Fix the old content

Its not gone and you’re wrong.

Again you’re just plain wrong.

Pretty sure it is wrong.

Cosmetics are the best in the game? Do you get tired of being so wrong?

Is it not pretty gross to think you hold providence over what others can and cannot enjoy, or how they can enjoy it?

There’s a word for that. It starts with F and rhymes with Smashism.

i get your point, but… just saying, the name-calling was a little uncalled-for imo.

Alright. I’ll edit it out.

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good on ya!

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What a new and exciting thread! Surely it hasn’t been posted before! Well, it has, but maybe not from the same person unless this character is that person’s alt.

But I think I will post now what I posted then…

How to enrage the WoW player base in one very easy step:

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I personally don’t care for farming out dated content but if people enjoy one shotting things to get worthless outdated items well its their time to waste.


Personally, I’d love a new raid mode beyond Normal, Heroic and Mythic: Timewalking

Got 10 - 40 guys together and want to raid old content in a challenging environment despite the fact that it drops crap gear? We got you. Right click your portrait, go to Raid Difficulty and select Timewalking. Rewards will not scale, but the raid will.

The rates are currently nerfed because the content is soloable, if you restore one you can restore the other. I agree that restoring just the dificulty would be madness.

You can, but there will be no game inside it, just a walking simulator. No mechanics, no damage, nothing, just go inside walk toward the boss and auto attack it. The original game is unplayable.

Sure, it might be considered a game but the original game is not there anymore.

It is, it makes the original content unplayable and the rewards meaningless. A cool phoenix is not a proof of skill, just a proof of nothing else better to do with the time.

Yes, it is a change that should have been made in BC. Yes, doing it now is going generate a lot of hatred, but the sooner you fix this, the better.

Ok so since you don’t want to explain yourself I’ll just state that I can’t see why destroying the old end game content and replacing them with walking simulators increases the fun for anyone.

It is, you can’t face the original challenge inside those raids, you have a permanent god mode switch enabled.

If you did this to any game it would be considered unplayable. Take any game and remove all the damage and challenge from it, they would immediately be seen as unplayable by anyone and their rewards would lose all meaning.

Yes, and so far I’m waiting for a good explanation for why.

Could you explain yourself better? How are they not the best in the game? They are usually the coolest and most unique things in the game.

I might have created a thread about this in an alt a long time ago, don’t know how similar it was.

Its not about farming old content being good or not, it is about keeping the old world playable.

What I wouldn’t love is changing the entire system to appease a select few people who can’t fathom how or why other people consider an aspect of it fun.

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That is not the point of the change, the point is preserving the old content instead of letting it be destroyed by power inflation.

it won’t be fixed, transmog farming is part of the game’s culture now


It’s not being destroyed. As heroes, we have progressed to a point where that content is trivial.

You do know that you can exp-freeze your character, right? So the fix is simple: xp-freeze your toon at the level of the raid you want to run, and have your idea of fun.

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Except it’s not and you’re still wrong.

Because most games aren’t MMO where the game world is constantly evolving.

Sounds like MMOs aren’t for you.

I’ve told you again and again you just refuse to acknowledge it. Power progression.

Those items don’t increase your character power, therefore aren’t the best in the game.

here’s the thing, if you can go in there, and not get 1-shot by a boss, or a pack of mobs… it’s playable. it’d only be unplayable if you literally could do nothing inside there.

to put your arguement in another games terms: minecraft (not memeing, i’m being serious).

some folks like creative mode, a mode where every resource is at your finger-tips and your practically unkillable,
while some folks like survival, where you have to… well, survive, and there’s more challenge. by your logic, creative mode is not playing the game, because it’s all laid-out for you. but really, different folks like different things.

just because you don’t like being a power-house, does’nt mean other folks don’t like it. just let people play the game.

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I mean, I wouldn’t be opposed to a system that allows old raid content to become relevant to current content and require a full raid with appropriate rewards; but only as long as it’s not forced on us mog hunters.

I mean, they kinda do that, sorta. Timewalking Raids are a thing when it is up in the rotation. But it’s like 1 raid from each expansion for 1 week out of a 3 week rotation.


one of the good arguments is wolves from a new zone should not be as difficult to kill as the lich king, there is never a valid excuse for it being this way

it was only done like that cause “hey we have this new land, we need to make players fight things in the wilderness, just throw some higher level wolves about the place”

it’s crap world building

“The Only Good Argument”*

Fixed that for ya.

No we didn’t, lorewise there is never a justification for a random bird in the river hit harder then the lich king. It is just a gamefied bs to keep the player chasing power.

Yes, I know and what ends up happening is that most raids are either mathematically impossible or easy beyond recognition. There is a reason no one does this.

Just becasue MMO creators have a tendency to not give a F about the old world it doesn’t mean its a good thing.

Oh ok so random birds in the river are more powerful then then Ragnaros. The power inflation between expansions is not canonical, it is just an artificial game mechanic to keep the player chasing more power.

Gear lasts only for a single patch before getting nerfed by power inflation, mounts are forever.

Do you know how many players WoW would lose if Blizzard implemented this? There are so many players that pay a subscription to solo farm pets and mounts in old raids. What would this change accomplish? To prove how dead old content is? Make people spend hours to create a group for a raid that is no longer relevant?

Possibly the dumbest suggestion I’ve read in these forums in a long time.