Fix the old content

Drop the Possibly and you’ve hit the nail on the head.

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dude. it’s an mmoRPG. when you kill a boss in final fantasy, and later-on your fighting enemies that are stronger than that boss, do you complain they’re stronger than them?? of course not!

now, i get your point, yeah, lich king’s a pretty tough cookie, but from the game’s point of view, he was just a mid-boss. (not saying i agree cause again, he is a big boss, but still)

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well another one is: we had to band together in teams to defeat those big bads

it’s weird that arthas is now easy to kill on your own, it took the combined forces of the alliance and the horde to get anyone into icc in the first place

so at least 2 good reasons

he was literally an end boss, and he’s only treated differently now because of power creep

I can see argus, an actual titan, being harder to kill

but never some wandering wolves

what is playable to one person isn’t playable to others, take me for instance I personally don’t find old content “playable” there is nothing they could do to make me want to go to an old raid, to me old content will never be something I choose to do.

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why is this thread so long? suggest lower mc entrance lvl to 30, and everybody reply with "ok :O!’ and be done with it lmao!

It is a squish issue. We lost a lot of power and we are no longer max level. Save the complaints for after we are 60 and geared in the first tier of power and then still struggle.

Probably because OP has an unpopular take and an incredibly unsavory attitude towards his fellow gamers.

I know I personally live for the opportunity to be told I’m having fun wrong.

he was an end boss… how many expansions ago? oh right, literally the second expansion. you kinda missed my final-fantasy example. it does’nt matter how important he was lorewise, we killed him at 80/whatever-the-new-wotlk-cap-is-now. we’ve moved on to bigger tougher bosses.

have you never gone back to the early zones in an old rpg, and just wiped the floor with the mobs there? that’s literally what we’re doing.

…plus, us soloing him isn’t canon (or if it is, then it’s just us falsely remembering how we beat him up by ourselves)

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They saw how popular it is and how it helps in retaining subs. Clearly it’s the correct choice. Like I said, MMOs may not be for you.

Then it’s a clear cut case of gameplay > lore.

Said mounts aren’t faster than other mounts. Still cosmetic.

You’re just wrong about everything in this topic.

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Direstorm, here’s a question: why not ask for a perpetual timewalking option for all raids, so people who want to experience the raid with some level of challenge can?

If you asked for this as an OPTION, you’d probably get everyone agreeing with you


I would wholly support this. Timewalking as a drop-down on the raid difficulty list.

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Options don’t upset people. Calling for their way to be the only way does upset people.

Clearly we know why the OP made this topic.


same here! timewalking option, so we could like, get gear equal to current raiding? heck yeah!

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inb4 OP goes out of his way to explain why making it an option still ruins the game because some people aren’t having fun “his way” even though those who want to are welcome to

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I’m surprised this isn’t a thing already, wasn’t there already a community that would lock their levels at the raids level so they could experience the challenge? now its not my kind of fun but that at least sounds somewhat interesting


There still are communities that do this. I’ve been thinking about leveling and locking a toon at the AQ level just to join one.

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I have, I just don’t think it’s a valid way of progressing a world

a wolf should have a peak of power, a boss should be well above every wolf, unless the boss is an exceptional wolf

I think I said in this thread it’s crap world building, it’s short-sighted, the world breaks down when things don’t make some sense

if we’ve gotten so powerful, no animal on the planet should survive a funny look from us, ever

but we never got good at fighting wolves, we overcame a numbers game, there’s no fantasy there

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but the boss is level 20 and the wolf is level 40

I don’t care how big and bad a mouse is in the mouse world, he’s still gonna get eaten by even the most pitiful of cats.

I.e., you can be the boss of mouse-sized things all day, and everything in the ‘cat or small dog’ category is gonna be a lot harder to take on

If you want difficult old raids and dungeons, classic servers and timewalking are there for you.

As to the subject of old raids being more difficult, this has happened every time Blizz has done a ilvl squish. They eventually add a player buff to make it right. I’m hoping they do the same here.


This sounds good but doesn’t really work in practice without insane levels of maintenance. Raids (and set gear from them) were designed for the game as it existed when that raid went live. Classes have changed considerably over time, raid mechanics that were once difficult are now cheeseable and some just don’t work anymore.

To get every raid evergreen would be a Herculean task in of itself and consume vast amounts of resources that could be being used for other parts of the game. While I’d kill to have Timewalking versions of every raid, the resources required are frankly prohibitive.