Fix the old content

Oh, aight. WoD, BFA, Diablo 3, HoTS pro league, HoTS in general, Overwatch 2 kinda? Diablo mobile, what you guys don’t have phones? Ion getting boo’d on stage talking about pathfinder, then reintroducing as an exclusive feature for the next expansion, you think you do but you don’t, oh here is classic with a bunch of changes you guys didn’t ask for. let’s see oh the huge success of WC3 Reforged. The riveting sight of SL beta, blizavision firing 800 employees, the Blizavision EU headquarters being shut down. All these servers for retail merging together, that is one sure sign of a growing thriving community I’ll tell you what.

You know what let me retract my statement. Blizavision is doing swell. Thriving if you will. You’ve changed my mind fo sho.

Lot of reasons it started to go down hill

  1. Hell of a lot more competition

  2. Consel games were start to get a lot better
    And cheaper investment to start then buying.
    a PC

  3. Now did Blizzard make miss steps sure but if you think that some Activision employee was giving out orders on how the game should and would be run hahahahahahahahha

But yea lay all the blame at Activision feet :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

There was a strict change in development philosophy from blizzard when Activision took over. A lot of OG blizzard employees scattered. Soooooo I’m not going to blame people who arnt in the business anymore. I will blame the money hungry lunatics who tied the corpse of a company to sticks and pretend to animate it in such a fashion to trick us all into believing they are the same ol good ol blizzard. They arnt.

They haven’t been the same Blizzard since

Davidson & Associates bought them but yea its all Activision fault :roll_eyes:…but we will agree to disagree Majority of the blame should be laid at the feet of blizzard and not Activision

(Randy Jackson voice) “Yea…that’s a no for me dawg!”

I’d rather spend a cool ~20min farming Invincible’s Reigns solo on 7 toons than spend ~1hr solo or have to depend on a 3-5 man group to get through ICC 25m just for “old” content. Mount farming and xmog runs would take hours instead of ~20 min for the high ilvl and geared players. Why would you want old content gimped at this point? lol. Current content is basically what we are going to go through in Shadowlands, minus Azerite gear, so you’ll be even MORE gimped and will need to group up for world content, especially for elites, rares and world bosses whereas now, you can solo majority of them. This happens every xpac, why kick and scream to make old content scale to current content, makes zero sense as a brainless mentality. :roll_eyes:

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Agreed! This is like the last FUN thing left in the game!

Ehh I guess, though Activision is a super shady and terrible videogame company as well.

You are missing (or ignoring) the point.

Please reread my posts to facilitate comprehension

What are you talking about?

You know, it’s not that hard to make a new better fitting tinfoil hat.

There can be no change like this with a worst case scenario attached as the way it is currently isn’t hurting or affecting anything.

Best in slot lists

I don’t know, is that relevant? MC in retail wow tuned for level 60 and covenants won’t be the same as classic MC.

What are we talking about here? People go into old content for xmog, pets, mounts, rep, toys, recipes. You will have to find groups for it for as long as you need stuff from there.

And yet you support them thru getting gold to buy tokens and or paying sub outright…so in essence you don’t care

Because you can solo it. There is no need to form groups.

There is a group finder tool that enables you to group up with almost anyone in the world (actually more like a third of the world). And even if you were right it would just create more incentives for these groups to exist. If there is a demand for the content and a group requirement, players will form groups to do them.

Yes, even if you were not able to form groups, which is not realistic at all, keeping the rewards meaningful is reason enough to change it.

Probably not.

This would not keep you from farming old content. It would just preserve the content instead of letting it degenerate by power inflation. You can still farm old content you just don’t get to skip the game while doing so. And you can keep the normal drop rates instead of reducing them 100 fold.

Having old raids playable would also keep you busy during content droughts, and way more so.

Oh ok, so if you loaded up diablo 2 today and every mob did 1 damage and died in one hit would you consider it playable? Or are you just creating excuses?

I don’t, it has been the ugliest part of this game since BC. You just got used to trash.

Sure, and if you just gave all the rewards and mogs to them for free they would like it even more.

Yes, because they want to be rewarded with the most epic content inside the game for walking for days. But the thing is that this shouldn’t be rewarded.

Yeah because it is a problem that was ignored for too long.

Oh I’m sorry for suggesting that you should play the game to get the best rewards.

Exactly just like it was intended. You currently can’t do this anymore, it is unplayable.

This ability should never have been given to you in the first place. If a raid was released today with really awesome rewards and everything inside it was unable to damage you and died with 1 hit, it would be seen as completely unacceptable to anyone, it is just ridiculous.

You are not taking into consideration that the drop rate.

I don’t, I want it to be restored to it’s former glory.

And should stop happening.

I’m not asking for the old content to be current, I’m asking it to be playable.

No, you are the one missing the point, you currently have to do hundreds of tries for something that had a guaranteed drop rate. It was easier to get at the time compared to now.

If you pick any game in the world remove the damage the enemies do and make the player one shot everything it touches, the game would be considered unplayable, and any reward associated with it would be considered meaningless.

Why do you think that all the end game content of every expansion so far not being playable isn’t affecting anyone? People payed to play these.

Still clueless

Yes, because it is the easiest raid ever released and would probably still be.

Yes, and when they get them, they have no reason to return.

Are you trying to present a disingenuous example? You clearly know D2 and wow are not the same genre of game right? Why would you even present this example when you know it has nothing to do with your argument?

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What is the relevance of the genre?

If we couldn’t go back and solo old content I am willing to be the population would be a lot smaller.

I for one would have no reason to log in most of the time if I could go back and solo old content for transmogs and mounts.

Because when content in an MMO isn’t current it should be soloable. That’s the power progression in any MMO. An ever growing and evolving game where new content is predictable and steady. D2 is an ARPG where the game stays pretty static. Your topics are bad and you should stop making them.

The next expac does this. be patient. play SL.


Oh so because it is common in the genre that means its good…

Still not a reason why old content should be unplayable.

Your excuses are bad and you should stop making them.

does it?

to bookend stories mostly. imagine doing all of Wotlk, but being unable to see the fall of the lich king. or doing all of mount hyjal, and not seeing the defeat of ragnaros!.. er, the one that was his ‘permanent’ death (honestly, i think he’s dead for good, but you never know with blizzard’s writers…).

Why would you be unable to do those things?

It is playable, turn off xp :slight_smile:

Did they? When I started playing wow I didn’t know anything about wow, I just jumped in. I didn’t pay to play MC because I didn’t know about it. When people hear about wow now I’d imagine they are hearing about current content and when they pay for it that’s what they are thinking of.


Right now if I were to say “what’s the best bracers for a warrior” It’s likely someone will say [something of the something from Ny’alotha] There is one place to get BiS from for a raider. If you make your change and ALL raids scale to players level that means every single raid in the game will have to be considered when choosing BiS gear.
So now let’s say we’re in your future. If you want to play competivively you have to raid SSC for your neck, MoP for your cloak, WoD for your ring, ICC for Shadowmourne, ToT for your trinket, and on and on all over wow. No one wants that reality.

I’d say Ony is easier but who knows when they are tuned for current level.

But that won’t be

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