Fix your lag already

The exact reason why we need an ignore feature as soon as possible.

However, with no specifics to work with other than ā€œIā€™m laggingā€ people who have experienced ā€œlagā€ have found sometimes it is indeed their very own system.

From outdated drivers, slow hardrives, slow processors, failing gpuā€™s, and yes even bad isp connections.

Iā€™ve had comcast do several service calls because I pay for highspeed internet and that is what I expect to get.

More than once has shown me Iā€™m not getting what I pay for.
Techs have even jumped neighbors new installations off of my line.

Ive also found outdated drivers, poor system maintenance and yes omg even outdated hardware can cause ā€œlagā€.
Itā€™s not all just packet loss. Some ā€œlagā€ is graphical in nature.

This comes from someone who has played on a potatoe for years!
I do not lag as of right now and yes I have recently upgraded my rig.
There are quite a few tricks out there to optimize your gaming experience and your rig.
Hate to be that guy but without some specifics google is your friend.

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How are you so sure of this when there is so many variables to this issue?
How is a poor connection or a badly maintained rig blizzā€™s fault?
Immediately players blame blizz servers for being bad when some are running dated, poorly maintained, and underpowered systems.

How many are running gpus and cpus right now that are dated?

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I think his point, with which I agree, is no one knows for sure where the problem is that is causing some people to lag. The patch brought a lot of changes, many/most of them to the client software that runs on your machine.

There are people in this thread that say simple things like opening their collections lags. Others, like myself, that havenā€™t experienced this issue are dismissed. Now my server isnā€™t a high load server but it isnā€™t empty either. I run a lot of add-ons as well, but havenā€™t experienced any lag.

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Give us some specifics to start with please.

System build
Operating system
ISP provider
Addon usage
What is running in the background?

When do you lag?
What is happening when you lag?

Just to get started before we blame blizz servers. Lets look at some things the user has some control of.

Ive honestly really never lagged in wow, its pretty rare. Sry to hear you guys are lagging but I doubt its on Blizzards end. Prolly your internet or comp.

First, myinternetspeed dot com is not even a real site.

Second, my PC is around 3 months old running:

  • 6GB/s SSD
  • 100 TB storage drive
  • 16GB Ram
  • i3-8300 3.7 GHz CPU
  • Nvidia 1050 Ti
  • And a brand new M/B of some sort
  • I even got a new PSU

The only parts I am still using from old are my peripherals and case, the reason I even bothered upgrading was due to my old M/B getting ready to die.

I also have my fandangled piece of paper for my Advanced Diploma of Computer Systems Engineering, so I know a bit about computers.

Basic troubleshooting is to first run your PC in safe mode, whether that be the safe mode of windows, or the bare essentials ā€˜safe modeā€™ of the game you are running, that is disable all addons, clear all cache, WTF and interface folders, turn your graphics to 1 and manually change all other system settings to disabled or minimum. On top of that you do a repair or full re-install of the game.

The fact that I got a new PC and reinstalled all my games and programs tells me it may not be the WoW files, but a reinstall was needed as a basic part of troubleshooting anyway.

It is the first thing I do when I start having issues, I than start re-applying things that are running normally like any windows apps that run in the background one by one, I do the same with WoW, re-apply one addon at a time to try and recreate the issue.

I tried all this few days ago when I was lagging so hard that when I mounted all I was doing was running around at 100% mount speed while not being on a mount, and when I tried to do something it would not auto dismount me.

I done all the above, tried for maybe half an hour during a time when the assault in Drustvar was on, got to the last part of the assault when you transform into the three masks and could not get the vehicle bar up which was the exact reason I trouble shooted in the first place.

It was not until I zoned out and back in that it fixed the issue, that alone tells me it was nothing to do with my PC, it was an issue with my character being stuck somewhere between Zulduzar and Drustvar on the server and when I forced on the character the server out of the area it fixed the issue.

Just look at the above.

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I have had plenty of issues since bfa launch that are clearly server side. Itā€™s possible these issues are limited to oceanic realms, Iā€™m not sure. But outdoors youā€™ll have <20ms home and world, yet abilities simply do not activate when you press them. This isnā€™t some random spike, it will be awful for long periods until I move into instanced content. And surprise, everyone will be complaining about it in general and guild channels. Honestly, the arrogance of people who know what your issues are without any information is astounding.

