Fix the old content

Your idea of fun does not equal my idea of fun. A mechanic has been implemented to give you what you want, but you insist on taking away what others consider fun to fulfil your idea of what it should be.


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Wanting old content to be playable is called Timewalking.

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I have only tested a couple raids that I have been doing weekly for mounts (Legion raids and BRF) and seems the same to me. Some fights I beat record time and some a little slower then the last kill. But overall, not really seeing a difference.

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Explain to me what is the fun part of deleting the old end game content.

No the mechanic removes what I want, it removes the old end game content. You don’t need god mode in order to get their rewards.

Timewalking is a small step in the right direction, but the vast majority of the old world is still nerfed beyond recognition because of power inflation.

I think you missed the point.


This is NOT a difficult concept. WRAP YOUR HEAD AROUND IT

dude…are you taking something? lol
YOUR op here said this.

There is never a justification for anyone to be able to 1 shot the Lich King while dying to 4 random birds on the current expansion. The rewards should keep their original drop chance and still require an entire raid of players to clear it.

so yeah…youre telling us you want to END OUR FARMING OLD RAIDS FOR MOGS SOLO.
Im not the one pushing this idiotic idea, son…YOU are.
I never said a damned thing about ME being the ONLY one being able to farm old raids.

Exactly what I said.
Its a STUPID idea that would serve to further ruin this game.
Thread /off.

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in this case, i do. nobody, and i mean NOBODY wants to do old raids because their loot isn’t worth getting the chums together for. there’s no need to jack-up the difficulty of old raids, not unless like, you were using chromie-time or something, cause in that case, i could see it being a problem. otherwise, soloing is fine as it is.

I don’t see anyone saying old content should be gone. Why do you keep saying this. You’re being willfully obtuse.

That’s just your opinion and you’re wrong. Mog runs are extremely popular.

Yes, because its old content. We’ve advanced our power far beyond ICC.

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Its OLD CONTENT that NO ONE CARES to run AT LEVEL anymore. LMAO.
I know…I TRIED to find groups.
Its a HORRIBLE idea given the circumstances…


“I’m not gatekeeping, but only I can tell you the right way to have fun”


Exactly. They spend their time in CURRENT content. They AINT gonna go run raids in Mists with us, regardless of what the OP wants.
The game is how its going to be if they dont want to run off players like myself who farm old raids when theres nothing to do in current content.


Waiting for Direstorm to “reply” to anyone is like watching Twitter to see if Trump or Biden tweets something for the lulz. But imma just eat this popcorn while y’all hash out this debate. I’ve already gave my 2 cents. Old content still soloable btw and fun for people who want to chase mounts or xmogs. That’s the point.


:popcorn: :roll_eyes: :joy:


To be fair, his replies are always multi-part, well formatted and properly posed - that takes a little time. While I don’t agree with his point of view or incessant gatekeeping, I can appreciate his forum etiquette.

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sorry…this topic aint worth any more of my time.

Then explain to me what is the fun of destroying the old world.

Yes, it is very difficult, specially when you constantly refuse to explain your position and just repeat your conclusion.

I’m saying over and over that they shouldn’t be soloable. I’m not going back and forth on this, it has been consistent from the start. Raids should not be soloable…

I think that you are wrong. There are plenty of incentives for people to group up and do the content specially with unnerfed drop rates.

No it’s not, it is unplayable. Unplayable is not fine.

You are currently defending it to remain gone, I’m asking it to be restored.

Because nerfing any content beyond recognition makes it unplayable. There is no damage, no mechanics, no game inside them anymore, just the walking.

Yes, it is my opinion, that doesn’t make it wrong.

Of course they are, you are being rewarded with the best things this game can offer for just walking…

This is no justification, you just attached a label to it.

No we didn’t, there is no justification for the power inflation in every expansion. It is just a game mechanic to give you carrots to chase every expansion, it makes no sense. Being in the past is not the same as being easy.

Yes, they do, it has the best rewards in the game inside them. There will always be people wanting to get them.

You tried to find groups for things that don’t require groups. No one wants to group up to do soloable content.

Then explain to me why its horrible, so far all you did is say that you currently can’t find groups, which is obvious.

Yes, because destrying the old world by power inflation is fun and wanting for it to be restored is gatekeeping.

Dare I say not only raids from previous expansion, but from previous patches in the current expansion.

Could be similar to how mythic+ scales, yes? Then you get a key and can do an old raid once each week.

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but they’re not going to unnerf the droprates. so… nobody is gonna do the content.

you can’t go into the raid and kill stuff? man, must be somethin bad on your end, i can waltz right in, and slay anything i want in some of those raids. killing everything, is still playing the game. it’s still enjoying the old raids. it’s not unplayable, it’s just less challenging. and besides, being able to destroy old raids isn’t hurting the game.

I partially agree, but you’re up your own if you think it’s appropriate to make a change like that this late in the game

I don’t have to explain why something I consider fun is fun to me. Fun is an ABSTRACT CONCEPT OPEN TO INDIVIDUAL INTERPRETATION, not something you can define for everyone - or really for ANYONE but YOURSELF.

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you my dude, are correct… calling them gross was a little much though. uncalled for.

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