Fix your lag already

It’s true that the original post lacked specifics, but they were provided shortly afterwards. I think the thing is it’s so normal on oceanic realms that it’s assumed to be universal.


And other players would prefer to call said players liars instead of accepting that this game IS laggy as hades lots of days.
Simple fact. No one here is required to like that fact or agree in order for it to be factual.

When I have four players in different states ALL saying their game is LAGGING…yes, it is LAGGING even if some people prefer to white knight about it.

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With all the issues bfa has had and continues to have on a daily basis I really wonder why / how this game is not like 5$ a month yet.

Updated and optimized through the Nvidia Geforce Experience control panel.

Than downgraded through the system menu in game, than turned the settings to max through the game, it made no difference, I am getting around 25 FPS in major areas and currently sitting on the Zulduzar docks at max settings with Vsync off I am getting 73 FPS.

You see this is what I LOVE about GD. the minute there is something that can be blamed to the user they instantly blame the user like you expect us to give you a full story about our lives before you believe us.

Did you even read the responses to this post? Or did you ignore the fact I am not the only user to experience this problem?

It is because users on GD who have no issues assume it is nothing more than the person complaining is being nothing but a complainer. Or is it that some users genuinely don’t know the difference?

I wouldn’t go saying that here, there will be some who will ignore that and still blame you for not fixing, what was it, your issue.

No I get the same issue in Org, it is just too many players in the one spot.

For what it’s worth Geforce experience still defaults wow to DX11 I’d switch that to DX12 or you’re losing a LOT of performance.

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This is blizzards way of telling us we didn’t buy enough see you later bundles.

Yeh I noticed that, which is why I played around with the settings further myself, I don’t really trust that, but for what it’s worth lol, I did want to cover all the bases to ensure I can safely say I have done everything.

Ha, my see you later bundle is less than half price since I own a lot of the stuff already.

I’m getting 50 ms both home and world. Seems fine to me.

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Anything around 120 or less when things run fine is playable. Around 150 is when you start noticing regular delays and when you hit 170+ it becomes unplayable for multiplayer, specifically PVP, the delay can be the difference between winning and losing.

Ok well this player here is in a state as well.
An EST state and I play a west coast server where my ping is around 70ms.
I do not lag like what is being described.
This very well could be an oceanic problem but since 4 people you know lag it must be across all of wow even though some here are not experiencing it.

Oh we are all liars white knighting? Lol
That sounds so desperate to try and “win” the internet. LOL
I guess if providing ones own personal experience in stark contrast to others own experience is white knighting then call me Ser Padrepwn. LOL

Now see this is where you’re wrong.
You gave no specifics at all and people defaulted to telling you to check everything on your end.
Which no one even knew what you did or didn’t check until how far into this thread?
That’s us blaming the user?
Only thing I’m blaming on you is lack of information in your OP.
The rest is just checking the simple things that you can.
You already knew that though because of your fancy piece of paper that says you’re a computer engineer.

Makes me wonder why a person so smart would post a technical issue in GD and not the tech forums…

This is starting to feel more like a troll post than a please help me post.

From what I know, and I think I saw a post on the EU forums, the lag is being caused by some change they did to the sharding in 8.1. They did do some changes because of warmode and that might be what is causing it. I mean you can stare at your ping all day long and it will be fine but you will end up with major delays on using abilities, mounting, etc. It’s this weird lag caused from quick shard changes from what I gather. You can see it sometimes where mobs will just vanish right in front of you.

I’ve noticed a lot of random lag in random places, and so have some of my guildies. Doesn’t seem to matter how populated the area is.

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That profession opening lag was there before 8.1, and persisted through UI resets and even completely fresh installs; with zero add-ons.

There’s also the fact that a lot of OCE players have been talking about having some really terrible lag since either pre-patch, or launch of BFA; even on their own OCE realms. So I do think sharding plays a pretty big part here.