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I think next time I need to be more specific about this, I was trying to get this point across but as usual GD just want to lay the blame with the user since they have no issues.

Well sorry but your OP listed none of that and looked like another fix this blizz itā€™s on your end post without checking anything on my end first.
Sorry too its .net not .com. Iā€™ll fix that.

Has nividia done any optimization updates lately?
No Im not trying to be insulting or question your experience but have you checked the drivers for your gpu?

I run an rx570. If I use the stock driver I get a message that my gpu is not compatible with wow and it lags.
I downloaded the optional driver and it went away. /shrug
Just trying to help before we break out the torches and pitchforks.

User doesnā€™t give any specifics in your OP but its just GD blaming the user? Lol.
Good luck.
Hope you figure out your issue.

I have had plenty of issues since bfa launch that are clearly server side. Itā€™s possible these issues are limited to oceanic realms, Iā€™m not sure. But outdoors youā€™ll have <20ms home and world, yet abilities simply do not activate when you press them. This isnā€™t some random spike, it will be awful for long periods until I move into instanced content. And surprise, everyone will be complaining about it in general and guild channels. Honestly, the arrogance of people who know what your issues are without any information is astounding.

Iā€™m sorry but I find the two bolded parts somewhat contradictory. How can anyone that doesnā€™t have metrics directly from the Blizzard servers know for sure that the problem is a Blizzard Server problem?

I agree that people tend to jump to conclusions that arenā€™t based on facts, but that usually applies to both sides of the problem under discussion.

From a user perspective, all we can do is make sure that we eliminate any variables on our side that might contribute to the problem; outdated drivers, OS updates, hardware malfunctions, network issues, etc.

If there are a lot of people experiencing issues with the game Iā€™m sure Blizzard will be trying to figure out the issue. First by trying to find commonalities among those affected.

IMO it is much more likely to be a client-side issue either with the game client or the users computer/network/ā€¦ since server-side issues would likely affect almost everyone.

While Blizzard tests as thoroughly as possible the permutations of OS/Software/Drivers/Hardware (including GPUs and CPUs) are enormous and they canā€™t possibly test every permutation.


To anyone who has played for more than a few months, the difference between graphics/fps lag and connection/server issues is extremely obvious. Iā€™m not sure why the two are so regularly conflated as in these replies.


3 month old pc. Get more than 40 people in the same zone and crz and my computer almost crashes every time. I have seen nothing that this machine can not handle yet aside from this.

is 40 people ā€œmassive multiplayer?ā€ Massive implies a significantly higher number than 40 I would think.

I dont want to say ā€œDEAD GAME REEEEEEEEEā€
Im starting to feel compelled in that direction though. They literally cant handle their own game doing what it is designed to do.


Been really bad on my Alliance characters. I think it has to do with when the invasions are up.

So side note: verify a few things before calling it ā€˜lagā€™

  • What are your ping times? If the ping times are good youā€™re not ā€˜laggingā€™ something else is going on
  • How long approximately does it take the server to acknowledge an action? This is important and very different from lag but can appear to be lag. You can see this by doing things like mounting up but no mount appears etc.

Once youā€™ve done that:

  • if you have the first case do the usuals, check your router, ISP, etc and report it to blizz.
  • If you have the second case, report it using in game bug report along with your current ping times and the time it took the server to acknowledge your action.

Liked for some basic understanding of technology before condescending reply.

Because players have labeled every lock up they experience as ā€œlagā€.
This would also seem to be why when someone posts in the same manner as OP with no specifics whatsoever.
People revert to the simple fixes that they themselves have used.

Personally Iā€™ve seen a significant uptick in server acknowledgement times lately, particularly when an invasion is active. The clustering of invasion quests seems to be causing the servers to go to a crawl.

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ā€œFix your lag alreadyā€

OHHHH yeah.
Yesterday. Dire Maul, I believe.
I hit Chi Torpedo. didnt work. Huh.
Hit it again. Didnt work. Huh.
Then BOTH fire off at once seconds later and shoot me right into a HUGE pack we werent ready for.
yeahā€¦seriously thinking about going back to playing solo games on MY desktop instead of this laggy crap online nonsense.

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