Fix Torghast

No, no they aren’t,

You don’t need to do the harder layers. Nothing is forcing you to do them, you can get your ash without them.

There’s nothing to fix, it’s suppose to be hard. If you’re getting one shotted, git gud or get better gear.

Torghast is working as intended. If you truly are a good player the layers will get easier for you ask you get better gear. That’s how it’s suppose to work in WoW.

Right, so how do I, as a purely melee class, beat a boss that stands in so much bad I can’t even get within melee range, all while casting ranged attacks at me?

You move him out of the puddly during lockout windows.

No, but it seems counterintuitive to have 2 sides of Torghast yet have them be the same thing.
If Twisting Corridors is the challenge side, then the wings should offer something different.

The people whining on GD don’t represent the entire player base.

stacking dmg buff is garbage. Basically berserk that starts three minutes too soon

Right, but before these “lockout windows” occur I’ve been killed because I didn’t get the right anima powers to help me with this kind of fight. So how do I beat him? Start over and hope for better RNG?

The People Shilling on GD don’t represent the entire player base.

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How are you getting killed before being able to interrupt him? Are you just afking?

Is it as counterintuitive as having multiple layers of difficulty, providing the bulk of the reward in the easiest layer, and still expecting the maximum difficulty layer to be easy for everyone?

How do I interrupt him as melee if I can’t get within melee range when he would need to be interrupted?

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Meh just accept that it is un-tunable and flatten the amount of soul ash gained per week. Let those that wish to challenge themselves do so of their own accord and not be bullied into doing so.

The random spawns KILL the entire rogue RP style to set up a kill.

Who EVER is responsible for TUNING Torghast and class tuning, they are OBVIOUSLY new to the job, they should find another job.

How DO you make such MISTAKES over over and OVER again?


Yeah…exactly what I’m saying.
I was looking forward to Twisting Corridors…still am. There’s at least a reason to do that challenge. As you just said, there’s no reason to do the wings.
Why I said it should of offered something different. Twisting Corridors is already coming. There’s already a challenge mode.

You run in, interrupt, leap out. Unless your health pool is so small that the aoe instantly 2 shots you, in which case why are you in basic quest gear.

Another option is to Los pillar hump, to bring the boss to you.

Stop pretending you have any idea what you’re talking about

It just…works !!

Currently on hour 3 of running torghast with nothing to show for it.

god this is so fun and rewarding haha anyone else having fun, im having so much fun

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What players said: Some bosses are overtuned and it’s too difficult for dps compared to healers/tanks.

What Blizzard heard: Trash needs to be as overtuned as the bosses and healers/tanks need to feel as helpless as rogues. Also we hate being able to go to the bathroom, fix mawrats.

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