Especially since Warmode itself is a whole new shard, and people are constantly switching between shards for group content or if there’s a shard imbalance.

I’m in Drustvar right now, on a quest that requires multiple world interactions and an escort. I can’t advance the quest because when it gets to the part where I need to interact with an object, I can’t. It fixes if i log out and back in, but then the escort starts over again and im back to square one when I get back to that point.

Game is literally unplayable for me right now.

11 Undead Priest45

Ok well this player here is in a state as well.
An EST state and I play a west coast server where my ping is around 70ms.
I do not lag like what is being described.
This very well could be an oceanic problem but since 4 people you know lag it must be across all of wow even though some here are not experiencing it.

Oh we are all liars white knighting? Lol
That sounds so desperate to try and “win” the internet. LOL
I guess if providing ones own personal experience in stark contrast to others own experience is white knighting then call me Ser Padrepwn. LOL

Sorry son but your argument is invalid.
Just because YOU dont like the FACT that we ARE lagging doesnt alter it…and that you dont like being called white knight when you accuse others of being liars when they say they are lagging is also irrelevant.
The game DOES lag…END of discussion. Again…you dont have to like that FACT, but FACT it remains.

just because four people YOU know CLAIM they dont lag has NO effect on the FACT that many DO lag and are HERE STATING THAT FACT!

I guess if providing ones own personal experience in stark contrast to others own experience is…

The sheer irony of the statement is staggering.
so YOUR experiences dictate reality for everyone else?
utter crap…sorry.

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yeah…i WATCHED the wife playing one day somewhere in that area.
I WATCHED her FPS drop from 150ish down to under 10.
I WATCHED as she walked out of the area and the FPS shot back up to 150ish.
I WATCHED as she then walked back over to the problematic area and the FPS dropped from 150ish again back down to less than 10.

Anyone who says this game doesnt have bugs or lag problems either doesnt play the game or is a blizzard shill trying to get us to believe its US and not THEM.


Wow, 3 months ago that massive sized storage drive just came out…it’s a server level sized scalable Flash SSD, right? Speculation was that it would cost “tens of thousands”. I can’t get a price on the internet without signing up with Nimbus as a client…it’s not sold on any other tech site. Alibaba can sell you a 100TB drive (price unknown and China hacked).

I have no lag in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with my old crappy gaming comp and Spectrum internet so I dunno about you guys’ lag problems but that line there made me go…wat.

I don’t have some fancy piece of paper but I’ve been a tech for many many years and I find your home PC specs questionable.

No lag.
What a flipping joke.
There is no defending this crap.
My PC is upgraded enough to run max settings so this ISNT my computer.
With latency today at both ends of the spectrum…35ish…all the way upwards of 1000…the game has lagged to high hades.
At points its been 10 seconds or so.

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That is true, but that is also not the issue we are talking about in general. That problem just froze your game until it opened, the lag we are getting will still allow your game to function, as in, you can still move about and interact with objects, it just takes additional time before the action takes place.

I meant GB, it was 4AM when I was writing these posts. And are you honestly going to take one small obviously misspelled part of my post and tell me I am wrong?

This is a part of the problem with these forums, you guys will pull apart a post and try to find one minor issue, one thing missing, one part that can be blamed to the user and tell us we are completely wrong and nothing else we have said can ever be correct, it is always our fault and not that of the game or the company running the game.

It has happened multiple times already in this post. “I don’t have lag, must be your fault”. “You didn’t specify that one obscure step, you are to blame”.

Grow up and face the fact that there is more than just the one person telling you lag is real and it is not PC lag. Just because you don’t have issues does not mean others don’t, did you even bother reading through all of the responses here or just look for the one fact you can throw back at us to tell us we are wrong?

And with the recent changes to the game people are noticing a huge improvement in FPS, which is actually something good to say (finally) about the improvements to performance.

Unless i have been missing something, they had to have made some server side changes with the most obvious being how they shard players to the least obvious that they have reduced server capacity and are trying to maximise server usage.