Fix ur game blizzard

I wouldnt talk to him petkick. He sad some highly disgusting things about another dudes child and wife

Iā€™m not going to deny that I could always take some thicker skin, but at the same time, idk, Iā€™m not actually leaving matches because I felt offended, took something personally, got my feelings hurt, etc.

I am primarily leaving the matches out of principle.

I donā€™t often leave because of something someone does (I do stupid stuff all the time). Itā€™s 9/10 times because of something someone says, and acting like an ahole is a choice. It isnā€™t stupid (at least not in the way that youā€™re implying).

The principle being mainly with respect to showing a basic level of respect/decency, especially when the healer is the one with nothing of real consequence to lose (with fast queues, itā€™s hardly even a punishment to just lose cr).

I most often just get a slight chuckle irl once someone is toxic, then think to myself, ā€œoh really, I wonder what you will think about thisā€, and then leave.

I also feel that by leaving, Iā€™m to at least some extent doing my part to not encourage such behavior.

Iā€™d like to think that at least a few will learn a lesson. If not, then they will be doomed to continue wasting their limited time sitting long queues for minimal gameplay.

Maybe this is just a boomer mentality idk. Iā€™d would like to think though that the game isnā€™t only filled with hopeless basement-dwelling e-warriors.

Itā€™s all good either way. If/when I want to push rating, I will disable chat. Best way to help yourself gain cr if you are a healer.

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I thought Buddy got it post DQs?

No one got dqd p sure

Petkick is the only person playing at that high of a level who will WIN a game against you and then rage whisper you for 10minutes.

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Is it a matchup something they never shouldā€™ve lost?

Maybe your principles are bad and are causing people who did nothing wrong to get caught up in them?

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Well in my experience he was just mad he got faked. When Petkick misses a kick on Fakecastgodxā€¦

Donā€™t think i have ever been in a fit of rage however banter is fun :slight_smile:

Being toxic is wrong.

You have no obligation to heal someone that is toxic and rude. And if you were to stand there and not heal them they would report you for it. Only solution is to leave

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One time petkick lost to destro sp hpal playing as dh dk rsham(complete hard counter) on Ashmanes fall and whispered me for an hour straight after I /lold him.

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Funny enough, my friend said the same thing. Heā€™s a Destro, but it was on Mugambala.

Is ā€œpress sac next timeā€ inherently toxic ?

Seems youā€™re at the point that you just leave if anyone criticizes you at all

Only shuffle lobby I had you in you left lol

And youā€™re being toxic to the other DPS that didnā€™t do anything by leaving early after they likely waited up to half an hour to play and thus they now have to wait for a whole hour to play instead when they might not even have much spare time to play at all.

Inherently no, but it can be depending on the context of the match and/or the player/spec saying it (in most cases though I would say yes). Also please donā€™t try to gaslight and act as if that is an accurate representative comment as to what dps players typically say in shuffle.

This is not the type of comment Iā€™m referring to either, even though if the comment is ā€œpress sac next timeā€ while I was ccā€™d into oblivion unable to press it while you went 100-0, or one of my personal favorites I see time and time again is ā€œwhy no bop, why didnā€™t you bubbleā€ because the dps player is oblivious to what forbearance is, or doesnā€™t use omnicd.

Iā€™ve had at least a handful of matches where someone asks me why I donā€™t bubble or block, when I did 5 seconds before we lost, because the toxic dps player had such poor awareness, that he didnā€™t notice that I got mass dispelled.

You can cope all you want, but yeah, in most cases, that type of comment is toxic, especially the higher you go up in mmr, AND considering the healer is objectively better than the dps in the lobby in the majority of lobbies due to the nature of how mmr works for healers (unless that has changed).

