode, my fps when from 120-140 to 45-60. Some days are better than others but what I experience on a daily basis is lag so bad that I stall & die, taking a flight path is a jerky tango (only way to describe it), loot & bank lag all-the-time, and the video lag is so bad in cities that it makes me nauseated. This horrible game lag is one of the reasons I’m leaving the game after 12 years.

DT is the Drak Tharon server and ED is Emerald Dream. Again zero lag.

it certainly seems to be an individual server thing
Im running on Daggerspine and the lag is intermittant. At times its ok, then at others its so bad that Im waiting for 5-10 seconds for the game to start moving again.

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The lag been ongoing since BFA. All I know is everything is usually fine till some zones like Drustvar then it gets laggy.

I don’t doubt it’s the server and Bliz’s “sharding” system causing issues prob along with CRZ.

I beta tested most expacs and updating drivers was never something I had to do to fix such issues that isn’t from my PC. Going live from beta caused more issues, don’t ask me why but it always does it.

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Hey calm down. That was a pretty Huge mistake for a professional comp tech. I was just impressed that your comp cost “tens of thousands” to build. They do make a 100 TB external SSD now but super expensive, obviously. Okay, 4am.

But the thing is…not everyone has lag like that. It’s probably not the computer (even tho everyone has different hardware specs). The big variable is the internet connection route. You can’t control your ISP or know if other places they service is being hit with a DDOS or their hardware is struggling. It’s also the holidays when all the kids are home getting online.

The game and Blizzard is not at fault really. Other gamers are playing fine - all over the world.

You’re not wrong and you’re not lying about your lag but you’re also trying to place blame on the game and that’s not the issue here.

Don’t tell people to grow up and fact facts…you need to do that yourself. You should know better with that piece of paper you were waving around.


Rest of my internet is fine, Blizzards problem to fix. If they can’t get any ISP to route things to their servers, or specific shards properly; that’s on them because their game for the consumer doesn’t play as it should and will lead people to not play there since their lag is only limited to this game, etc.

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You’re right, it’s not the game itself, its the servers they do the sharding on.


Please go easy on Blizzard, they’re a small indie company for christ sake!


And on, and on, and on, and on.

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Plus, as they say, there’s a lot of people that just deal with it or log off and don’t post about it anywhere.

it’s pretty damn smooth over here since the multi-core patch.

the only times i can reproduce a dip below 60 fps is with max view distance in a packed boralus or epic battleground where ~80 people are fighting nearby.

imagine, epic battlegrounds are still not viable after the multicore update :slight_smile: how stoopid was it to event put in in the game back then :wink:

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It’s not FPS lag.

About a month ago they did something that made the screen freeze up every time I changed servers and every time I changed characters, which I do a lot, so it was really annoying. It also caused the screen to freeze when opening a profession panel.

My boyfriend renamed my cache and put in an ssd drive. No idea that is a different problem I was having from yours, but it worked for me.

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I’m not sure if anyone is experiencing this type of lag or if it’s just me but whenever im in a zone and a member of the opposite faction is around I lag like crazy and my screen freezes up


I blame Azerite armour myself. Lol
Can a CM please move this to the tech forum?
No one here believes anyone trying to help anyways.
Pretty odd that some are having issues but some are not.
Need more data to figure it out.
Seeing how it can’t possibly be on the user end.
We should look into those who are not lagging and see what’s so different.
Somehow some people’s hardware and connections are more robust and can connect to these bad blizzard servers that are giving others so much trouble.

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Some zones are just horribly coded. Take dalaran legion for example. Lags to this day even when its empty. But loading in took over a minute in legion, I’d even lose ques while waiting that’s how long it took. I use to blame the sewer fighters for the lag but if it still lags today its blizzard at fault.