It’s been months now and people have been reporting rubber banding type lag making the game unplayable.
I mount up and my mount isn’t materialising I just run and my mount speed. On my demon hunter I’m physically in demon form for minutes after the buff has ended.y ability’s aren’t generating fury until a minute into fights.
Quests aren’t even updating to say completed etc. are you guys really trying to kill this game cuz it’s working and it’s working fast. Don’t try to pin this on the players as people from all over the globe are experiencing this and our MS stays normal.
I’ve played since 2004 and have supported all your changes etc, this is the final straw. Fix it, for the sake of thousands of paying customers.
Activision would have to buy more servers to do that. $$$$$$$$
Go grind more titan residium in the sorry excuse they have for M+ right now instead of getting actual gear, or buy a race change with the inc ridiculously Overpowered racials.
This game is literally just here to make Activision money now and nothing else, at least that’s what this expansion has felt like so far,
We were promised so much, and got sh!t…
Island expos aren’t fun, and Warfronts had the potential to be great PvP instances, but instead they’re loot pinatas to gear alts.
This game is possibly in the worst state it’s ever been with Activision doubling down on every design choice they make DESTROYING the game. Enjoy WHAT you can, WHILE you can my friend. Lag is the least of our worries 
I rarely have lag issues and when I do it’s usually temporary and gone within few minutes or after a reboot.
Instead of raging about this in GD, post in the Tech support forum. They are fully capable of correctly diagnosing issues and helping you find a fix.
Only time I have had an issue was running around in static Arathi going after rares. My ms shot up to 220.
Immediately went back to normal once I left.
I can’t fathom how a Warfront could possible work as PVP unless you completely redo the entire way they work, and basically turn them into cheap AV rip offs.
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i thought it was just a bug or me lagging.
the first sign of this that i get is that i can no longer generate chi. so i have to auto attack mobs to death. the other sign is yeah the running at mount speed and unable to dismount other than a cancelaura/click off the button.
it only happened a few times before the patch but since the patch its happening at least once a day. the zones for me that it mainly happens is zuldazar and crossing vuldoon>nazmir.
tonight it happened again and i was stuck running around vuldoon with it, unable to mount, not in combat with anything but still in combat, standing in the middle of nowhere, shadowmeld doesnt fix the combat bug, relogging doesnt fix it. i literally have to go play an alt for 15 mins until it stops.
yeah fix this crap, ive just been reporting it every day as a bug.
This is exactly my issue, it makes the game unplayable and in on a oceanic server so it’s obviously something major going on.
Have had blues posting about this in tech support for months now and no fix obviously in no rush and are losing players because of it.
Any information from a CM about this and a eta on a fix or should I just let my 9 days left lapse and not re sub.
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CRZ with Sharding is prob messing something up, both systems arent great but Bliz dont seem to care since we got issues since BFA and its taking them forever to fix it if they even acknowledge it.
The lag is too damn high!
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Because CRZ and Sharding are one of the worst things they have done to this game. Chasing hordies who disappear 10meters in front of you is terrible feature.
We would all love if Activision Blizzard handled this lag immediately. Unfortunately they won’t. They’ll likely wait til the next big patch and use it as a feature to get more people back into WOW.
“Come on back folks! We finally fixed the lag we could’ve easily hot fixed before!”
Time for my yellow vest and boycott from
The player base then eh
I dont say every lag/slowdown is Blizzards problem but when in a zone and you start lagging/slowdown opening quests/completing them and you ask in general if anyone else is and a lot of players response back yes then its clearly on Blizzards end.
Instead the finger pointing starts.
The frustrating part is THEY KNOW ABOUT IT instead of putting resources into making the game playable for there already paying players and fixing the lag it’s a “we are looking into it” three months ago back in August.
Don’t know what’s going on over at Activision Blizzard but they need a meeting or something.
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Please enlighten me on how to grind residium in m+ xD or are you referring to your weekly cache that you get… once a week 
In stormsong Valley the lag is so bad its unplayable. Abilities stopped working, hearthstone didnt work , no mounts and could not interact with anything. Had to relog several times , it would get better for a minute then go right bag. Input lag was crazy at about 5-10 seconds for anything
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Blizzard has already sais they are aware of the lag problems and it is on their end
Why are we putting up with this?, its atrocious. I was literally in demon form for 1hr yesterday on my DH…most of that time I had to white damage mobs as my ability’s wouldn’t generate fury…Yo Blizzard…ITS GAME BREAKING…surely that warrants urgent fixing.
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