Fix ur game blizzard

Yeah, the mogs + enchant are a big motivator for me, even if I won’t use them I like to collect. No new mogs or even recolors this season is a huge L.

Speaking of leaving games. I just went to queue my first shuffle of the evening.

The first round was actually really good, a hard fought loss. No idea how it might have turned out, and will never know now, because after the loss the losing dh that was on my team proceeded to talk trash [e.g., “this paladin just doesn’t f’ing dispel”].

Giving the benefit of the doubt, in that I obviously could have played better dispelling or otherwise. How is this helpful, and how low iq do you have to be to type this as a dh player that is 400-500 rating higher than you otherwise would be + having inflated mmr compared to the healer that is in the same lobby as you?

Guess how many dispels you are going to get from me now :rofl:

Now the poor guy has to sit another queue. What’s crazy is that I have zero tilt right now. I’m just leaving these types of lobbies out of principle.

In my experience the trash talkers end up with 0-1 wins, almost always less wins than I end up with, so sometimes it is fun to play it out, but yeah, like I said I am jaded and I just don’t care anymore.

LOL they complain about dispels they definitely aren’t going to get one after that comment.

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Feel like hpal isn’t as bad as you think it is and ur just being a drama queen.

Yea it needs buffs but it isn’t a bad spec

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Those people are easily the least enjoyable part of shuffle for me. Didn’t anyone learn “if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all”? Every time I lose I immediately start thinking about what I, myself did wrong. Never once have I whispered or said something rude to anyone in a shuffle (unless they did it to me first that is).

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He’s just mad he botched it and missed r1

Did you win trade to take his spot?

Perhaps, but subjective either way. Being C tier or at best B tier = bad spec as far as I’m concerned. When the power gap is significant enough it just doesn’t feel good to queue, as it just makes you feel like you’re playing handicapped.

This is the weakest hpal has felt all expansion imo.

Either way, it is what it is.

Na just gatekept him

i.e. win trading.

Win trading would mean I would have to lose ya?

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Or your group of friends who dominate the r1 titles would lose to you or your friends to keep him out.

I would recommend looking up what the word gatekeeping means.

Beating another team isn’t wintrading, friend.

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What are u even saying rn homie

You lost :joy:

Nah it was much weaker end of season 1 during ret fistweaver patch

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Look up the word gatekeeping and what it means.

Your group of friends control who gets and don’t get r1 titles by win trading. And you half admitted it by saying you gatekept him.




Your logic is hurting my head rn

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but there’s only one mies

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biiiiiiiiiiig dam

You really need thicker skin, people are going to do stupid things in Shuffle, it’s just the nature of a game mode with zero checks outside of minimum ilvl before queuing. Leaving just punishes everyone by wasting their time.