Fix your lag already

It lags so bad you cannot play, what did you do, turn of some servers due to less players being here or something?

Cannot do Warmode as it lags, cannot be in Org as it lags, and than you offer quests to kill Alliance players but you can’t due to lag.

And I am not the only one complaining, trying to do the assault quests in Drustvar of all places, so we get the laggy Drustvar and the extra lag we have been getting in the last few days and I am forced to finish out of Warmode.


I was lagging so bad last night bro. Every time I’d log out and log in I’d freeze within a few minutes.

I restarted the app and the game had to update 3 freaking times.

Idk. Oh well. Gave up and went to bed


The lag has been horrible. Even in less populated zones. I could understnad hot spots like Frostfire for the Chrostmas quests but places like almost any zone in Northrend or Outlands w/ a total of 4 people on the whole continent should not be that laggy


Makes me wonder if the Christmas stuff pushed the servers over, I only noticed since this came about. But why? Did they reduce server capacity with the reduction in players? Or is it now due to holidays that players coming back?


I dont need fixing tyvm


Sorry we got the wrong person, it’s permanent lag we are looking to complain to.


I thoughtbit was my connection at first. Ran around turning everything else on my network off and it was still horrible.

Was doing an invasion in Stormheim and I was able to throw a second shield at some of the mobs before the first one came back. Not sure how that was even possible.


I logged in last night to change my mog, it took 3 minutes before I could view my collections, hell even the mini-map took 2 minutes to load.

No add-ons.


If you run tons of addons that access Blizzard services, like ones that show players iLVL, and even than I don’t think they need to access the Armory, I doubt addons have anything to do with it unless they are bringing your FPS down.

I said no add-ons because out of date add-ons kill performance and screw with some of the interface at times.

I was in dalaran, settings are 8-9ish? 80+ fps.

That is true, but this lag we are getting is not the addon lag you are talking about, it is the 1-2 second spell lag. The ones even when you try to cook something en-mass and it takes a second or two between things.


I keep testing my internet connection and making sure my drivers are up to date but the issue is definitely on Blizzard’s end.

Been having a lot of lag issues since the patch.

Oh yeh connection is fine here too, 25-30 Mbps and 19MS currently.

Yeah that has been a problem for awhile now, but I’ve never had a problem with collections taking so long to load in.

Out of date ui mostly screws with the void storage.

Though when I bought a token last week and was playing with a friend he was laughing his butt off at my mount jumping on his Sandstone, and skills at times were taking a few seconds and not lining up with sound effects ect…

I have a feeling the servers need a serious overhaul, but with cost cutting going on, its not going to happen.

What do your settings and FPS have to do with server lag?

Went to do the Darkshore rares on this character yesterday and the lag was so bad I ended up giving up after only a few.

Because the first thing people want to blame issues on is “your pc is a toaster” argument.


So let’s add to that, my PC is about 3 months old.

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I usually run 200+Mbps, currently 241.9, but my ms has been low forties 41-45 all the way back to vanilla (East coast)

I used to run 170MS back in the day until they gave us an Oceanic server, which is most likely situated in Melbourne or Sydney since my MS is so low.