Fix the old content

that’s my problem, there should be a power hierarchy between them

if you can stomp the boss, you shouldn’t face any wolves that put up more fight

you have fought objectively more powerful beings, or could we have simply used wolves to fight the lich king?


true, but the bosses are, and have been dead. when we’re soloing them, they’ve been dead for a while already. if the game focused more on world-building, old raids would just be either inaccessible, or empty. nobody, would be able to go-in and kill them. just the world-first’ers.

Okay, and as a distinguished hero of azeroth responsible for saving the world countless times, you also should not be expected to go dig through 20 piles of poo looking for some random townsfolk’s lost ring, either…

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No its not, I don’t want to play a walking simulator, I want to face the boss, do the mechanics of the fight, overcome the challenge and get rewarded. The walking simulator is playable, the original content is not.

Its not about liking to be powerful or not. I wouldn’t mind if my character was a bit more powerful than when he faced the LK, but a million times more powerful is just too much…

Ok, so what if from now on raids every released raid kept up with the players? Either by stopping inflating power or by scaling the raid to keep up?

Timewalking is a step on the right direction but it is not enough.

I think it would lose a few, gain a bunch and prevent a lot of players from quitting since the playable content would be multiplied 10 fold.

Sure and there are so many players that would pay a sub to be able to run old raids as they were on the glory days.

The restoration of the old world.

Yes, and they would do them a few times and get everything that is inside them as a reward. No more farming with dozens of toons for a .1% drop rate.

Well, I’m sorry that you see it that way.

Damn dude, chill out.

I’m talking about the original content that was released. It is clearly unplayable.

Never said that.

How is gutting the old world helping them retein subs? Wouldn’t they retain even more preserving the mechanics of the fight?

Yes, and what happens when the gameplay is bad and the lore says it should be changed?

Yeah lets just agree to disagree then, I will always think that a mount that doesn’t get nerfed every patch is much more valuable than gear that does.

It would surely help, and would probably be a much realistic solution, but it is still an ugly bandaid on a broken system. You can’t separate challenge from reward. If the challenge is optional the reward is meaningless, and I think that rewarding a player with the best items for warlking for days on dozens of characters is bad game design and wouldn’t be considered acceptable in any game, people are just used to it because it was a slow and natural process of not giving a F to the old content.

I don’t need them to agree with me. They will never agree no matter how wrong they are, and this is shown by their responses. The justifications I gave remain unchallenged after so many responses and this just strengthens my suggestion.

LOL it’s what you’ve been saying this entire thread.

Yea no thanks. Re-hashing old content gives Blizzard less of a reason to make quality new content. There’s already plenty of NPC’s in the game that have reappeared more than they should have.

oh! i got an easy fix for this then: wear lower-level gear when facing the boss you wanna fight. that way, it’s more challenging for you, and people can still 1-shot them if they want. :slight_smile:

heck, back in WoD, me and my buddy would fight the lich-king… mind you, we were still level 90-ish, and our gear was crap, so we still had to do a couple mechanics, and mash the heck out of our abilities. should be an easy fix for ya then. :slight_smile:

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real men raid naked

I’m actually in total disagreement with this. I much prefer going back and being able to blow up old raids without a problem. That’s fun for me. I already tackle hard content all the time in current content. Not everything has to be super hard or annoying.


Because you refuse to acknowledge how popular transmog runs really are.

According to who? You? Your opinion is just as irrelevant as mine in this matter.

You’re still wrong but that’s ok.

yeah, I’m accepting of the system in place, I was just partially backing up the op because there was something there I agreed with

I think about leveling’s place in mmorpgs a lot

you really shouldn’t, at some point it’s just tedium for the sake of it

questing and leveling are done as a placebo for power gain at this point, where genuine power gain happens after you overcome that barrier

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If people want a challenge with old content. Make the old content scaled on timewalking weeks. Including the raids. I have been pushing this for a couple of months now. Also they need to add a Timewalking classic to the roster.

Add in lots of new things to obtain with timewalking badge vendors. They already have the tools, they need to utilize them.

Besides scaling to timewalking I think for most part, people prefer it being easy.


now that i think about it… being the ‘distinguished hero of azeroth’ i’m surprised we don’t have our own little fort… and command our own troops around to go do the missions we don’t want to… maybe from some kind of… command table- OH DEAR GOODNESS I’M DESCRIBING WOD.

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Nope I didn’t. Your post is ridiculous to begin with.


So, I think the big take-away from this dumpster fire is that nobody can dictate what someone else’s idea of fun is AND “Timewalking” should be a settable, per-lockout thing, usable on any not-max-level raid/dungeon.


Here here. I agree with this whole heartedly.

It’s a shame, however, that this thread is going to get completely torn to shreds by the “but my I win button!!! How will I ever feel POWERFUL if I can’t one shot Arthas?” crew.

My answer is that end game characters should be able to go to Chromie and return to an expansion with their gear reflecting the stats relevant to those dugneons and raids. There’s so much content available in WoW that this kind of feature would keep the game running for years.


i agree with this idea 100% …110% if you can que for it at the ‘original’ level for the raid too.

I only read the first part of your comment before I answered. As such, I have redacted my response. I find your solution amicable

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OP, your plan is genuinely a ‘Step one: make all raids be max level, Step two: ???, Step three: Profit’ plan.

You’re claiming that a bunch of people will want to do the old raids once they’re max level, but why? If the gear isn’t equal in power to the difficulty, not many people will want to do them. Where is this giant group of people who will suddenly join to do old raids that don’t offer good gear coming from?

Conversely, there are so many people who do old raids solo that Blizzard has taken steps to encourage it, whether it be with pet drops, removing mechanics that make it impossible to solo, or creations of special loot settings just for that. Why would those players enjoy their play style being ripped from under them?

You keep saying this will fix the game but where is the actual evidence of this?

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No. the content is soloable because it is irrelevant. also, there are some people whose gameplay is mostly farming old content for these collectables. they enjoy it, and if that weren’t in the game, then they’d possibly not be playing, leaving the game in a worse state than it is now.

as a counter to your solution, how about we keep the old content soloable with the current drop rates, but add an updated and scaled up version of it with higher drop chances on the cosmetics. like, say, 5% or 10%. still far from guaranteed, but gives more reason to do it, where as it otherwise wouldn’t be able to contend with the current raid tier.