Fix the old content

Yes another redrawing of the map happens during probably 9.3

because if the raid was’nt soloable, i would’nt be able to solo it?

Because we’re more powerful every expansion and it’s fun to solo. Don’t need any more reason than that.

It’s common BECAUSE it’s good.

If you can’t play old content then that’s a bug you should report.

It’s called logic. Try it sometime.

I don’t know about making raid creatures so tough that you cant solo them while 30 levels higher …BUT.

There’s alot of cool boss fights that very few people get to experience anymore and I’d like to see a expansion featured every week where you can go back in timewalking and choose any raid from said weeks expansion for normal raid ilvl loot.

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Probably the worst suggestion I’ve seen on the forums yet.



…and still require an entire raid of players to clear it.

STOP trying to pretend now that you werent talking about ENDING solo farmng old raids.

What? LOL, the old content IS playable and so easy…I solo’d Mythic Emerald Nightmare on my Hunter yesterday and took about ~30 min. Come on man. YOU are playing the game wrong if you think old content isn’t playable. You can solo most of the Legion raids, and if you say you can’t then you’re definitely not doing something right. What is this delusional mentality you’re coming up with.

But let’s think this though, very carefully, hear yourself out.

YOU want the old content to be “playable” right. Ok, can you go into ICC 25M right now and solo the LK? I can, that’s for sure and many have. If YOU can’t, it’s not the game. it’s YOU. Remember, WoTLK came out in 2009, it’s 2020, and I’m 100% certain you can STILL solo ICC 25M with “current” pre-patch scaling. Again…if YOU can’t solo ICC 25M with pre-patch, it’s not the game.

Sorry what?

That’s 100% your choice, and optional.

No they shouldn’t . Old raids are just for cheevos and transmog.

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just think if this suggestion actually went live…

imagine farming mythic soo with 10-20 weekly for garbage from 0.2% to 0.4%

Yes, and it will be either impossible to clear or be unrecognizably easy. There is a reason on one does this.

Yes, they did, real life money. If you play for WTLK you are paying for the entire thing, not just the leveling content.

Yes, no one wants that and that is not what I suggested, any of that.

Sure, my bad.



You don’t need to solo it to play it.

Sure, its ok for you to be a bit more powerful, but that is not the case. You still die to random birds in the river if you are not careful, but you can slay the lich king. it is not the birds that got really powerful, it is the Lich king that lost it.

Yes, you do. If you want the old content gone you should have a really big reason.

No it is common because it was a developer oversight in BC and got ignored for years, while other companies tried to copy wow in all it’s aspects.

Any game that nerfed the enemies to the point of removing their damage and making them die just by touching the player would be considered unplayable and it’s rewards meaningless.

Yes, because it is very logical for the Lich king to die in one hit while a random bird can kill you.

Its not about making them tough, it is about not nerfing them beyond recognition.


I am, that is the point of the thread, raids should not be soloable. And because they are currently soloable there are no groups forming to clear it.

It is easy, so easy in fact that it unplayable. Any game that got it’s enemies nerfed this much would be considered unplayable and it’s rewards meaningless.

No, its not optional, the raids are nerfed beyond recognition and it’s rewards are now meaningless. There is no option to play most of them like they were intended to.

more like 100% drop rate, like it used to.

Are you asking for old raids to be retuned to be mildly challenging solo content? Kinda like Dark Souls in WoW?

No, I’m asking them to keep their original challenge and original rewards.

Blizzard isnt that stupid, lol. They pull some stunts, I’ll say that…but this one would run off most of those players who farm old raids during content droughts.
Its a dumb idea.
I get it that the OP wants to make old content fun again…so do I.
But as I said…i TRIED to get players to run ToT with me.
The basically told me to go screw myself…they werent wasting time in old content.

This has zero chance of ever happening short of a revival of love for old content where people WANT to play Mists again and run the raids every week…every day…all day…perpetually.
The second they get bored…boom…we wouldnt be able to farm old raids again.

The OP literally said.

…and still require an entire raid of players to clear it.

That isnt going to work because there arent enough players interested in forming ‘entire raids of players’ to run the content with for the rest of the life of this game.

They are not intended to be played as such. They are there as optional content for those who want to chase something specific.

Why do you think they re-did the starter experience, revamped leveling to optimize directly to only the latest expansion?

But people do do it, or did :rofl:

What a person pays for and the reason why a person bought something aren’t the same. There’s no way for you to know why every single wow player bought wow.

But if you want all raids to scale to current level then that’s what you’ll get.

Well it takes at least 6 months to get exalted with Hydraxian Waterlords, that would be one reason.

= no soloing it…as you said…we shouldnt be able to one shot the lich king and as per YOUR words ‘entire raid of players’ should be required to clear.

There is never a justification for anyone to be able to 1 shot the Lich King while dying to 4 random birds on the current expansion. The rewards should keep their original drop chance and still require an entire raid of players to clear it.

You cant have it both ways.
either we CAN solo for mogs or we cant.
Youve clearly presented the scenario where we CANT solo it anymore… = byebye players who stay subbed when theres no new content to farm old raids (ME, for example)

Then why are the best rewards in the game locked inside them?

Yes, and that is not the problem. The problem is that they got nerfed so hard that they are now unplayable. You can oneshot everything inside them and they can’t damage you. It is unplayable and the rewards inside it are meaningless now.

Because their policy of F the old content was preventing new players from joining the game and making alts too much of a hassle.

Exactly, just like they were originally made.

I’m not asking for both ways, I’m asking their nerfs by power inflation to be removed. It is only a sigle way.

You can’t solo for mogs, you need to group up for mogs.


Oh so you can only play old raids with god mode enabled?

This guy is like the ultimate gatekeeper…

Oh great keeper of the only way to have fun, please tell me how to enjoy the things I like the right way.

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Oh ok so wanting the old content to be playable is now gatekeeping. And nerfing bosses to the ground is now fun