I could also say something that a dps player could have done better that match, EVERY MATCH, but I donā€™t, because 1) the dps player probably knows already if he/she is capable of self-relfection, and 2) comments like ā€œuse this next timeā€, ā€œwhy did you line meā€, ā€œwhy no healsā€, ā€œdonā€™t waste x cooldown next timeā€ are not constructive (not to mention that due to the nature of the game mode, cooldown overlaps are very common, as we donā€™t trust each other to not use cds when we feel they should be used).

That sucks for them, and I do feel bad about that to some extent. Having said that, I donā€™t feel bad enough to tolerate ignorance and/or disrespect.

Tbh NO ONE should be trying to tell anyone else how to play their spec unless they are at least 2 brackets higher than that person on that EXACT SAME SPEC (e.g., the last thing I need is first time duelist Johnny the DH or Billy the ret paladin telling me what I needed to be doing as a holy paladin).

That old saying still holds true today, the one that goes something like ā€œone bad apple can spoil the barrelā€ (just in this case, itā€™s one toxic player can ruin the lobby).

pretty cool that your booster puts a stream for you to watch

Forb isnā€™t displayed on base frames for people, so its a reasonable inquiry. Weird to take it as a personal jab.

Subjective, entirely. I wouldnā€™t call that toxic, even remotely.

I really donā€™t think this is all that true, especially now. Healers had something fixed with their mmr iirc.

These are both constructive starting points for conversations in a competitive environment.

This is a reach brother.

Ex. of ā€œDonā€™t waste x cd next timeā€

Person A: ā€œDonā€™t waste bop next timeā€
Myself: ā€œHm? Used it in response to Avatar/Thunderous to give you some safetyā€
Person A: ā€œI had alter up when you used it and they had no drs to put me in + no purgeā€
Myself: ā€œAh makes sense, didnā€™t notice, Iā€™ll add it to my cd trackerā€


If you are clueless as to whether your healer used bubble, or bop on a teammate within the last 30 seconds, then youā€™re oblivious/unaware/tunneling, and are in no position to spit shade at your teammates.

So yeah, I disagree. It isnā€™t a reasonable inquiry to comment on what someone should have done if you are just ignorant and/or had poor awareness during the round.

Phrasing can matter a lot too as far as how the comment will be perceived. Saying ā€œsac next timeā€ or ā€œwhy no bopā€ is often ignorant, and it usually wasnā€™t even something that could have been done in the situation. Asking ā€œdid you have forbearanceā€, ā€œwhy werenā€™t you able to sac meā€, etc. would be a better way to comment.

We can agree to disagree. Like I said, it depends on the context and who the comment is coming from (imo).

If that is true I stand corrected. Still doesnā€™t change the rest of what I said though [e.g., reference the dh and ret paladin example].

Again, to the extent that that can SOMETIMES (NOT ALWAYS) be true, it really depends on who they are coming from. When an ignorant dps player who was just painfully unaware of what was going on in the match and/or that has no idea how your spec is played says it, then the comment is certainly not constructive at all, especially when itā€™s presuming that the dps player played perfectly (which is virtually never the case for any of the players in the lobby at any rating).

The reach is that baloney gaslighting narrative you just typed out, brother :rofl:

The much more common narrative I see (from my personal experiences) is more like:

ā€œthis shtter x, doesnā€™t use y or do zā€, or

ā€œdo this next timeā€ (when it either couldnā€™t be done or was done 5-10 seconds before the match ended, and/or was something the person already knows they would have liked to have done, but couldnā€™t due to gcd, unexpected crit, greed, slowness to react, expecting partner to help or use one of their cds, etc.).

Maybe we are playing different games? That idyllic conversation you typed out though is one that I have not seen before, in any iteration.

Iā€™m not even sure if youā€™re just gaslighting or ignorant at this point, so yeah I think we can just agree to disagree.

LMAO, in most of my lobbies, even when Iā€™m not the target of the toxicity, by the time round 2 starts, someone has already typed out ā€œthe X sucks Y, train himā€.

Totally never happens to anyone else though. We certainly donā€™t play the same game :slight_smile: