Fix ur game blizzard

Me on pink class = get 200k+ mana worth of drinks
Pink class = get 180k mana refunded from daybreaks/blessing of winters/lay on hands

Cringe egirl angel class= 45k mana from shadow fiend and symbol and gets a micro 20k mana drink

Cringe Angel class= 120 dispels
Cringe angel class= 5 mill+ damage

Pink class= 1.3mill damage(6k mana 10 second cooldown judge does less than smite LMAO)
Pink class =40 dispels

9:30 seconds into the game pink class is completely oom and the egirl spec still has 15k mana when the pink class enjoyer got an entire mana bar worth of drinks that the enemy team didn’t stop.

Nerf angel class buff pink class blizzard.


it’s weird to see so many hpals in awc


So true. Blizzard needs to do right by the pink class. You don’t put two in the pink and one…wait never mind.

Buff hpal.


hate to tell u that these are the same…


I don’t have any problems with priests

Bubblebuddy is definitely spiraling, every post there’s a different complaint

I see hpallies go 0-6 against priest all the time in shuffle. There really is a huge class diff


As long as you don’t think much about the fact that hpal has by the worst mobility, worst damage, worst healing, is the easiest to cc, easiest to train and kill, has the weakest tools/healing while in cc, and that 90% of its toolkit, including 2+ minute cds can just be lol purged/dispelled, it really is just as good as every other healer in the game.

To be optimistic, we don’t have the worst mana :open_mouth:

It’s a shame that the spec is being relegated to the dumpster for the rest of the expansion. Even in pve it is apparently trash (don’t know from experience, but seems to be what I’m getting from reading class forums).

If you lose to a holy paladin in shuffle as most other healer specs other than awkward-comp fistweavers, you probably got outplayed.

If you lose to a holy paladin in shuffle as a holy priest or a preservation evoker, you definitely got outplayed.

It’s not a good time to be a hpally rn. Its funny how H priest always finds its way as the best spec somehow tho.

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If they just hotfixed the damage to where judge crusader strike and denounce cost way less mana and do way more damage hpal would actually be good.

HPally contributes 0 dam outside of denounce spam which ooms you while making you lose healing while taking an honor talent + a regular talent. Meanwhile if ur queueing with an evoker or priest you are playing triple dps

Let denounce be baseline spell but make the crit reduction effect an honor talent. Judge should be doing average 100k non crits with no wings and crusader strike should AT LEAST be able to one shot stun totem and static field totem smh

I never seen an hpal thats an egirl besides snowmixy but I have met over 50+ priest egirls.

Hpals not even bad it has the most passive damage prevention in the game and some of the best cross cc with hoj rep glare it just needs a big damage buff so your teams damage isnt handicapped playing with one.

why are u spam leaving shuffle?

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Just curious since this is the second time someone has said this, what site are people looking at to draw this conclusion? Is it just seeing my rating on checkpvp?

I admittedly leave more shuffles than I should, but I wouldn’t say I “spam” leave them.

At least 1-2 of my recent “leaves” were due to legitimate connection issues (massive lag spikes leading to dc, internet disruption).

For the handful or so of others, the vast majority were due to dps talking trash, and there may have been a few I left due to feeling trolled [e.g., dps dying without using major cds and having no excuse, dps blowing major defensives for no good reason, etc.].

I’m not trying to defend the reasons I leave, but at this point I am very jaded, so my tolerance for shuffle is much lower than it used to be. Couple that with no new rewards + my main spec being relegated to trash tier (imo) for the rest of the expansion, and you more or less have someone who is more or less queueing out of habit to cap vault, and that doesn’t really care about anything else.

I honestly don’t care about rating if there is no reward I want tied to it, and as shameful as it may be, I actually get pleasure out of leaving whenever I am given a reason to (largely because I don’t care about rating), because I know that the trash talking and/or troll dps player will have to go back to sitting a dreadfully long queue.

Admitting this is probably going to make me public enemy number 2 [e.g., I don’t think I will take number 1 spot because you guys really seem to dislike Swole because of some gamer words/trash talk used in discord or something like that].

It is what it is though. I don’t think I’m alone either, because when I queue on a dps toon (I also leave my fair share on those too for similar reasons because I just don’t really care), there is probably a leaver at least 1 out of every 4-5 lobbies.

Being jaded is the best answer I can give you though (not saying it’s a good answer, but it is what it is).

Not that I have much motivation to push, but I will probably push for Elite achieve at some point before the season ends, just for the achievement, and when I do I will disable chat again [e.g., this one simple trick does wonders for climbing].

Honestly don’t really care though either way. If hpal remains in its current state, I am mentally checked out of this expansion.

I apologize to all of the dps players that get screwed on queues because of the one bad apple that had to talk trash (again this is usually why I leave, probably 9/10 times for this reason) [e.g., my favorite that seems to be a popular dps comment is “hello, paladin, how about you bop, lay on hands, anything?” when they died having forbearance, but I’ll also leave on pretty much any “healer diff” comment when I’m losing rounds, or “you suck” equivalent].

Unfortunately I can’t really talk trash back without the fear of getting banned again, so my new weapon of choice is leaving (and Blizzard should probably fix their punishment system for leavers, because the fact that I don’t lose mmr, or any meaningful amount of mmr for leaving, is just silly).

Commence the hate flow, I am prepared :sunglasses:

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Just gonna leave this here


Nice. I do vaguely remember saying that, and looks like I am part of that crowd now. Not going to deny it. Actually very nice burn, and fast too :slight_smile:

Like I said I have become jaded. I know my actions ruin the experience for many in the lobby that didn’t deserve it, and for that I’m sorry.

Omg this comment was actually so good lol. Now I feel like I fit into that saying “you either die the hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villian” :rofl:

I used to be the biggest advocate for shuffle, but over the course of the expansion, I have now come to agree with many that it was poorly implemented, and that it still has a lot of really big flaws, especially for healers.

I am still and will continue to be a huge advocate for solo queue content, but yeah, I’m now of the opinion that solo shuffle, in its current form, is trash unless your spec is at least A tier.

I commend you for not getting salty. The only reason I remember you saying it is cuz at the time I had queued into you a total of one time in shuffle and you left after the second round. Naturally when I read it, I had a chuckle to myself. You were up 2-0 on me as well. Was trying to figure that one out at the time.


I’ll be honest, I vaguely remember you at some point months ago stating that you’re intentionally leaving every shuffle you get into once you enter the arena. I’m old, but I’m fairly certain I saw this somewhere. I’m too lazy to vet out your posts. And if I’m confusing you with a different paladin, I apologize in advance.

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Yeah my leaves are definitely not always when I am losing lol. I have been at 3 wins, 4 wins, even 5 wins before and I will still leave on a dime if trash is flung my way [e.g., it usually comes in the form of “are you f’ing kidding me, why didn’t you x, y, z”, or “you’re so trash/bad it’s not even funny”, “hpal uninstall, seriously”].

If you are a dps that thinks these kind of comments are just something I’m (or all healers are) going to always take on the chin, just try to remember that not everyone cares about their cr, and it’s you that has to sit long queues.

I honestly don’t mind the losses that much, not nearly as much as how I lost [e.g., I don’t think I’ve ever left a lobby for the reason that I was getting outplayed by the other healer].

Either way, I know I’m the ahole regardless as to the reason(s) I leave, and I will try to be better about having a thicker skin/brushing off the trash talk for the sake of the others/innocents in the lobby, but man, it is difficult at times ngl.

I definitely would need to see that because I don’t remember ever saying that or anything even close to it. I don’t think I’ve ever queued a single shuffle with the intention of leaving for no reason/before entering the arena.

Unless someone can pull up that post, I’m going to assume that this is a case of mistaken identity. Maybe I shouldn’t have swapped to the good ole T2 Judgment mog.

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Yeah, pink class is for egirls like Holywarriors.

Room full of all hpal mains :

The most testosterone filled 50 seconds on the internet (


That’s what I do. Ever since Blizz threw me under the bus S2 my drive just hasn’t been there. What’s the point when they just reset your progress the next season and all that conquest gear is taken away. For a mog I won’t use or an ugly weapon enchant

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