Fix ur game blizzard

The amount of games you must be taking your ball and going home if multiple ppl in this thread alone have seen it.

Nvm the 100(0?)s that don’t post on the forums


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Sometimes there is a lot happening and people miss CD usages. I have played w/ a warlock friend for years and often go, “Wait when did we use x?”. Sometimes you need a correction, I don’t think a comment like that would make me rage quit a lobby though, which is what you’re defending here.

Sure, but you didn’t say that originally. Additionally, leaving is more toxic of an action than simply ignoring 1 player out 6.

Agree to disagree

No, I just tend to talk to people about those things. Your approach is to rage leave. It would not surprise me that you’d never have a convo w/some1.

I never said that it doesn’t happen. I’ve left some shuffles myself, we all have. There are 4(?) people calling you out on this though.

Additionally, there are many steps you could take before rage quitting shuffles, one option would be to turn off your chat log in RSS. Plenty of people do that, it’d actually fix all your issues in one swoop.

You don’t see their comments
They don’t get a healer that rage quit because of a benign comment.

The irony is incredible.


It’s explicit in one comment and at least implicit in another. You just couldn’t be bothered to notice because it goes against the narrative you’re trying to spin.

Agree to disagree, unless the person’s intent was to leave for no reason at all from the start.

Who is raging? I’m leaving with a grin on my face, sometimes an irl chuckle, or an irl smh. Please don’t put words in my mouth :slight_smile:

I did this and yes it works. Sometimes I forget to disable again when transitioning from doing 2s with buddies of mine.

This was just an example of the toxicity I have seen in addition to the toxicity I personally received. We appear to have different definitions of the term “benign” with respect to the context of shuffle comments.

You strung together 4 different and separate comments to change the context and are calling that irony. That is gold! Not to mention that none of those last 3 comments are toxic, and even for the sake of argument that they are because that’s how you interpreted them, they are part of a discussion we are going back and forth on, and have nothing to do with the issue of being toxic in solo shuffle lobbies [e.g., being toxic in the game, or the competitive environment within the game].

I like the analogy ngl :slight_smile:

I’m sort of flattered that so many people bothered to remember my name tbh. Unless I face a popular r1 streamer, I don’t remember the names of anyone in my shuffles.

Nice stretch as well. A few people on the forums recognize that the guy who regularly (or at least semi-regularly) posts on the forums left their shuffle = I’ve ruined the shuffles of hundreds of undeserving players that don’t post on the forums. Truly 5Head :slight_smile:

More hate please. I have a strong suspicion that most of the hate comes from the very people who are toxic/the people I am talking about :slight_smile:

10000% yes. Becausethey are making it seem like the loss was because the paladin didnt press it. Funniest thing is people not noticing sac was either on cd, the ret was cced aswell or they outranged you. It also happens with “why no bubble?” When they didnt care to check that the paladin had forbearance on or that divine shield is on the gcd and I took 40% of my hp in a second.
There is a huge difference in saying “hey ret please save sanc for the cross fear i will trinket the blind/sleet” compared to “omg will u use sanc next time u brainded ret”

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Huge agree. Finally someone gets it :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, most commenting are dps mains that either pretend or actually think that they never say anything that should merit the healer leaving lol.


Quote correctly. Your line here

Was not what I was addressing when I responded with this

I was stating that in connection with this:

Please do your best to keep up with what I am addressing, I’d rather not repeat another wall of text.

This isn’t something you agree to disagree with. It is more toxic to ruin 5 people’s que session due to 1 player’s statements.

Crying face w/mask over it grinning would the image I reply with to this.

So you have a solution that works, you’ve tested and done it yourself, and you can’t remember to re-enable it upon entering solo shuffle?

Weird way of saying, “You quoted me directly when I rating bashed & called you ignorant to highlight the irony that I am here complaining about toxicity?!”

It is actually not a stretch at all to believe that there are likely more than just the 4 people here who called you that have been subjected to your responses to benign comments.

As I said, I’ve left shuffles before, everyone has. I’ve never seen anyone else get called out 4x in 1 thread though, not once the entire expansion in fact.

Infamy is flattering to some, I suppose.

Anyway, hope your days improve and you can manage a shuffle experience w/o the need to rage quit. (tbh i still have to work on this from time to time, together we will add 2 bastions of the light to the qs to never leave again)

It’s amazing the lengths you and others are going to justify and/or defend toxic behavior in shuffle. I only can hope you don’t do this in comparable irl situations. The stuff above this is only you not following what I’m saying (fair enough, I can’t make my point perfectly clear to everyone).

Is this what you tell yourself when you make toxic comments in shuffle (that aren’t toxic in your opinion) [e.g., the healer should stay because that would make him suuuupper toxic].

I don’t disagree, but I am the opposite of an emjoi expert, or expert with respect to the best use of emojis.

Not always unfortunately. My brain isn’t the best at remembering certain things.

My apologies if you took it that way, but saying that someone is “ignorant” isn’t inherently toxic, and I didn’t mean it as an insult. I meant it in the sense of lacking in knowledge or understanding.

I also didn’t try to rating bash anyone. I didn’t look you up, so if you coincidentally happened to fit the example of the dh and ret paladin, please take no offense. You could insert any title/rating into that example.

The point had nothing to do with cr/actual rating, but had to do with the example that player x of 1400, 1800, 2500, etc. xp as a dh (or any spec) shouldn’t be telling the healer of the same (or greater) xp anything, especially not ‘benign’ advice or ‘constructive’ comments as you put it, and considering that they don’t play that spec at the same level (if at all).

E.g., shouting at (or “giving advice to”) an NBA player, from someone who plays in local neighborhood basketball tournaments, as to what they should have done better that game is not warranted or appropriate.

Again with the benign comments, as if that is what I’m talking about. Even giving you the benefit of the doubt, you are being so disingenuous by trying to spin the narrative that the majority of comments spewed are benign.

Continue to enjoy those extra long queue times lol. In reality, regardless of what you personally think, if your comment caused the healer to leave the lobby, then it was not benign, and you are in fact the underlying reason why those other players now have to sit yet another long queue. E.g., the healer leaving and the consequent grief experienced by the innocent players of the lobby is ON YOU.

Also turning “more than just 4 people” into “hundreds” is a stretch. Not impossible, but very, very much a stretch.

Again, call it what you will, but I’m not rage quitting. I probably have at some point, but I would say that is more of a 1% of the time kind of thing.

I will admit fault in that if I simply remembered 100% of the time to disable the chat, that this issue would be easily resolved.

I do feel bad about my inability to always remember to disable it (as far as my personal expectations concerning what I should be able to remember), and will try to work on that as I go.

I hope your days improve as well :slight_smile:

This is an incredible way to absolve yourself of blame for doing that to 4 other players.

This literally occurs constantly, now imagine if Lebron heard someone scream “DUNK THE BALL YOU JORDAN WANNABE” and he just rage left the game entirely and when asked afterwards went, “Well that guy said something inherently toxic to me!”

Everyone would look at Lebron and laugh that a comment like that would even register to him from a random that he’ll maybe never see again.

You can literally just say “you were on forb” and go next

Or ever think that maybe you traded poorly ??

Why were they on forb? Did you really need to LOH? Why not bop first?

Im all for not taking peoples toxic crap, but you’re so jaded you’re just being a turd this point imo.

I face very few toxic comments in shuffle on my hpriest or my WW. Haven’t had a single criticizing mark in the past few months.

I also make sure I don’t die with buttons available though

Not blaming myself for anything. Maybe a small degree of guilt.

Incredible nonetheless I agree, as it’s true (not that you agree).

Fair enough point, my example was not very good (though if someone was heckling/insulting/shouting/etc. enough to be a big distraction, they would be escorted out by security).

Ain’t that the truth.

I similarly don’t see nearly as much toxicity when I play dps. I really am mainly just talking about toxicity towards healers. Collectively across 4 dps specs I play, I’ve probably only left 3-4 lobbies this season (and yes, also due to toxic comments, which included things such as “this shtter x”, “you f****** suck and it’s not even funny”).

More often than not actually, I get a toxic comment like the ones above (usually comes after being a gcd too late on ice block/bubble or trying to greed a cd but losing someone/dying due to 0.1 extra second of cc/micro cc), not some “benign” or “constructive” remark.

Please enlighten me on how these types of remarks aren’t toxic.

You guys keep deferring to remarks that aren’t inherently toxic in all contexts, and keep pretending as if the scenarios I’m mainly referring to don’t happen, or happen so rarely that a healer is never justified to leave.

Again quoting this:

I don’t usually bother to look anyone up, but assuming you were being genuine, I was actually surprised. E.g., are we playing different games, because I swear I see toxic comments in a significant portion of my lobbies?

It makes sense now as to why you would say that though. You’ve literally only played 2 shuffle lobbies this season on your holy priest.

Can’t experience toxicity or understand where I am coming from if you don’t heal enough to encounter it.

The main point I’m trying to make is just this:

Be nicer to your healers! and don’t be an ahole (you guys know who you are) :slight_smile:. Also please give up on trying to justify/defend toxic behavior, it is just sad tbh.

I love how people are so frail and weak minded and a mean comment will cause them to throw or leave. Those same weak minded people turn off their chat because if they see a mean comment they HAVE to leave.

This is why I said “Target?” and neither one of my dps reply and just W key out the gate at different people typically. Neither of them want to talk, nor can they see my comment.

It’s no fun. Nobody wants to throw shade anymore.

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In my (or their) defense, I used to be a lot more open to trash talking/gamer words/etc., but now that Blizzard is banning people (whether automatically or manually), it really makes it so that I don’t want to type anything (e.g., whether banter, trash talk, etc.), because a substantial portion of the community abuses the report system (and I don’t want to only be on the receiving end of these types of remarks).

I still do say things like “target pref?” in many rounds, and even with that, I fear that some decide to right click/report, for whatever reason (or maybe no reason other than that they can).

If I am going to be subjected to trash talk/toxicity, I at least want to be able to reply without fear of getting banned, but this isn’t the world we live in anymore unfortunately.

I mean come on, now they are weak minded because they don’t care to see the ramblings of a toxic basement-dwelling manchild (most cases I suspect, not all) that can’t contain his emotions/keep his ego in check?

If the report system wasn’t a joke (and so easily abused), maybe I would agree with this take, but tbh those that turn off their chat are the smartest people participating in shuffle.

I consider myself an idiot with a bad memory every time I fail to do so.

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Just got perma’d like a month ago, so you’re preaching to the choir, I thought I was doing good besides an argument with some guy in a Rated Bg in Raid Chat. Nothing out of the ordinary was even said either. I feel as if “Being Mean” is bannable now. So I get not wanting to be tempted to say anything back, since my other account is perma’d, this one doesn’t get a strike, It just get’s perma’d the first time something comes across their desks with my name now.

You could also go into a Solo with an open mind and if someone talks trash THEN you put them on ignore. You know, the old way of doing things, before you got your 7 friends to bait and mass report someone you don’t like xD

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Maybe I got thick skin but a DPS cursing me out gives me a good laugh. I don’t usually start the drama either. If I turned off my chat how would I be able to listen to my biggest fans

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I usually get the laugh too, some larger than others. I feel like DJ Khalid going “anotha one” at this point every time someone spews something toxic at me.

Maybe I shouldn’t leave so easily though, idk.

Yeah I think this has a lot to do with why I actually only recently started making a big deal out of this + leaving games. I also recently had a 10 day ban for abusive chat (probably a few months ago).

E.g., since I don’t feel able to reply in a comparable way without risking my account, I guess I just don’t care to tolerate (or don’t find amusement in) trash talk anymore.

I get it, you could always turn the other cheek or what not but temptation gets to you, and you don’t even have to say anything bad, Calling someone a Loser and using the F word is enough for a Ban now, It’s absolutely insane.

What we said to eachother in 2012 as cba banter is bannable now, It all started with the Silencing and It was automated back then and It’s mostly automated now.

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How much do you miss /spit?

Honestly think he /spit on me too, he probably just Tbags and /Lols now.

Maybe just play really bad on their team and then lean forward and focus when u are against them. This way you are griefing them and making them lose but it isn’t as obvious.